Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Hiya mate. Takes a lot to post the way you just did,

Hiya mate. I read your first post where you mention that you dont want people to change their opinion of the image you portray, if its hurting you to the point that your feeling suicidal, maybe they need to see the real you to be able to help you. I know that probably sounds impossible but im sure the people close to you would want to know so thet coyld try to help. Ive been suicidal myself mate, had major depression issues over the years, still get suicidal thoughts but kind of learnt how to live with them/fight them off. It sounds like your not allowing you to be you which is going to make things ten times harder for yourself. Like i said, i feel awkward giving advice but your post reminded me a lot of myself when i was your age.

Good post mate, thanks for contributing!
Snapped at work today and couldn't take any more. Have a new manager and to cut a long story short, it's been [Poor language removed].

Comment made today that has just summed up the last three month, and I wrote a email to the top boss who saw me right away and was great. She is aware of my history and wants to help. Worried that it means I'll lose my job in the long term for being negative etc but she assured me this wouldn't be the case. Only time will tell but I can't go on without talking to someone.

Anyway, off to the docs tomorrow as need some help I guess. Out with the lads at the weekend where I'll mention it after the usual discussion at how crap Sunderland are, as do think it helps to talk about it. Not easy but has to be done.

Determined not to go down the road i went down in 2012 but also worried about the future as by doing this I do think I'll be singled out as someone who can't cope. Which I can but I'm only one person and when you see everyone else getting help while you get more and more piled on to you then breaking point isn't far away.

Trying to stay positive for everyone's sake and hopefully I can get though this, and also canny to have this place to help. ;)
Cheers Esk. I posted on here a while ago but kind of made a bit of an idiot of myself so avoided the thread for a bit. I was wrong to do so i think, ive had my fair share of bad times to be able to contribute, and maybe help someone realise there not on their own.

Think you're being harsh on yourself mate, but I understand what you are saying. Guess this is the one thread on GOT where no-one is judgmental in any way - you're free to say pretty much anything ;)
Snapped at work today and couldn't take any more. Have a new manager and to cut a long story short, it's been [Poor language removed].

Comment made today that has just summed up the last three month, and I wrote a email to the top boss who saw me right away and was great. She is aware of my history and wants to help. Worried that it means I'll lose my job in the long term for being negative etc but she assured me this wouldn't be the case. Only time will tell but I can't go on without talking to someone.

Anyway, off to the docs tomorrow as need some help I guess. Out with the lads at the weekend where I'll mention it after the usual discussion at how crap Sunderland are, as do think it helps to talk about it. Not easy but has to be done.

Determined not to go down the road i went down in 2012 but also worried about the future as by doing this I do think I'll be singled out as someone who can't cope. Which I can but I'm only one person and when you see everyone else getting help while you get more and more piled on to you then breaking point isn't far away.

Trying to stay positive for everyone's sake and hopefully I can get though this, and also canny to have this place to help. ;)
If you dont mind me asking mate, what was the road in 2012?

Cheers Esk. I posted on here a while ago but kind of made a bit of an idiot of myself so avoided the thread for a bit. I was wrong to do so i think, ive had my fair share of bad times to be able to contribute, and maybe help someone realise there not on their own.

Take if from me you didn't make any idiot of yourself. You were having a tough time. Have a look through the transfer thread, that's where you will people making idiots of themselves ;)
I'm still quite new to the forum and haven't posted much but I'd like to speak up if that's alright, I feel like I just want to get this down if someone is willing to read it.

I'm 21, just started university, living at home with parents still but unlike the majority of my peers.. quite simply I'm really lonely and I think its causing me to be depressed. A loner, a billy no mates. I have social anxiety which caused me not to join my school/childhood friends when they grew up and started partying and getting drunk - the thought was so scary to me - so I've lost contact with all but one who I only speak to time-to-time on Skype.
I have no one to watch footy games with, I have no one to share and create memories with, I have no one to talk to without worrying about their image of me. I don't talk to my family about stuff like this because I've always been the joker and the guy with a smirk on his face, I don't want that image of me to be changed in their mind and for them to pity me.
I feel like I've been forgotten about by everyone I used to know and I don't know how to handle this.
Always see the news articles about elderly people who feel loneliness, but never about the young people who feel out of place in society and also feel lonely.

