Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

correct, the situation has grown out of hand & it's not like I haven't made the effort to address it since the outset, but I'm hopefully gonna whatever I do to prevent it turning into that.
Her ma' reckons she is btw ... and who was the 1 that refused to talk about whatever was wrong.
If you need any advice mate please pipe up further.
Welcome to the thread mate, you're amongst friends here and feel free to unburden yourself, no matter how trivial you may think your problems may seem.

You mention anti depressants and side effects. My advice is to go back to your GP and explain what's happened. Anti depressants aren't an exact science and you may need to take a few different types before you find the one that's right for you. Your GP will know this and should guide you through the process. You normally need to take them for a few weeks before you know whether they're working or not. Contrary to popular belief, they aren't " happy pills ", what they should do is make you feel normal again. There's no shame in taking them, look upon them as a " tool " to getting better.

You're original post is almost a text book description of depression mate. It's an illness same as any other, just that it's your head that's not well. Have a look,through this thread and you'll see that there's many many people who are / have been in the same boat as you are in right now. You've taken a massive step to getting better by coming on here. Keep posting mate, there's loads on here will help you ;)
Hey there pal, how are you? not spoke for a while. Just a quick query on your theory on anti-Ds. You described them as not an exact science, well, ive been thinking about this recently and, if you weigh up the fact no two mental illnesses are the same, depression, anxiety, ocd, rocd, ruminations, intrusive thoughts etc etc, and the amount of anti-Ds on the market, is it possible, in your opinion to find the right one? When you put these two factors together, do we end up with a bit of a lottery or am i on the wrong thought path? I personally have tried several different meds but not really found much much joy with them but found talking to a therapist works wonders. Hope your well btw mate
Hey mate, sorry to read about your situation, just been reading your posts, youve explained a lot about whats going on in your life at the moment but not really expressed any feelings in your posts, how do you actually feel about it all?
You know what it's like mate, if you have decent reserves then you're more capable of dealing with the troubles life throws at you. Those reserves drop (through lack of sleep, stress etc.) and it becomes a whole lot harder. At the moment I need the reserves to be tip top, and they're not always, so it becomes easier for long-standing issues to eat away.

The old adage about it "Being good to talk" is pretty much true. Whatever's troubling you, you're not unique, someone else will have been through the same thing. Chances are, someone here will have been in a similar situation. If you can't talk about in the real world, then folk here will listen, and not judge you, either here, in this thread or by PM.
Hey there pal, how are you? not spoke for a while. Just a quick query on your theory on anti-Ds. You described them as not an exact science, well, ive been thinking about this recently and, if you weigh up the fact no two mental illnesses are the same, depression, anxiety, ocd, rocd, ruminations, intrusive thoughts etc etc, and the amount of anti-Ds on the market, is it possible, in your opinion to find the right one? When you put these two factors together, do we end up with a bit of a lottery or am i on the wrong thought path? I personally have tried several different meds but not really found much much joy with them but found talking to a therapist works wonders. Hope your well btw mate

Personally I believe that you everyone can find an anti D that's right for them, it's just a question of trial and error to a point and also having a good GP that keeps on going with you until the right one is found. Its great that therapy worked for, as it means not having to take meds !. I think it's horses for courses with therapy mate, as it doesn't work for some - me being one. The real scandal is that mental health treatment continues to be a lottery for many dependant on where you live.

Personally I believe that you everyone can find an anti D that's right for them, it's just a question of trial and error to a point and also having a good GP that keeps on going with you until the right one is found. Its great that therapy worked for, as it means not having to take meds !. I think it's horses for courses with therapy mate, as it doesn't work for some - me being one. The real scandal is that mental health treatment continues to be a lottery for many dependant on where you live.
This is what i mean though mate, its trial and error like you say, they suggest taking anti-Ds for 6 weeks at least before you decide if theyre right for you, then, if you feel theyre not working, thet suggest a 6 week gap before you try some different ones, thats 12 weeks just to find out they dont work, you know as well as i do, 12 weeks is a lifetime when your struggling, then if the next ones dont work thats 24 weeks,half a year wasted looking for a solution and no better for it. Sorry to appear negative, im sure some people do find help in meds its just i havent and was just looking for someone elses opinion on the likelyhood of the possibility.And yes, im finding therapy really helpful thanks, only been 3 times but definitely feeling better. By the way, has anyone heard from the girl who was posting the other day who was due to see a therapist for the first time?
This is what i mean though mate, its trial and error like you say, they suggest taking anti-Ds for 6 weeks at least before you decide if theyre right for you, then, if you feel theyre not working, thet suggest a 6 week gap before you try some different ones, thats 12 weeks just to find out they dont work, you know as well as i do, 12 weeks is a lifetime when your struggling, then if the next ones dont work thats 24 weeks,half a year wasted looking for a solution and no better for it. Sorry to appear negative, im sure some people do find help in meds its just i havent and was just looking for someone elses opinion on the likelyhood of the possibility.And yes, im finding therapy really helpful thanks, only been 3 times but definitely feeling better. By the way, has anyone heard from the girl who was posting the other day who was due to see a therapist for the first time?

