Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Lost my nana on Friday. Felt like I've been in a horrible nightmare ever since.

Don't use Facebook for all that public mourning but my nana raised me and was the closest thing to a real mum I had. It's the most upset I've been since the birth of my daughter.

Found out on Saturday morning at 6am. Day before my daughters 8th birthday.
Condolences, lad. As someone who is extremely close to his grandparents and lived with them for 6 years, I can only imagine your struggle right now. Really sorry to hear that.
Lost my nana on Friday. Felt like I've been in a horrible nightmare ever since.

Don't use Facebook for all that public mourning but my nana raised me and was the closest thing to a real mum I had. It's the most upset I've been since the birth of my daughter.

Found out on Saturday morning at 6am. Day before my daughters 8th birthday.

Sorry to hear this bud. You stay strong. everyone is here if you need to chat.
As some of u may know my brother passed away this year. Been a bloody awful time and seeing as he died from a diabetes related illness and other brother has also been ill from another it has hit my mum hard. Obviously I now get the brunt of this from phone calls daily (which I don't mind) off her and asking if I looking after myself. Currently waiting for results of blood test at doctors just to put her mind at peace.

Previously in my life I had a MOMENT and took some pills in a crazy moment but fortunately looked at the picture of my nephew and niece and got help and was fine in long term. Anyone who feels down needs to talk to someone, they WILL listen and they will almost certainly surprise you and help you in ways you don't expect.

Within 24 hours of calling an ambulance and after being up all night vomiting black gunk I played cricket with my brother as I wasn't allowed out of hospital unless it was with someone they trusted and my parents were away. I went to cricket and we only had 9 players so I played anyway. Not sure how I ended up not out as I was away with fairies but did and saved game. Told a couple of guys i'd known for years and they were amazing for years and have even been checking I fine since brother died. That day has crossed my mind many times since the summer and it wouldn't have been possible had I not asked for help.

I know I am going to have the worst christmas ever but anyone who feels low for god sake talk to someone, you will be pleasantly surprised by who will support you.
As some of u may know my brother passed away this year. Been a bloody awful time and seeing as he died from a diabetes related illness and other brother has also been ill from another it has hit my mum hard. Obviously I now get the brunt of this from phone calls daily (which I don't mind) off her and asking if I looking after myself. Currently waiting for results of blood test at doctors just to put her mind at peace.

Previously in my life I had a MOMENT and took some pills in a crazy moment but fortunately looked at the picture of my nephew and niece and got help and was fine in long term. Anyone who feels down needs to talk to someone, they WILL listen and they will almost certainly surprise you and help you in ways you don't expect.

Within 24 hours of calling an ambulance and after being up all night vomiting black gunk I played cricket with my brother as I wasn't allowed out of hospital unless it was with someone they trusted and my parents were away. I went to cricket and we only had 9 players so I played anyway. Not sure how I ended up not out as I was away with fairies but did and saved game. Told a couple of guys i'd known for years and they were amazing for years and have even been checking I fine since brother died. That day has crossed my mind many times since the summer and it wouldn't have been possible had I not asked for help.

I know I am going to have the worst christmas ever but anyone who feels low for god sake talk to someone, you will be pleasantly surprised by who will support you.

Thanks mate for your amazingly honest post, I am sure it will help a lot of people. Equally a lot of people on here will have you in their thoughts and prayers this Christmas, which we all hope will help you too.

There's a great community here, please use it as a support mechanism if you believe it can help you....

Best wishes for Christmas, regardless of how difficult it may be for you.

As some of u may know my brother passed away this year. Been a bloody awful time and seeing as he died from a diabetes related illness and other brother has also been ill from another it has hit my mum hard. Obviously I now get the brunt of this from phone calls daily (which I don't mind) off her and asking if I looking after myself. Currently waiting for results of blood test at doctors just to put her mind at peace.

Previously in my life I had a MOMENT and took some pills in a crazy moment but fortunately looked at the picture of my nephew and niece and got help and was fine in long term. Anyone who feels down needs to talk to someone, they WILL listen and they will almost certainly surprise you and help you in ways you don't expect.

Within 24 hours of calling an ambulance and after being up all night vomiting black gunk I played cricket with my brother as I wasn't allowed out of hospital unless it was with someone they trusted and my parents were away. I went to cricket and we only had 9 players so I played anyway. Not sure how I ended up not out as I was away with fairies but did and saved game. Told a couple of guys i'd known for years and they were amazing for years and have even been checking I fine since brother died. That day has crossed my mind many times since the summer and it wouldn't have been possible had I not asked for help.

