Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Just dropped in to say hope everyone's doing well. I don't come into this thread often enough when I'm feeling well as I'm always nervous for some reason that I'll get affected by things.

Got a session Psychosexual therapy in the morning- I advise it to anyone who has intimacy issues/ relationship difficulties etc who may find their depression/ conditions are affected by such issues.

Anyway, that was just a quick thing to put out there. Good luck to everyone and take care! It gets better. It may very well get worse again quite regularly. But those moments of happiness are worth it! X
Just dropped in to say hope everyone's doing well. I don't come into this thread often enough when I'm feeling well as I'm always nervous for some reason that I'll get affected by things.

Got a session Psychosexual therapy in the morning- I advise it to anyone who has intimacy issues/ relationship difficulties etc who may find their depression/ conditions are affected by such issues.

Anyway, that was just a quick thing to put out there. Good luck to everyone and take care! It gets better. It may very well get worse again quite regularly. But those moments of happiness are worth it! X

Great stuff mate.
Just dropped in to say hope everyone's doing well. I don't come into this thread often enough when I'm feeling well as I'm always nervous for some reason that I'll get affected by things.
Yeah, I know what you mean by that. I was the same when i first looked in here. I kept thinking of the old saying "misery loves company", but I'm so glad I did.

As much as there are some truly sad issues that our friends face, the positivity & support on offer genuinely outweighs any of the sadness. It's become the first thread I read when I land on the GOT page!


Had to stand up and applaud this thread, I have just read Clarke Carlisles book and its an eye opener. I have suffered from depression all my life, its cost me two marriages and countless relationships. I'm 47 now and the only time I could ever forget about it was when I played football, I played at a decent level for Kettering Town as well as other lower league clubs. Now I'm older and work in a stressful job and also assistant manager at a lower league club its not the same, once again Ive folded on a relationship with a great girl, mainly due to me being depressed and not being a very good boyfriend, this cycle is never ending really and I will probably die a very lonely old man.

This last bit is a common, recurring thought that I can attest to... it's simply one of those things that is a 'self-fulfilling prophecy' (or something?) - if you let it become one... the comforting thought is that you seem like someone who is willing to identify that there may be problem (bet it's smaller than you think and more to do with your thought processes themselves than something that's inherently wrong with you) concerning relationships - and this makes you a sensitive person, in my book (in a good way).

Without generalising too much, girls have time for sensitive guys... that 'loneliness' idea will often intrude on your thoughts if you are feeling down but don't let it get to you mate; this is an ebb in that area of your life and your luck will come strong again soon... I hate to use football as an analogy but we all know what Everton's form can be like!

I'm depressed in my 20's and often let that idea get to me and it's a shame that young men can miss out a bit on the prime years of their life because they can convince themselves of something (that others don't see) which hinders them, by denting their confidence. I understand you are a bit older but I think you will have a lot more to look forward to if you can abandon that way of thinking about yourself and learn from past mistakes - easier said than done; us humans aren't really programmed to think that way!
This last bit is a common, recurring thought that I can attest to... it's simply one of those things that is a 'self-fulfilling prophecy' (or something?) - if you let it become one... the comforting thought is that you seem like someone who is willing to identify that there may be problem (bet it's smaller than you think and more to dio with your thought processes themselves than something that's inherently wrong with you) concerning relationships - and this makes you a sensitive person, in my book (in a good way).

Without generalising too much, girls have time for sensitive guys... that 'loneliness' idea will often intrude on your thoughts if you are feeling down but don't let it get to you mate; this is an ebb in that area of your life and your luck will come strong again soon... I hate to use football as an analogy but we all know what Everton's form can be like!

I'm depressed in my 20's and often let that idea get to me and it's a shame that young men can miss out a bit on the prime years of their life because they can convince themselves of something (that others don't see) which hinders them, by denting their confidence. I understand you are a bit older but I think you will have a lot more to look forward to if you can abandon that way of thinking about yourself and learn from past mistakes - easier said than done; us humans aren't really programmed to think that way!

Great post mate. In a nut shell " you become worried about being worried " and it's incredibly hard to get out of this mindset. Also this is when anxiety problems can manifest too. Each persons persons problems are unique to them. That's why this is such a wonderful thread, as it can help people realise that they aren't alone and mental health problems aren't anything to be ashamed off.

