Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Mate, I can only speak for more myself but I think most will agree, it helps me/us to read about your thoughts.
You've been a amazing person to listen to and chat with in here to many. It helps me to process everything you are going through having you share what you want/can with us.
You are one of us mate ;)
spent nearly all day in hospital having a stent put in to try and help the blood flow to my brain and relieve the pressure. quite boring really just spent most of it sleeping. mood wise has been really weird. I'm feeling a bit of a fraud. the first few days after the news was pretty hectic telling family, the sympathy, arranging things, cancelling stuff etc but now things seemed to have calmed down. I don't feel any different to how I was last week. I'm still like everyone else doing the things I normally do. the hospital making appointments by weeks not days, I am not in any more pain or discomfort than I have been for the past 3 years people who know I have cancer but not terminal say i'm looking good so I think what's the big deal?. my wife took a month off work but after a discussion we have decided she should go back. it will help her I think as she is suffering and there is nothing she can do for me at the moment and when the time comes I do need her she can take time off then. she is a bit worried what people will think of her but I said sod them they don't matter. she's driving me nuts being here 24/7 anyway lol. I've decided to keep my Bournemouth ticket and go Saturday meet up with mates and have a good day at goodison, maybe a few drinks if I can manage it.
like I said a weird mood and it feels a bit better getting it out on here instead of whirling like a dervish around my head.
spent nearly all day in hospital having a stent put in to try and help the blood flow to my brain and relieve the pressure. quite boring really just spent most of it sleeping. mood wise has been really weird. I'm feeling a bit of a fraud. the first few days after the news was pretty hectic telling family, the sympathy, arranging things, cancelling stuff etc but now things seemed to have calmed down. I don't feel any different to how I was last week. I'm still like everyone else doing the things I normally do. the hospital making appointments by weeks not days, I am not in any more pain or discomfort than I have been for the past 3 years people who know I have cancer but not terminal say i'm looking good so I think what's the big deal?. my wife took a month off work but after a discussion we have decided she should go back. it will help her I think as she is suffering and there is nothing she can do for me at the moment and when the time comes I do need her she can take time off then. she is a bit worried what people will think of her but I said sod them they don't matter. she's driving me nuts being here 24/7 anyway lol. I've decided to keep my Bournemouth ticket and go Saturday meet up with mates and have a good day at goodison, maybe a few drinks if I can manage it.
like I said a weird mood and it feels a bit better getting it out on here instead of whirling like a dervish around my head.
Can only imagine it's a weird time not knowing how to feel. That you can get around and go to the game is great. Don't forget the tennis ball! :p
Is there anything in particular you would like to do mate while you can?
Can only imagine it's a weird time not knowing how to feel. That you can get around and go to the game is great. Don't forget the tennis ball! :p
Is there anything in particular you would like to do mate while you can?
I've led a full life was an army brat so have travelled and lived around the world, seen everton win cups and titles had children and g/kids owned the bikes I wanted seen 100's of my fav bands lived a wild life and lived a responsible(ish) life. always been honest to myself and others so no not really. only 1 thing that we got planned is a bike/music rally at the end of july. we go every year, a weekend of bikes, beer, music and just chilling meeting new people old friends, i'd like to last till then.
I've led a full life was an army brat so have travelled and lived around the world, seen everton win cups and titles had children and g/kids owned the bikes I wanted seen 100's of my fav bands lived a wild life and lived a responsible(ish) life. always been honest to myself and others so no not really. only 1 thing that we got planned is a bike/music rally at the end of july. we go every year, a weekend of bikes, beer, music and just chilling meeting new people old friends, i'd like to last till then.
No regrets! Beautiful mate. :)

I've led a full life was an army brat so have travelled and lived around the world, seen everton win cups and titles had children and g/kids owned the bikes I wanted seen 100's of my fav bands lived a wild life and lived a responsible(ish) life. always been honest to myself and others so no not really. only 1 thing that we got planned is a bike/music rally at the end of july. we go every year, a weekend of bikes, beer, music and just chilling meeting new people old friends, i'd like to last till then.

