Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

I've posted on here some 18 months back basically saying I had a bout of anxiety plus minor depression. It stemmed from work pressure and issues around my kids behaviour. I had a course of CBT and felt 'cured'.
I now find my anxiety has come back with a vengeance. Whilst I don't always feel down I have found i have massive anger issues. I am a very placid person on the whole but I am literally at boiling point quite often which never, ever used to be there. It's generally towards the wife and child but is creeping in with 'road rage' and even colleagues, friends/ family.
It scares me, I have re visited my gp who is happy to prescribe anti depressants with anti anxiety properties. Stupidly I don't want to admit I need them so haven't took the prescription. Through my work I can access CBT and have another course starting next week. Is this anger familiar to anyone else? I'm talking real fight or flight style, adrenaline pumping, ready to lash out which lasts seconds but then leaves me terrified at what I felt I could have done to my kid/wife/friend/ person who cut me up on the roundabout. I can honestly say I have never had it before and it's proper red mist.
I've posted on here some 18 months back basically saying I had a bout of anxiety plus minor depression. It stemmed from work pressure and issues around my kids behaviour. I had a course of CBT and felt 'cured'.
I now find my anxiety has come back with a vengeance. Whilst I don't always feel down I have found i have massive anger issues. I am a very placid person on the whole but I am literally at boiling point quite often which never, ever used to be there. It's generally towards the wife and child but is creeping in with 'road rage' and even colleagues, friends/ family.
It scares me, I have re visited my gp who is happy to prescribe anti depressants with anti anxiety properties. Stupidly I don't want to admit I need them so haven't took the prescription. Through my work I can access CBT and have another course starting next week. Is this anger familiar to anyone else? I'm talking real fight or flight style, adrenaline pumping, ready to lash out which lasts seconds but then leaves me terrified at what I felt I could have done to my kid/wife/friend/ person who cut me up on the roundabout. I can honestly say I have never had it before and it's proper red mist.

I have suffered from anxiety problems for over a decade mate which came about as a result of a work situation too. Mine started off as depression and the anxiety problems kind of slipped in through the back door.
What you describe is almost word for word how I would react to stressful situations. I had therapy but stopped as I could see that the therapist was scared of me. I also suffered from acute insomnia too, as I was so wired all the time.
The big problem seems to be that anxiety isn't taken seriously by GP's. I don't know why, maybe they don't understand it, or there's very little they can do to sort it out . One thing that does work are sedatives, but they are for short term use only as they are habit forming . ( I can testify to this ! ).

I am not expert mate or a professional but I can offer some practical advice .

1. Speak to your missus and be brutally honest, you aren't well. I know this will be incredibly difficult to do, but she'll know already and will want to support you.

2. Start CBT, it worked last time and start the meds the Dr gave you. You can always stop or change if they don't agree with you ?.

3. Try to avoid the situations that kick it all off, this will probably not be possible all the time, but maybe you can reduce these situations ?,

4. Take time out for yourself, maybe go in the front room by yourself for an hour and just try to relax. Go to the gym, excericse, take the dog for a walk.

5. Sleep is a massive one, the more tired you are the more the anxiety kicks in.

6. Don't try to drink it away, a hangover almost turbo charges anxiety problems .

7. Is there something you really enjoy doing like a hobby , try to do it if possible, it'll make you forget the anxiety .

I can recommend herbal stuff that deffo helps, but it shouldn't be taken with prescription meds, so start your prescription first and see how you get on with them ?.

Also have a look at this website - THE MENTAL HEALTH FORUM.

It's NHS run and you'll have to join to post - same as here. It's a brilliant site and there's a massive thread on there for all types of anxiety problems. Believe me there are many many people who are outwardly leading normal lives and fighting anxiety problems every day. You'll get loads of help on there.

Lastly have a look at the post on the previous page by @Miami Blue . It gives an excellent breakdown about the chemical imbalances that cause this amongst other problems.

Keep posting mate and if there's anything that you want to talk about in confidence pm me.

Hi everyone,

As you may have seen from the New Signings thread I'm @Robertor 's wife.

I've read this thread a few times and I know that my husband posted a bit about our story in the past, but I'd just like to reiterate that everyone on here is truly amazing, and I'd like to thank you all myself aswell.

This thread is one of the main reasons I've decided to join because as well as going through tough times in the past, I'm qualified in medicine and psychotherapy which hopefully can help people on here if they need me!

Much love to you all, it gets better! :)
Great reading your post. Welcome.
The more quality a pool of posters we can accumulate in this thread, the more assistance we will ultimately provide to many more.
I have suffered from anxiety problems for over a decade mate which came about as a result of a work situation too. Mine started off as depression and the anxiety problems kind of slipped in through the back door.
What you describe is almost word for word how I would react to stressful situations. I had therapy but stopped as I could see that the therapist was scared of me. I also suffered from acute insomnia too, as I was so wired all the time.
The big problem seems to be that anxiety isn't taken seriously by GP's. I don't know why, maybe they don't understand it, or there's very little they can do to sort it out . One thing that does work are sedatives, but they are for short term use only as they are habit forming . ( I can testify to this ! ).

I am not expert mate or a professional but I can offer some practical advice .

1. Speak to your missus and be brutally honest, you aren't well. I know this will be incredibly difficult to do, but she'll know already and will want to support you.

2. Start CBT, it worked last time and start the meds the Dr gave you. You can always stop or change if they don't agree with you ?.

3. Try to avoid the situations that kick it all off, this will probably not be possible all the time, but maybe you can reduce these situations ?,

4. Take time out for yourself, maybe go in the front room by yourself for an hour and just try to relax. Go to the gym, excericse, take the dog for a walk.