Keep up the good work ;)
This last bit is a common, recurring thought that I can attest to... it's simply one of those things that is a 'self-fulfilling prophecy' (or something?) - if you let it become one... the comforting thought is that you seem like someone who is willing to identify that there may be problem (bet it's smaller than you think and more to do with your thought processes themselves than something that's inherently wrong with you) concerning relationships - and this makes you a sensitive person, in my book (in a good way).

Without generalising too much, girls have time for sensitive guys... that 'loneliness' idea will often intrude on your thoughts if you are feeling down but don't let it get to you mate; this is an ebb in that area of your life and your luck will come strong again soon... I hate to use football as an analogy but we all know what Everton's form can be like!

I'm depressed in my 20's and often let that idea get to me and it's a shame that young men can miss out a bit on the prime years of their life because they can convince themselves of something (that others don't see) which hinders them, by denting their confidence. I understand you are a bit older but I think you will have a lot more to look forward to if you can abandon that way of thinking about yourself and learn from past mistakes - easier said than done; us humans aren't really programmed to think that way!
Fantastic post!
Just a little thing, have had sleeping problems for years. Recently started 'meditating' of sorts an hr or so before i go to bed. Just sit in a dark room with my eyes closed, let my worries wash over me and try think about what i'm going to do tomorrow, really helps me calm down even tho i don't end up doing 90% of what i plan lol

ive found it has really helped with my sleeping, sort of like im getting the worries that would be keeping me up out of the way. I will say that a big part of it is probably the fact its become a routine which i look forward to in fact. If it can help anyone it has made me feel a bit more with it anyway ;)
Just dropped in to say hope everyone's doing well. I don't come into this thread often enough when I'm feeling well as I'm always nervous for some reason that I'll get affected by things.

Got a session Psychosexual therapy in the morning- I advise it to anyone who has intimacy issues/ relationship difficulties etc who may find their depression/ conditions are affected by such issues.

Anyway, that was just a quick thing to put out there. Good luck to everyone and take care! It gets better. It may very well get worse again quite regularly. But those moments of happiness are worth it! X

I felt the same at first mate, but when I used the thread to share some of my experiences or troubles, the resounding abundance of support always has left me leaving this thread a lot happier than when I entered.

I felt the same at first mate, but when I used the thread to share some of my experiences or troubles, the resounding abundance of support always has left me leaving this thread a lot happier than when I entered.
Exactly this. We all know the saying "Misery loves company", but it's not always like that! I've come to think of this thread as a place where the saying "A problem shared is a problem halved" works best, or at least that's how I feel, because everyone is really nice and always offers good advice!

On a somewhat different (I guess?) note - I'm gonna leave this video here as a message to everyone who doesn't feel all that great about everything they've done in life, and/or those who have suicidal thoughts:

As someone who's both, the video is really moving, as it is intended to make you realise you're not alone and people value you, especially the ones closest to you, the ones you probably think you disappoint the most or on a daily basis, or the ones you think you're not doing your best for. I realise that I might be a bit daft here and it doesn't work like that for everyone, but it's a good thought - there's always someone there for you who thinks you're doing a boss job and appreciates you a lot more than you might even think.

Hope everyone's doing good :)
Exactly this. We all know the saying "Misery loves company", but it's not always like that! I've come to think of this thread as a place where the saying "A problem shared is a problem halved" works best, or at least that's how I feel, because everyone is really nice and always offers good advice!

On a somewhat different (I guess?) note - I'm gonna leave this video here as a message to everyone who doesn't feel all that great about everything they've done in life, and/or those who have suicidal thoughts:

As someone who's both, the video is really moving, as it is intended to make you realise you're not alone and people value you, especially the ones closest to you, the ones you probably think you disappoint the most or on a daily basis, or the ones you think you're not doing your best for. I realise that I might be a bit daft here and it doesn't work like that for everyone, but it's a good thought - there's always someone there for you who thinks you're doing a boss job and appreciates you a lot more than you might even think.

Hope everyone's doing good :)

What a wonderful little video, had a few tears watching it. Powerful stuff .

Well in mate ;)

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