Here's a conspiracy with absolutely no base to it but wouldn't surprise me. Israel is actively hindering global efforts to move away from fossil fuels, because when the US doesn't need oil, they will ignore the middle east and Israel will be destroyed by its neighbours.
Trump's administration attempted less reliance on middle-eastern oil by developing american pipelines. Those 4 years were arguably the quietest, most peaceful Israel/Palestine period in living memory.
A mate of mine is from Gaza (arab muslim...lives in Germany now). We regular discuss the situation...he's been in bits of late as you can imagine, he's got family there: during one call with a cousin he heard a rocket-whizz and a loud explosion, thankfully it was seemingly a block away or so. He has heard of deaths of neighbours he once knew.
He tells me the typical sentiment among the normal folk there is not one of wanting to destroy Israel at all, they want to live amongst or peacefully near their Israeli brothers: many of them have built up relationships, working & personal. He says the issue is Israeli-politik, always been the issue, and that Hamas is a natural counter-consequence of that politics. He admits Hamas stir the pot too...generally the political-sentiment to 'wipe Israel from the map' doesn't come from arab people, it comes from shitstirring politicians & religious leaders, as a response to the brutal Israeli-settlement-politik. The people are sick of it all, they have nothing against jewish folk, they just want a peaceful life.
I've heard similar sentiments from another mate who was from Jordan, back during that awful summer from around 2012-ish, where rockets were raining down constantly. And also from, of all places, fast-food chicken restaurants where all the workers are from Lebanon. With one bloke there i'd have regular chats too.
They all sound sincere, pained even when they talk about it.
Many years ago i chatted to an israeli, his angle was quite different: he supported his country's policies as it was a defence mechanism against those random suicide-bombs. He told me i can't possibly know how intense it can be unless i've been there (Tel-Aviv). He also sounded sincere, having an attitude of 'if they attack us, we defend ourselves'.
Which is also understandable.
Horrible messy situation. I asked my Gaza mate just last night if Netanyahu being ousted is a good thing, he said not really as the new guy (Bennett) is even worse: Bennett is on record saying he's personally killed arabs etc. My mate reckons the only positive is that the new guy says exactly what he thinks, he doesn't hide behind political-rhetorik. Also, on an optimistic note, that Bennett has shown signs of willingness to compromise if it means an end to conflict.
So no, there is no conspiracy to manage middle-eastern oil to protect Israel. Oil has always been about the money: US-meddling in oil there causes local strife, which in turn ups the demand for arms, which US firms happily supply. The total number of innocent lives lost, and homes destroyed, is irrelevant to those wanting to make money. There's more money to be made this way than Trump's vision of local american pipelines.
Orange Man Bad because his pipeline would've gone under a
Native American settlement.