Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Bottling up is what I've been taught all my life. it's what I'm finally confronting now, and it scares me silly.
My Uncle was a Sgt. Major in the Scots Guards, larger than life, Jimmy Edwards moustache, etc, and when he visited us years ago, I cut my finger playing darts. As a kid, at the time, it hurt.

"Bloody Hell" he said "I've seen Men with bayonets sticking out of them making less noise than you!"...yeah, I sucked it in.

My point though is that his generation, my Mum included, were children during the war and were brought up to 'bottle it in'. I know for a fact that it affected my Mum greatly in later life, but it was ingrained in her to never complain. We had to tell Doctors & Nurses not to take her word on the pain she was feeling because she'd let it go too far.

I certainly know exactly what that is like.
I think one of the main problems for me- then and now- was that my family are very practical- we're amazing in a crisis, and can help sort anything- but utterly useless at actually talking about emotions (god forbid)- so even though i didn't really want to bottle stuff up- I did initially as a coping mechanism, and then when I was able to talk, everyone else had moved on, and had assumed I'd done the same as I didn't appear on the outside to be upset.

Bottling up is what I've been taught all my life. it's what I'm finally confronting now, and it scares me silly.

This is the major source of my problems, all be it due to the opposite family situation. Stems back to childhood when I felt I had to be strong while everyone around me fell to bits so I bottled everything up (messy adultary/divorce for parents at the same time as I was ill). By the time I was ready to process what went down and how it impacted me everyone else had moved on.

Even now 24 years later nobody discusses or mentions the fact that I was ill, or that it may or may not have contributed to the other stuff.

Anyway, thats what is great about this forum so if you feel scared then get typing. Lots of impartial and wise folks about.
Some pretty inspiring posts today fair play. Sorry but thanks for sharing @flippa. Totally relate to what you say. When I was working in a bank, I was seen as the 'indestructable' bloke who would be given all of the difficult customers to handle. Sent me over the edge and my boss completely changed her attitude towards me. Instead of helping she would offer comments such as, "you're so much better than this. Why do you let it affect you so much?" As you all know, you can't help it though. It's something that really creeps up on you!

For anyone getting over their first bout of mental ill-health (or those with more experience) you may find these links a little helpful. One thing that got me on the first steps to 'remission' was joining up with Time to Change. They're a project that run anti-stigma training to workplaces and rely on volunteers to speak and help run exhibitions etc as well as other types of stuff. I just wrote blogs though and met up with the other volunteers now and again. Honestly couldn't have wished to meet more amazing people, and made me feel so much more comfortable around people who could relate to me.

It's not for everyone I understand, but you don't need to do too much, you can just meet up with the people you get to know through it. Helps confidence build. I know with other charities it can sometimes need a referral from a doctor etc. but Time to Change is very informal. Also makes you feel amazing just helping educate even one friend about mental health!

This is the link for the English project: http://www.time-to-change.org.uk/
Wales: http://www.timetochangewales.org.uk/en/
And what I believe is the Scottish one: https://www.seemescotland.org/

I'm sure there's countless other projects that do similar things in other countries too. If there's any men, young in particular, who is into their music, CALM is a great one (Campaign Against Living Miserably.) Get free entry to festivals etc.