Apart from your course mate try to find clubs etc that interest you - fill your time and keep busy would be my advice. One thing I guarantee you would find rewarding is voluntary work in any spare time, there are loads of options, eg a local food bank, helping those in need really boosts your own esteem. Local primary schools can be great places to volunteer, kids give you a lift and again would be a rewarding experience. Do anything like that that makes you feel good about helpin others it really lifts your spirits, keeps you and your mind busy and gives you chances to meet new friends
I'm still quite new to the forum and haven't posted much but I'd like to speak up if that's alright, I feel like I just want to get this down if someone is willing to read it.

I'm 21, just started university, living at home with parents still but unlike the majority of my peers.. quite simply I'm really lonely and I think its causing me to be depressed. A loner, a billy no mates. I have social anxiety which caused me not to join my school/childhood friends when they grew up and started partying and getting drunk - the thought was so scary to me - so I've lost contact with all but one who I only speak to time-to-time on Skype.
I have no one to watch footy games with, I have no one to share and create memories with, I have no one to talk to without worrying about their image of me. I don't talk to my family about stuff like this because I've always been the joker and the guy with a smirk on his face, I don't want that image of me to be changed in their mind and for them to pity me.
I feel like I've been forgotten about by everyone I used to know and I don't know how to handle this.
Always see the news articles about elderly people who feel loneliness, but never about the young people who feel out of place in society and also feel lonely.

Apart from your course mate try to find clubs etc that interest you - fill your time and keep busy would be my advice. One thing I guarantee you would find rewarding is voluntary work in any spare time, there are loads of options, eg a local food bank, helping those in need really boosts your own esteem. Local primary schools can be great places to volunteer, kids give you a lift and again would be a rewarding experience. Do anything like that that makes you feel good about helpin others it really lifts your spirits, keeps you and your mind busy and gives you chances to meet new friends
Apart from your course mate try to find clubs etc that interest you - fill your time and keep busy would be my advice. One thing I guarantee you would find rewarding is voluntary work in any spare time, there are loads of options, eg a local food bank, helping those in need really boosts your own esteem. Local primary schools can be great places to volunteer, kids give you a lift and again would be a rewarding experience. Do anything like that that makes you feel good about helpin others it really lifts your spirits, keeps you and your mind busy and gives you chances to meet new friends

Great advice ;)

An imaginary plus 10.

Great advice ;)

An imaginary plus 10.
As have posted on this thread a few times, I myself have been through tough times- but luckily avoided serious depression. Even in the worst times as a primary school teacher I find that helping others really does keep a positive frame of mind, and the warm glow you get from putting others first really does work . Time alone to dwell is best avoided, and feeling appreciated and making a positive contribution is good for the soul. Even in my summer holidays I look to keep busy and often do bits of voluntary work - there are dozens of options out there to suit anyone's interests and personal skills.
If you dont mind me asking mate, what was the road in 2012?
Work related. Cuts, cuts and more cuts and you try and do all you can to keep things going but things go wrong and you blame yourself and I thought I was worthless and letting everyone down.

Started worrying about the future as more cuts were coming and convinced myself that I'd be out of a job and letting my kids and wife down. It had been coming for months and then one day I left work in tears and couldn't take it anymore.

Thought that ending it all was the easiest thing to do, just made sense all the crap that was being thrown would go away wouldn't it. But, rather than taking that route I told the wife and she dragged me to the docs who refered me to mental health who did a telephone chat and started by saying there was at least a three month waiting list. No idea what I said but i was given an appointment the next day.

Along with them and support from everyone I turned it round quite quick I guess but I've never really been the same since. Lack of confidence etc and I always take things to heart when maybe I shouldn't, but that's me and not much I can do to change that.

Feels at the moment exactly as it was at the start of last time, another round of cuts, more to come and work just getting too much, so I know I have to do something about it.

Not wanting to do anything, no interest in going out, just want to stay in the house and away from people. Guess the good thing is I've spotted the signs and trying to help myself but I'm worried about the future but remember being told last time that I have to stop coming up with things that might never happen, but again guess that's just tHe way I am.

Also, get annoyed with myself as I think that I'm wasting people's time as there is people out there with real bloody problems and part of me thinks I should just toughen up and get on with it, but then I know that it doesn't work like that.

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