I know I am going to have the worst christmas ever but anyone who feels low for god sake talk to someone, you will be pleasantly surprised by who will support you.

Well in mate and I can only imagine how hard that was for you to write. Talking and letting someone know really is the key to getting help. It's strange how things can work out, who knows what would have happened if you hadn't played cricket ?.

Keep posting mate, I am sure your experience can help others too.

An imaginary plus 10 from me.
I've been depressed for a year now, keeping it to myself except for a couple posts made on here. I had been feeling much better recently, though I'm back to rock bottom today.
My brother was nominated for BBC's Unsung Sporting Hero award, after being awarded it for the South West. A great achievement despite not winning it on the national level.
Then he comes back today and within 5 minutes of being back in the door, tells me I'm "an antisocial prat" and to "go f*** yourself" because I was trying to play the montage DVD he was given by the BBC for us all (my dad was there) and thought I wasn't listening.

How someone nominated for being helpful and kind can be so heartless and thoughtless with his words towards his own younger brother is something I can't comprehend. I wanted to feel proud for him, how can I now he's made me feel like [Poor language removed] right before christmas.
I just feel so weak again :(
I've been depressed for a year now, keeping it to myself except for a couple posts made on here. I had been feeling much better recently, though I'm back to rock bottom today.
My brother was nominated for BBC's Unsung Sporting Hero award, after being awarded it for the South West. A great achievement despite not winning it on the national level.
Then he comes back today and within 5 minutes of being back in the door, tells me I'm "an antisocial prat" and to "go f*** yourself" because I was trying to play the montage DVD he was given by the BBC for us all (my dad was there) and thought I wasn't listening.

How someone nominated for being helpful and kind can be so heartless and thoughtless with his words towards his own younger brother is something I can't comprehend. I wanted to feel proud for him, how can I now he's made me feel like [Poor language removed] right before christmas.
I just feel so weak again :(

Public perception and reality are two different things mate. Or as my Nan use to say " street Angel " and " house devil ".

Just because he has won the award doesn't mean he isn't a selfish get. Don't beat yourself up mate, hopefully he'll realise that he's behaved like a tit and apologise . Also what did your dad do during all this ?
I've been depressed for a year now, keeping it to myself except for a couple posts made on here. I had been feeling much better recently, though I'm back to rock bottom today.
My brother was nominated for BBC's Unsung Sporting Hero award, after being awarded it for the South West. A great achievement despite not winning it on the national level.
Then he comes back today and within 5 minutes of being back in the door, tells me I'm "an antisocial prat" and to "go f*** yourself" because I was trying to play the montage DVD he was given by the BBC for us all (my dad was there) and thought I wasn't listening.

How someone nominated for being helpful and kind can be so heartless and thoughtless with his words towards his own younger brother is something I can't comprehend. I wanted to feel proud for him, how can I now he's made me feel like [Poor language removed] right before christmas.
I just feel so weak again :(

Hi mate, sorry to read this. Have a talk with your brother and tell him what you were attempting to do and explain how his actions effected you.

Re your "depression" have you spoken to any health professionals about how you feel? Alternatively you can post away here, I'm sure someone will have experienced something similar and can relate to your problems.

Talking is better than bottling things up, speak to your brother and the situation can get sorted.

Good luck

I've been depressed for a year now, keeping it to myself except for a couple posts made on here. I had been feeling much better recently, though I'm back to rock bottom today.
My brother was nominated for BBC's Unsung Sporting Hero award, after being awarded it for the South West. A great achievement despite not winning it on the national level.
Then he comes back today and within 5 minutes of being back in the door, tells me I'm "an antisocial prat" and to "go f*** yourself" because I was trying to play the montage DVD he was given by the BBC for us all (my dad was there) and thought I wasn't listening.

How someone nominated for being helpful and kind can be so heartless and thoughtless with his words towards his own younger brother is something I can't comprehend. I wanted to feel proud for him, how can I now he's made me feel like [Poor language removed] right before christmas.
I just feel so weak again :(

sometimes mate you just have to realise that whatever peoples 'achievements' they can still talk absolute rubbish sometimes and write it off as such. His failings doesn't mean you've failed yourself.
Other day I ended up losing my temper over absolutely nothing, and went on a proper rant at a friend. The next day I reduced a nice girl to tears. I didn't say anything nasty or personal to her I just generally lost my temper and basically wrote the entire world off as crap.

Think I'm scared of spending Xmas single again when it feels like everyone else I know is cuddling up with someone lovely.
I'm in what should be my best years of my life and it feels like all that's happened in 2015 is I've got a year older and more bitter.