5. Sleep is a massive one, the more tired you are the more the anxiety kicks in.

6. Don't try to drink it away, a hangover almost turbo charges anxiety problems .

7. Is there something you really enjoy doing like a hobby , try to do it if possible, it'll make you forget the anxiety .

I can recommend herbal stuff that deffo helps, but it shouldn't be taken with prescription meds, so start your prescription first and see how you get on with them ?.

Also have a look at this website - THE MENTAL HEALTH FORUM.

It's NHS run and you'll have to join to post - same as here. It's a brilliant site and there's a massive thread on there for all types of anxiety problems. Believe me there are many many people who are outwardly leading normal lives and fighting anxiety problems every day. You'll get loads of help on there.

Lastly have a look at the post on the previous page by @Miami Blue . It gives an excellent breakdown about the chemical imbalances that cause this amongst other problems.

Keep posting mate and if there's anything that you want to talk about in confidence pm me.

Thank u for that mate. Sound advice. I know I'm just not myself and other people notice too. It's weird though as I might go 2 weeks feeling good, being my happy, joking self then something will trigger me, I kick off, totally over react and it spirals from there. This then sends me in a real anxious state for at least 24 hours. I then convince myself it's temporary and it goes for a while. I don't feel miserable hardly at all just very anxious and very, very angry.
Another factor for me, that I would be interested to see if anyone else has similar , up till the birth of my kid 4 ish years back I was very fit and active. Gym addict, martial arts, swim, box , them stupid 'tough mudder' type things- basically addicted to excercise! Anyway it's declined to the point of 2 gym sessions a week and there has been periods of nothing. I have read about a link to mh and excercise. I am still quite fit for a man in his mid 30's, I eat well and when I train it's properly done but it's probably a third of what I used to do. I am trying to squeeze in more as I think it may help with what I am feeling? Certainly the boxing is great stress relief!
Thank u for that mate. Sound advice. I know I'm just not myself and other people notice too. It's weird though as I might go 2 weeks feeling good, being my happy, joking self then something will trigger me, I kick off, totally over react and it spirals from there. This then sends me in a real anxious state for at least 24 hours. I then convince myself it's temporary and it goes for a while. I don't feel miserable hardly at all just very anxious and very, very angry.

Another factor for me, that I would be interested to see if anyone else has similar , up till the birth of my kid 4 ish years back I was very fit and active. Gym addict, martial arts, swim, box , them stupid 'tough mudder' type things- basically addicted to excercise! Anyway it's declined to the point of 2 gym sessions a week and there has been periods of nothing. I have read about a link to mh and excercise. I am still quite fit for a man in his mid 30's, I eat well and when I train it's properly done but it's probably a third of what I used to do. I am trying to squeeze in more as I think it may help with what I am feeling? Certainly the boxing is great stress relief!

I'm no expert mate, but I think you need to mention the fact that you can have periods of feeling good to whoever takes the CBT and your GP. From what I can gather most people with anxiety problems tend to suffer most days rather than now and then ?. What you describe could be something else ?.

Its possible that your moods may be linked to the fact you aren't training as much. Excericse releases Dopamines - which makes you feel good . I've read that people who are train a lot can get massive lows when they stop due to the fact that they aren't getting their Dopamine fix ?.

Theres loads of stuff on the Internet on all of this, when you get the time have a good look. It'll help you understand what's happening to you .
Another factor for me, that I would be interested to see if anyone else has similar , up till the birth of my kid 4 ish years back I was very fit and active. Gym addict, martial arts, swim, box , them stupid 'tough mudder' type things- basically addicted to excercise! Anyway it's declined to the point of 2 gym sessions a week and there has been periods of nothing. I have read about a link to mh and excercise. I am still quite fit for a man in his mid 30's, I eat well and when I train it's properly done but it's probably a third of what I used to do. I am trying to squeeze in more as I think it may help with what I am feeling? Certainly the boxing is great stress relief!

I'm no expert mate, but I think you need to mention the fact that you can have periods of feeling good to whoever takes the CBT and your GP. From what I can gather most people with anxiety problems tend to suffer most days rather than now and then ?. What you describe could be something else ?.

Its possible that your moods may be linked to the fact you aren't training as much. Excericse releases Dopamines - which makes you feel good . I've read that people who are train a lot can get massive lows when they stop due to the fact that they aren't getting their Dopamine fix ?.

Theres loads of stuff on the Internet on all of this, when you get the time have a good look. It'll help you understand what's happening to you .
Gotta say this feels like it's true, at least for me. I know it's different for all, but if I skip a day or two of gym, even if it's the weekends (during which I don't usually go!) I start feeling low... then get back to a high when I go again.

Plus, as you pointed out, boxing (and any kind of tasking physical activity) is great stress and worry relief :)

Gotta say this feels like it's true, at least for me. I know it's different for all, but if I skip a day or two of gym, even if it's the weekends (during which I don't usually go!) I start feeling low... then get back to a high when I go again.

Plus, as you pointed out, boxing (and any kind of tasking physical activity) is great stress and worry relief :)
Works for me as well. Periods of sustained physical activity work wonders for mood.
Just checking in and saying Hi, how y'all doing ? Im feeling OK at the moment, I am enjoying my football, came up to Goodison on Saturday and trying to get a ticket for Reading away if anyone can help.
I'm not directly in a relationship which has taken away any pressure and guilt of juggling anything, I'm enjoying not having to go to my GF house. This is even more pleasing as while I was seeing my GF I was also seeing a girl from work 18 years younger than me, amazing body and boobs, she stays over a couple of times a week, like last night and smashes my brains out.

My local team have a cup match tomorrow so preparing for that, hope you are all OK, PM me anytime if you need a different persepctive on depression and relationship [Poor language removed] ups, Im the world champion !

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