I am new to this thread. So forgive my naivety.
I do not suffer from depression or anxiety; however my fiance has been diagnosed with clinical depression, anxiety and fits the description of borderline personality disorder.
I am at wits end to be honest. I have consulted counseling, doctors, friends, religious leaders...but nothing I have done seems to convince my love that there is treatment available and it helps. She refuses all help in all forms. At this juncture, it is crushing our family including our daughter who is only 6 and doesnt understand the anger fits or why mommy sleeps all the time.
so I feel selfish right now in asking...how do i move on? Is there some glimmer oh hope someone else who has been in this kind of situation can offer?
Welcome to the forum mate. This may be something your aware of all ready, but it's another great forum for not only those with mental health problems, but their loved ones too. ( This is something that is often overlooked, I know this as my missus came close to throwing the towel in when I was bad ! )
It's an NHS run online community and you have to join, same as on here before you can post. I can guarantee there will be someone on there at the mo who is in a similar situation. They may not have the answers, but you may be able to bounce off each other.
There's no clique on here mate, so no need to " forgive your anxiety " !!
Most of the regulars on here have either had or still have their problems, so you're amongst friends mate