Seeing some friends tonight though which is nice and reading through here has helped a lot, not directly but just for some perspective.

Will also try the deep breaths thing as posted by @moyeslovechild if I feel myself being a tit again, cheers mate.
Other day I ended up losing my temper over absolutely nothing, and went on a proper rant at a friend. The next day I reduced a nice girl to tears. I didn't say anything nasty or personal to her I just generally lost my temper and basically wrote the entire world off as crap.

Think I'm scared of spending Xmas single again when it feels like everyone else I know is cuddling up with someone lovely.
I'm in what should be my best years of my life and it feels like all that's happened in 2015 is I've got a year older and more bitter.

Seeing some friends tonight though which is nice and reading through here has helped a lot, not directly but just for some perspective.

Will also try the deep breaths thing as posted by @moyeslovechild if I feel myself being a tit again, cheers mate.
I'm the same with temper, but I occasionally smoke to clear that if it gets too much as it calms me down. Downside to that is quite obvious, as it is smoking... but I've got a history of random acts of violence mostly towards inanimate objects or just being kind of rude to people a bit too much. The breathing thing just stopped helping me after a (long) while.

I'm exactly the same as you mate, and I'm so alone it's unbelievable, but remember it's just a corporate holiday at this point... Yeah, it's nice to have someone with you on it, as everything's great and all festive around now, and we're young and want to have fun and experience things a lot more frequently and a lot more vividly, so to say, but it's not the end of the world - just sleep in or do your own thing on Christmas (like me - I'll be at work on Christmas eve AND Boxing day lol ) to get your mind off it; DVD boxset of your favourite show, or THAT one you haven't watched, a bottle of wine (or whatever your preferred poison is) and a lot of food, and that's Christmas sorted! It's what I'm doing on the 25th anyway, like.

I know we're young and want everything to be nice and fun and exciting, but remember this is basically just a few days. We're all with you here, or at least I definitely will be as my plans are as above stated lol

Tough times pass mate. Just don't let them get the best of you!
Other day I ended up losing my temper over absolutely nothing, and went on a proper rant at a friend. The next day I reduced a nice girl to tears. I didn't say anything nasty or personal to her I just generally lost my temper and basically wrote the entire world off as crap.

Think I'm scared of spending Xmas single again when it feels like everyone else I know is cuddling up with someone lovely.
I'm in what should be my best years of my life and it feels like all that's happened in 2015 is I've got a year older and more bitter.

Seeing some friends tonight though which is nice and reading through here has helped a lot, not directly but just for some perspective.

Will also try the deep breaths thing as posted by @moyeslovechild if I feel myself being a tit again, cheers mate.

Just to try and cheer you up mate, here's a few examples of how relationships can start in the most unforeseen circumstances :

A lad I know helped a girl get the petrol cap off her car in a garage, bumped into each other when out a few days later and ended up married.

My best mate went on a blind date and whilst on the blind date bumped into a girl he vaguely knew but fancied - they have now been to together for nine years and have just had a little boy.

A gang of us went to Benidorm a couple of years ago, on the last night one of the lads who was with us met a girl from Northumberland. He moved up there to be with her very recently .

A mate from York took to drinking heavily following his divorce, the barmaid from his local kind of kept a check on his drinking when it started to get silly ( when the lager changed to vodka ). She convinced him that it wasn't the end of his life and started dating him once he'd got his head straight again. They've been together for years now .

I could go on mate, but what I'm trying to say is that like everything in life, you really don't know what's around the corner.
I know that doesn't help you at the mo, but the more you let it get to you, the more it will affect you. As @DualityNSNO says, this time of year is a corporate holiday. Believe me there are plenty of people in relationships who right now are wishing they weren't due to the pressures that this time of year brings !.
I'm exactly the same as you mate, and I'm so alone it's unbelievable, but remember it's just a corporate holiday at this point... Yeah, it's nice to have someone with you on it, as everything's great and all festive around now, and we're young and want to have fun and experience things a lot more frequently and a lot more vividly, so to say, but it's not the end of the world - just sleep in or do your own thing on Christmas (like me - I'll be at work on Christmas eve AND Boxing day lol ) to get your mind off it; DVD boxset of your favourite show, or THAT one you haven't watched, a bottle of wine (or whatever your preferred poison is) and a lot of food, and that's Christmas sorted! It's what I'm doing on the 25th anyway, like.

Good advice mate, very similar to my post last night that was deleted for some under explained reason

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