I'm sure I speak for others on here mate when I say that I think your strength is an inspiration to others and I genuinely believe that your posts will help others on here too. People talk about putting things into perspective and I know that you don't intend your posts to come across that way, but for me this one of those occasions when things really are put into perspective.
going to try for bed now. i'll be glad when i'm off the steroids lol. they don't half mess your sleep up.

nos da hwyl fawr.
Bore da mate. Not that it matters but that post made me take a look at your details for the first time. Grew up in Rhostyllen myself, 9 years older so unlikely we ever met.
Your posts are great, treat it as a blog and just write whatever you feel like.
Finally cleared all my debts. At least now no one will be chasing my wife for money when i'm gone and that makes me feel good.
In a perverse way it's nice to be able to do all this for her, most bereaved people have this thrust on them to deal with on top of everything else they are going through. We experienced it with my brother and a year on there are still things unresolved.
Finally cleared all my debts. At least now no one will be chasing my wife for money when i'm gone and that makes me feel good.
In a perverse way it's nice to be able to do all this for her, most bereaved people have this thrust on them to deal with on top of everything else they are going through. We experienced it with my brother and a year on there are still things unresolved.

You my friend are a great inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, you are helping people here more than you are helping yourself if you get my meaning.

Enjoy every day whilst you can mate, it's something we all should do anyway. Carpe Diem!

Finally cleared all my debts. At least now no one will be chasing my wife for money when i'm gone and that makes me feel good.
In a perverse way it's nice to be able to do all this for her, most bereaved people have this thrust on them to deal with on top of everything else they are going through. We experienced it with my brother and a year on there are still things unresolved.
Was about to post in here to you, so happy to read this. ;)

I'll just echo what @The Esk said above.
Been prescribed citalopram by a different GP, give him both barrels of all my issues. After 20 odd years of depression he has suggested councilling, I do not know what that entails, is it sitting on a sofa talking about my parents?

Was close to tears telling him my problems and he was a bit more receptive and sensitive to my awkward admission
Thank you all for allowing me to do this. Hopefully i'll be on here for quite a while yet.
I think I know how you will all respond but I want to offer an apology.
The first few days I was a bit wrapped up in myself and reading back on my posts I seemed to be all me me me.
I do know that I am not unique and there are probably loads on here who have experienced similar experiences with loved ones or themselves.

I would love to hear from anyone who has been through cancer and is in remission, been through the chemo etc.
Been prescribed citalopram by a different GP, give him both barrels of all my issues. After 20 odd years of depression he has suggested councilling, I do not know what that entails, is it sitting on a sofa talking about my parents?

Was close to tears telling him my problems and he was a bit more receptive and sensitive to my awkward admission
In my bouts of depression I had 2 types of counselling. 1 was with a psychiatrist to asses suicide possibility and that IS quite intrusive.
The other was McMillan they just let you get everything off your chest, chatting about anything you want without the intrusion.
Been prescribed citalopram by a different GP, give him both barrels of all my issues. After 20 odd years of depression he has suggested councilling, I do not know what that entails, is it sitting on a sofa talking about my parents?

Was close to tears telling him my problems and he was a bit more receptive and sensitive to my awkward admission

In my experience counselling (through university, not the NHS) was more a space to vent and get things off my chest rather than anything intrusive.

It helped offer an outside perspective on my problems and thoughts, which is invaluable because we are often incapable of seeing the bigger picture when faced with the problems we perceive to be "to big to overcome".

I always came away feeling slightly lighter knowing that my problems were not as huge or as threatening as I once thought they were.

That's not to say everyone's problems aren't all that bad, but just that we often "can't see the wood for the trees".

I highly recommend engaging with the counselling, it's the only way to properly benefit. Hope it works out for you!

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