Can see this going tits upLooks like a giant bra.
Love it.
Can see this going tits upLooks like a giant bra.
Love it.
Can see this going tits up
I can get that view. But for me, whether its brick, steel, glass or plastercine, it has to be instantly recognisable as our football ground. I that takes a while, then fine.
My hope for a new design
for my wife...
Looks like a warehouse to me....sorry
As long as it doesn't go tits up, I don't care what it looks like.Glad I’m not the only one who thought bra / boobs.
chicks dig the long ball...My hope for a new design
for my wife...
My hope for a new design
for my wife...
I agree - I do like that stadium and would fit in well with docks, Titanic, Tobacco. If not then I was hoping ultra modern with glass like the US bank stadium or something different like Safeco field. Workshops and stadium orientation seem to have dispelled any hopes for a view of the city and 3 graces from inside the stadium/blue wall via some sort of glass window feature. Sounds like the concourses behind the new supa-stand will have that instead - great when you are eating your hot dog, but that won't really be captured by worldwide TV coverage. Shame as it really would have been something new for this country I think to incorporate that type of aspect from your seat within the ground, whether a blue or an away fan. Not complaining, just hoping we aren't missing an opportunity, although I guess I should leave that to the expert and his team. Really looking forward to the full reveal now - can't be too far way surely!View attachment 45353
Might not be to everyone’s taste, but I think that’s a cracking stadium personally.
Pics or gtfoMrs R look(ed) not dissimilar not that many years ago. Still the same build. Not quite so youthful though.
Mrs R look(ed) not dissimilar not that many years ago. Still the same build. Not quite so youthful though.
Pics or gtfo
I jest
Its the hype i have issue with. I can easily be moved from my position on the brick thing tbh. Other than the location & the steepness, we have quite an average thing going on. There are stadiums that split in two, some have removable pitches, some can shut the roof, and many other things too.Like nothing else? Yes that was said but did you think a new material or building stadia was being invented for us? If it’s made of brick it doesn’t have to be a Lucas Oil stadium rip off just as if it’s made of steel it isn’t a Wembley rip off.
Have faith.
Pics or gtfo
I jest