Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Hi mate, that sounds rather alarming. Is it something you can share here or with a family member or a healthcare professional?

Where do I start?

Victim of vendetta - business and personal bankruptcy highly likely etc etc
Nearly died from heart-attack brought on by stress and medical misdiagnosis

Too much to relate here rather than make personal accusations I can't prove.
Where do I start?

Victim of vendetta - business and personal bankruptcy highly likely etc etc
Nearly died from heart-attack brought on by stress and medical misdiagnosis

Too much to relate here rather than make personal accusations I can't prove.

For what it's worth mate, my illness was bought on by a prolonged work related situation which resulted in me becoming very ill, without a job and a family to support, with no money coming in. So I can put myself in your shoes to an extent.

Could you tell us a bit more ?.

Don't worry of you think you're ranting. Ranting is good for the soul !
Where do I start?

Victim of vendetta - business and personal bankruptcy highly likely etc etc
Nearly died from heart-attack brought on by stress and medical misdiagnosis

Too much to relate here rather than make personal accusations I can't prove.

That sounds tough mate. Like all problems in life and business in order to deal with them they have to be broken down into manageable chunks, many people get overwhelmed by the whole situation and find it difficult to work through it which obviously leads to other problems, often health through stress as you say.

Don't know your circumstances but businesses can't go bankrupt in the UK, they go into insolvency/liquidation/CVA etc - I assume you are taking professional advice? I'm assuming you have a company rather than operating as a sole trader.

Re you as an individual - if you are heading for bankruptcy and there is no way out of the situation then it's probably easier to take control of the situation by you leading the process rather than the stress of demands and threats by creditors. Whilst there are consequences of bankruptcy the process itself whilst not pleasant is not threatening and as much as it is designed to protect your creditors it actually gives you some protection too. If nothing else your creditor problems become someone else's.

Bankruptcy doesn't last for ever either, there's less stigma these days and you can get back on your feet. I'm not saying it is easy but bankruptcy is not the final act with nothing after it, it's possible to get going again either through employment or a new business.

Re your health and mis-diagnosis, have you sought professional help, perhaps from a no win-no fee lawyer (given your financial situation)?

If it helps talking about it here mate, please carry on, happy to offer thoughts and ideas as appropriate.
Thanks for the support. I'm coping (though 22 days now without a cigarette is getting hard). I can't prove either situation (though I do suspect that in the former I have been stitched up and in the latter the medical profession, though not guilty as such, didn't take a look at the wider possibilities, and at least they saved my life (eventually). Better to put that down to experience. Yes, you are right I should take control of the situation.. Will know in about a month if we (I) are going to win this battle.

It's good to know someone else does GaF. Thanks.

Thanks for the support. I'm coping (though 22 days now without a cigarette is getting hard). I can't prove either situation (though I do suspect that in the former I have been stitched up and in the latter the medical profession, though not guilty as such, didn't take a look at the wider possibilities, and at least they saved my life (eventually). Better to put that down to experience. Yes, you are right I should take control of the situation.. Will know in about a month if we (I) are going to win this battle.

It's good to know someone else does GaF. Thanks.

Any time mate. One last word of advice if you don't mind. Try and take control of the situation, don't allow your business and your life to be determined by others. The more control you have the better the terms of the negotiations/settlement will eventually be.
I'm still quite new to the forum and haven't posted much but I'd like to speak up if that's alright, I feel like I just want to get this down if someone is willing to read it.

I'm 21, just started university, living at home with parents still but unlike the majority of my peers.. quite simply I'm really lonely and I think its causing me to be depressed. A loner, a billy no mates. I have social anxiety which caused me not to join my school/childhood friends when they grew up and started partying and getting drunk - the thought was so scary to me - so I've lost contact with all but one who I only speak to time-to-time on Skype.
I have no one to watch footy games with, I have no one to share and create memories with, I have no one to talk to without worrying about their image of me. I don't talk to my family about stuff like this because I've always been the joker and the guy with a smirk on his face, I don't want that image of me to be changed in their mind and for them to pity me.
I feel like I've been forgotten about by everyone I used to know and I don't know how to handle this.
Always see the news articles about elderly people who feel loneliness, but never about the young people who feel out of place in society and also feel lonely.
I'm still quite new to the forum and haven't posted much but I'd like to speak up if that's alright, I feel like I just want to get this down if someone is willing to read it.

I'm 21, just started university, living at home with parents still but unlike the majority of my peers.. quite simply I'm really lonely and I think its causing me to be depressed. A loner, a billy no mates. I have social anxiety which caused me not to join my school/childhood friends when they grew up and started partying and getting drunk - the thought was so scary to me - so I've lost contact with all but one who I only speak to time-to-time on Skype.
I have no one to watch footy games with, I have no one to share and create memories with, I have no one to talk to without worrying about their image of me. I don't talk to my family about stuff like this because I've always been the joker and the guy with a smirk on his face, I don't want that image of me to be changed in their mind and for them to pity me.
I feel like I've been forgotten about by everyone I used to know and I don't know how to handle this.
Always see the news articles about elderly people who feel loneliness, but never about the young people who feel out of place in society and also feel lonely.

Wow, what an amazing and brave post. Welcome mate.

Apologies if I'm going over old ground, but is there anyone at Uni who can help - someone who looks after the welfare of the students in your year ?. Maybe they can help in the form of support groups ?.

Also have a look at this website - The Mental Health Forum.

It's NHS run and you have to join to post - same as here . It's a truly wonderful online community of people with every type of problem you can think of. There's deffo a Social Anxiety thread on there.