You're 100% right there mate. For someone who isn't well to keep going through the time consuming process of trial and error plus the side effects if the anti D's aren't the right ones is very very difficult. Especially when it's hard enough just getting out of bed in the mornings !

Good shout about @efc_girl ?

How are you doing ?
You're 100% right there mate. For someone who isn't well to keep going through the time consuming process of trial and error plus the side effects if the anti D's aren't the right ones is very very difficult. Especially when it's hard enough just getting out of bed in the mornings !

Good shout about @efc_girl ?

How are you doing ?
Im ok pal, had a bit of a bad time recently but defo back on the up. I dont mean to come across negative about the anti-Ds its just ive personally had no luck from them. Horses for courses i suppose, the next man may find tablets helpful and therapy useless. How are you at the moment mate?
Im ok pal, had a bit of a bad time recently but defo back on the up. I dont mean to come across negative about the anti-Ds its just ive personally had no luck from them. Horses for courses i suppose, the next man may find tablets helpful and therapy useless. How are you at the moment mate?

Good at the moment, but can still have mad anxiety attacks at the drop of a hat. Something that's never going to go and I've learnt to manage it as best as I can !

Over a decade with it now, other than acupuncture and hypnotherapy I've tried everything. You learn to live with anything eventually, it's how you manage it that matters.
So, do you believe your as "fixed" as your going to get? Or are you still looking for other possible remedies?
Hey mate, sorry to read about your situation, just been reading your posts, youve explained a lot about whats going on in your life at the moment but not really expressed any feelings in your posts, how do you actually feel about it all?

I think it was me that you was asking ?

Frustrated I think is the answer, as when it was obvious that there was something wrong the way I felt never altered, then all of a sudden i realised that I'd started to stop being arsed about it -- self defence mechanism kicked in eventually I reckon. But I've felt powerless throughout it all as well cos it's not like I haven't been trying to change things for the better.

The sh*t goes round in your head though & affects your everyday functioning, I took the kids to see a film today & couldn't tell you a jot about it cos there was so much going through my mind, given that the types of jobs I've been applying for are safety critical I really dont know how I'd go on if stuff was in my mind like at the pictures today.

Anyway, I think she's realised how much going to Wembley means to the kids, mentioning that if we dont get tickets tomorrow that'll be it might have swung that one. Cant see it working with the season tickets though tbh.
You're 100% right there mate. For someone who isn't well to keep going through the time consuming process of trial and error plus the side effects if the anti D's aren't the right ones is very very difficult. Especially when it's hard enough just getting out of bed in the mornings !

Good shout about @efc_girl ?

How are you doing ?

Im ok pal, had a bit of a bad time recently but defo back on the up. I dont mean to come across negative about the anti-Ds its just ive personally had no luck from them. Horses for courses i suppose, the next man may find tablets helpful and therapy useless. How are you at the moment mate?

Horses for courses is spot on. There's a history of depression in my family going back at least a couple of generations, and both my sisters have suffered at some point in the last ten years. They've both got through it with a combination of medication and therapy and, after the odd false dawn are both happy and healthy now.

It's worth persevering with, but people shouldn't be afraid of saying something isn't working and they want to try something else. Regular contributors and lurkers on here will know much better than me, but based on what I've seen personally, medication can quite easily take three to five weeks to have a positive effect.
I think it was me that you was asking ?

Frustrated I think is the answer, as when it was obvious that there was something wrong the way I felt never altered, then all of a sudden i realised that I'd started to stop being arsed about it -- self defence mechanism kicked in eventually I reckon. But I've felt powerless throughout it all as well cos it's not like I haven't been trying to change things for the better.

The sh*t goes round in your head though & affects your everyday functioning, I took the kids to see a film today & couldn't tell you a jot about it cos there was so much going through my mind, given that the types of jobs I've been applying for are safety critical I really dont know how I'd go on if stuff was in my mind like at the pictures today.

Anyway, I think she's realised how much going to Wembley means to the kids, mentioning that if we dont get tickets tomorrow that'll be it might have swung that one. Cant see it working with the season tickets though tbh.

It's tough when kids are involved, but they're not stupid, and will probably know all is not right.

I went through a similar situation to where you are now nigh on twenty years ago, and spent two or three years trying to fix something which was obviously broken. All you can do is try.

For many people, just getting to that point makes both sides realise they have more to lose by splitting up than they have to gain, and they manage to turn it round, but equally, if staying in a relationship is making everyone miserable, then there does come a point where it's better to call it a day.

All I can really say is that, if it comes to it, then there is life after a long-term relationship breaks up, and, despite financial hardships, it may well be a better life. Before you get to that point, I would recommend something like www.relate.org.uk though. Sometimes having everything out in front of a stranger, warts and all, can make people realise that they are closer than what they want to admit. I've seen mates go to relate in absolute turmoil and come out of it stronger.

Basically this means I'm on the fence :oops:

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