Still can't get any decent sleep. Yesterday was a bad day, after all the activity of the past week things just seemed to stop. I woke up early again came down made a coffee and sat down. Then nothing. I couldn't do a thing just sat there for hours thinking I should be doing something. I tried coming on here, tried puzzles, games, watching tv but nothing seemed to hold me longer than a few minutes. My mind was a whirl, so many thoughts in no sense or order. I even tried drinking but gave up after a few glasses I don't want that to be aid. Things did get a bit better in the afternoon when Teresa came home and family popped round. I had something to focus on.
I did mention that other issues were having an effect but didn't explain them because I thought that might be too much and you'd think I was being melodramatic and attention seeking. But it is a problem for me because it hampers my posting and may confuse you to what I am trying to say. Well vex or please I want to tell you. The first issue which I think is the most serious has been put aside for now, the day after I had my news our 7 month old granddaughter was diagnosed with a brain disease. That's all we know for now. She has to go to Alder Hey hospital in Liverpool for further tests so that's why it's taken a back seat so to speak for now.
The 2nd issue is a bit more complicated and you'll probably think so what? but to our family it is serious. I'll try to be brief with it.
One of my sons is going through an acrimonious split from his wife. After 13 years together and 6 months of marriage she decided she didn't want him anymore. He was devastated but seemed to be coping. He moved back here with us but then found she had someone else. He blew confronted her and she hit him he threw here into the bushes and later the police arrested him. he went off when released and tried to commit suicide. Things calmed down and had the kids now and then dropping them off near the bail range. found out the guy had moved into the family house then lost it again last weekend threatened to empty the furniture tv bed that he had bought and set fire t it in the garden. they came here to arrest him the morning I was going for my results. we didn't see him again for days Teresa was frantic looking for him the police said he wasn't there none of his friends knew were he was he wasn't answering his phone. we drove round looking for him to no avail.
we finally heard from him beginning of week he was in alcoste prison in Liverpool. we managed to get him out weds shamefully to say using my condition. it was the only way. its not looking good at the moment he is so depressed and says if they send him back he is going to kill himself those few days were enough for him he wouldn't las't. And he will attempt it. so its hard trying to take care of him and Teresa.
sorry for going on and on and on but I needed to get it all out.
Just to chip in from a female perspective, I agree that men have the toxic social pressure of being the strong, stoical gender, but by the same token, I've lost count of times I've been told to smile/ cheer up/ don't be so serious etc- since women also have the pressure of having to always be cheery and light. Both pressures are equally toxic and destructive, and I do think (from my female pow) that it's a bit of a myth that we find it so much easier to talk about these issues. I had a friend break down in tears on me only a few weeks ago, because I told her I was on medication and seeing a counsellor, and she thought she was the only one who was experiencing depression.

(Just to be clear, cos the internet is rubbish for "tone"- I'm not trying to challenge your comments, cos I agree, but just offering up what it's like as a women, hope it comes across that way)

In my experience (and as you can see on here, everyone has different experiences)- the first time round (10 years ago), I was not in any state to be receptive to talking to someone, so it didn't really work that well. This time I've gone in with the clear idea of what I want to try and alter in my behaviour, or talk about/ find out why I behave in certain ways- and that seems to be working better.

That's my long winded way of saying, maybe approach it with what you want to get out of it?

I totally identify with this- in terms of mood swings that's exactly how I was last year, and I have to say, taking medication has reduced that drastically, to the point where I cried with relief after they properly kicked in (after about a month) because I felt "normal" again, for the first time in years. It's allowed me to take a step back and be more open with talking to someone- so I would recommend meds from that point of view.

As for family- mine are utterly useless in terms of being able to talk to them, so having that stranger really helps. Happy to chat further- here or on PM if it helps.
Aye, when one person suffers from something, often the whole family does too.

Some cope better than other, naturally.

This is an ideal place to discuss things in a supportive and pseudo-anonymous environment. Thanks for contributing, feel free to continue.
Aye, when one person suffers from something, often the whole family does too.

Some cope better than other, naturally.

This is an ideal place to discuss things in a supportive and pseudo-anonymous environment. Thanks for contributing, feel free to continue.
I just want to give you my deepest thanks for starting this thread. You will never realise what it has done for me.

Let me know how it goes, I'm dreading it too.

I'll be honest mate, I didn't go. This was more down to other things coming up - my bird breaking up with me, which I'm strangely okay about/ delayed reaction.