I know it's not the same as being with a real person mate, but keep posting on here, as there's loads who'll get back to you

I'm still quite new to the forum and haven't posted much but I'd like to speak up if that's alright, I feel like I just want to get this down if someone is willing to read it.

I'm 21, just started university, living at home with parents still but unlike the majority of my peers.. quite simply I'm really lonely and I think its causing me to be depressed. A loner, a billy no mates. I have social anxiety which caused me not to join my school/childhood friends when they grew up and started partying and getting drunk - the thought was so scary to me - so I've lost contact with all but one who I only speak to time-to-time on Skype.
I have no one to watch footy games with, I have no one to share and create memories with, I have no one to talk to without worrying about their image of me. I don't talk to my family about stuff like this because I've always been the joker and the guy with a smirk on his face, I don't want that image of me to be changed in their mind and for them to pity me.
I feel like I've been forgotten about by everyone I used to know and I don't know how to handle this.
Always see the news articles about elderly people who feel loneliness, but never about the young people who feel out of place in society and also feel lonely.
Welcome mate, glad you felt comfortable to share what you are experiencing

It is many years since I went to university but what I haven't forgotten was how difficult it seemed at the start to make new friends and how worried I was about what people thought of me. But I found in time that one of the benefits of there being so many people there was that, unlike perhaps say at school, there were those who had similar interests and personalities as myself - the hard bit was to find them.

I'll leave it to posters with more recent experience to give you some practical tips that might help at uni but you might benefit from talking about it with one of your family members as well. I know you are concerned that they might view you differently but loved ones can be surprisingly grateful you've shared the issue with them and genuinely think more of you for doing so.

Take care and please keep posting, both on this thread and others x
I'm still quite new to the forum and haven't posted much but I'd like to speak up if that's alright, I feel like I just want to get this down if someone is willing to read it.

I'm 21, just started university, living at home with parents still but unlike the majority of my peers.. quite simply I'm really lonely and I think its causing me to be depressed. A loner, a billy no mates. I have social anxiety which caused me not to join my school/childhood friends when they grew up and started partying and getting drunk - the thought was so scary to me - so I've lost contact with all but one who I only speak to time-to-time on Skype.
I have no one to watch footy games with, I have no one to share and create memories with, I have no one to talk to without worrying about their image of me. I don't talk to my family about stuff like this because I've always been the joker and the guy with a smirk on his face, I don't want that image of me to be changed in their mind and for them to pity me.
I feel like I've been forgotten about by everyone I used to know and I don't know how to handle this.
Always see the news articles about elderly people who feel loneliness, but never about the young people who feel out of place in society and also feel lonely.

Mate, there's a huge gap between leaving school and growing old. Use to cut me up that I left school without any 'lifetime' mates that everyone else seemed too. I used to think there was something wrong with me and there probably was, I was painfully shy and awkward and was happy to stay at home on my own. Those days seem a long time ago for me now mate. Then I grew in confidence and made good mates in other social circles and in work, I look back now and wonder why I was really that bothered and were these other people ever really that happy. The fact you are the joker means that once you learn to relax you'll make friends easily enough. Trust me mate, just stick with it and good luck.

Welcome mate, glad you felt comfortable to share what you are experiencing

It is many years since I went to university but what I haven't forgotten was how difficult it seemed at the start to make new friends and how worried I was about what people thought of me. But I found in time that one of the benefits of there being so many people there was that, unlike perhaps say at school, there were those who had similar interests and personalities as myself - the hard bit was to find them.

I'll leave it to posters with more recent experience to give you some practical tips that might help at uni but you might benefit from talking about it with one of your family members as well. I know you are concerned that they might view you differently but loved ones can be surprisingly grateful you've shared the issue with them and genuinely think more of you for doing so.

Take care and please keep posting, both on this thread and others x
Just like to reiterate this excellent advice on a first step to take.

It won't be pity they feel it will be compassion and love. That can only empower you on your path to a fullfilling life.

And again, thanks for sharing.
Thank you everyone! I wouldn't say it depresses me to the points of suicide, but sometimes its like something happens which is amusing or amazing then realise I don't have friends to share that with and it really gets me down and it does sometimes bring a few tears.
All your advice is golden and makes sense - I'll definitely keep it all in mind.
Its really warming to get support from people I don't know, the true blue spirit I guess!
Thank you everyone! I wouldn't say it depresses me to the points of suicide, but sometimes its like something happens which is amusing or amazing then realise I don't have friends to share that with and it really gets me down and it does sometimes bring a few tears.
All your advice is golden and makes sense - I'll definitely keep it all in mind.
Its really warming to get support from people I don't know, the true blue spirit I guess!
Hiya mate. Takes a lot to post the way you just did,
Thank you everyone! I wouldn't say it depresses me to the points of suicide, but sometimes its like something happens which is amusing or amazing then realise I don't have friends to share that with and it really gets me down and it does sometimes bring a few tears.
All your advice is golden and makes sense - I'll definitely keep it all in mind.
Its really warming to get support from people I don't know, the true blue spirit I guess!
Hiya mate. I read your first post where you mention that you dont want people to change their opinion of the image you portray, if its hurting you to the point that your feeling suicidal, maybe they need to see the real you to be able to help you. I know that probably sounds impossible but im sure the people close to you would want to know so thet coyld try to help. Ive been suicidal myself mate, had major depression issues over the years, still get suicidal thoughts but kind of learnt how to live with them/fight them off. It sounds like your not allowing you to be you which is going to make things ten times harder for yourself. Like i said, i feel awkward giving advice but your post reminded me a lot of myself when i was your age.

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