Been playing some Pathfinder: Kingmaker. A single player strategy/classic CRPG that has a blend of faction-level strategy and party-based RPG adventuring that can be played in either real-time or tactical turn-based mode.
I usually play games at high difficulty but in this anything above normal makes the game stupid where you and the enemy will go about 5 minutes without landing a hit on each other. On normal though its pretty fun and a rare hybrid of genres. Recommend if you like games like Divinity, but it is quite different.
The opinion seems split on whether Outriders is a fantastic loot shooter or a terrible one.
People seem to either love it or hate it. I've been itching for a co-op looter shooter since Division 2 so I'm interested but £50 too much to gamble on. I wouldn't go for it at half that. I'll maybe try it in a year or two if it works out its issues and the price drops significantly.
From the link above it seems like it has a bigger story focus (though not great writing) than comparable games and the endgame stuff is apparently very good.