I've had a handful of counselling sessions before which I found were positive experiences but as people have mentioned there are lots of different factors (clicking with them, being in the right frame of mind, etc.). This latest venture into the 'chaise longue' territory is a result of my liaising with a community mental health service over several months, so I know that it seems like the right thing to do - just a bit of trepidation about going into the latest chapter of it.

Someone from the service mentioned something over the phone to me about a personality disorder and it kind of freaked me out a bit/felt skeptical - but if that is genuinely the best approach to tackling my problems then I will go along with it. Just so long as they don't try and unravel my bitter Everton complex, I need that untouched!

Let me know how yours goes too, mate. As I say I've found all experiences positive and comforting, you'll know what's right for you.
I just want to give you my deepest thanks for starting this thread. You will never realise what it has done for me.
I would echo that. I'm pretty fortunate in my life and count my blessings, but others in my family are not and I find the honest comments and information on here so valuable in allowing me to know what actions I need to do. @EvertonRhys thanks for your links , some great info there for family and friends to take note of.
What is great is that people post what they want to say knowing they won't be judged. For what it's worth , I and I'm sure many others , read every post. I don't often reply as other responses are better than mine, but no post goes unread.
Still can't get any decent sleep. Yesterday was a bad day, after all the activity of the past week things just seemed to stop. I woke up early again came down made a coffee and sat down. Then nothing. I couldn't do a thing just sat there for hours thinking I should be doing something. I tried coming on here, tried puzzles, games, watching tv but nothing seemed to hold me longer than a few minutes. My mind was a whirl, so many thoughts in no sense or order. I even tried drinking but gave up after a few glasses I don't want that to be aid. Things did get a bit better in the afternoon when Teresa came home and family popped round. I had something to focus on.
I did mention that other issues were having an effect but didn't explain them because I thought that might be too much and you'd think I was being melodramatic and attention seeking. But it is a problem for me because it hampers my posting and may confuse you to what I am trying to say. Well vex or please I want to tell you. The first issue which I think is the most serious has been put aside for now, the day after I had my news our 7 month old granddaughter was diagnosed with a brain disease. That's all we know for now. She has to go to Alder Hey hospital in Liverpool for further tests so that's why it's taken a back seat so to speak for now.
The 2nd issue is a bit more complicated and you'll probably think so what? but to our family it is serious. I'll try to be brief with it.
One of my sons is going through an acrimonious split from his wife. After 13 years together and 6 months of marriage she decided she didn't want him anymore. He was devastated but seemed to be coping. He moved back here with us but then found she had someone else. He blew confronted her and she hit him he threw here into the bushes and later the police arrested him. he went off when released and tried to commit suicide. Things calmed down and had the kids now and then dropping them off near the bail range. found out the guy had moved into the family house then lost it again last weekend threatened to empty the furniture tv bed that he had bought and set fire t it in the garden. they came here to arrest him the morning I was going for my results. we didn't see him again for days Teresa was frantic looking for him the police said he wasn't there none of his friends knew were he was he wasn't answering his phone. we drove round looking for him to no avail.
we finally heard from him beginning of week he was in alcoste prison in Liverpool. we managed to get him out weds shamefully to say using my condition. it was the only way. its not looking good at the moment he is so depressed and says if they send him back he is going to kill himself those few days were enough for him he wouldn't las't. And he will attempt it. so its hard trying to take care of him and Teresa.
sorry for going on and on and on but I needed to get it all out.

That sounds awful, quite a few things cropping up at the same time there to deal with... so sorry to hear about your poor granddaughter, that's so unfair. Not a nice wait, but we are all lucky to have Alder Hey there, I think. Hope that is all okay.

With your son - that is also terrible. I hope that the worst of it is behind him - he will heal over time. But he will be a handful until that time comes - I hope that you can ask for all the help you need without spreading yourselves thin.

I'm sorry I feel a bit limp in my response - it must be really hard to have all of that going on at once. But don't ever hesitate to offload any of it on here. This is the place for it mate.

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