Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Also, to be fair, it wasn't my ex who betrayed m, but life itself, for ripping him away- that's why it's been so tough, as you articulated so well @BiggyRat , pretty hard to deal when you feel as if your own life has betrayed you ( not sure if that makes any sense?).

Anyhow, here's to the non-manipulators and decent ones out there- on both sides!
There's no magic bullet mate. However if you put the combination of treatments that are available together with positive steps that you can do yourself you can get better. It's very easy when suffering from depression to convince yourself that nothing will help due to your state of mind.

What I would say is that :

Medication stabilises your moods and gets you back into the world again.

Therapy gets all the thoughts out into the open and unburdens your mind of the negativity.

Therapy makes you realise that it's not abnormal to be depressed and that it's an illness same as any other illness.

Therapy teaches you to recognise slipping and coping mechanisms.

Excercise makes you feel better due to endorphins that are released.

Diet over a period of time can help.

Alcohol is incredibly bad for people with mental health problems.

I have lived with depression and roaring anxiety problems for over a decade mate. I've been through the system, some of it was good and some of it was bad. You won't know what treatment is good for you or bad for you unless you give things a go mate.

Don't talk yourself out of getting help mate,p. It'll take time, but you can do it.
excellent post pal
I want to talk about Everton if I may, not Everton the football but EVERTON. Bear with me I might even make some sense.
Had a good day today, the sun was shining in Wrexham, mood was good, body felt ok so thought go for it, hit the house work and garden lol. Overdid it a bit but what the hell, wiped out for an hour or two but was worth it. Had arranged to meet two g/children that I hadn't seen for a while due to problems with their dad (long story which some of you may remember) that went great. Good day now home chill and watch the footie. No you're not said the wife you're going out. I always consider my self a loner don't have any friends as such, just people I know, no one that I see regular or go out with etc anyway while I was out a "friend" had phoned and said we're coming to pick Michael up and take him out. this is a guy who gets tickets and we go to away games together and to be honest spend a lot of time with at matches. from our supporters club we along with our sons were the only ones in Bucharest. lo and behold another awayday lad came to pick me up and took me to a pub owned by another blue who we as a family have had good ties with. when I got there there quite a few of the crowd I hang around with at matches. Now these lads aren't local maybe 20-30 miles away and I only met and see them through Everton. We had a great night talked obviously about the club even open with me talking about my problem and other life things in general. Like friends do lol. Had the same at weekend from the supporters club, even tho I don't know half of their names it was the same, even all you on here. This is why EVERTON means so much to me and not just the football.

To finish, a quote from an old friend about away days on a Monday at work.
" brilliant day out spoilt by 90 mins of football."
I want to talk about Everton if I may, not Everton the football but EVERTON. Bear with me I might even make some sense.
Had a good day today, the sun was shining in Wrexham, mood was good, body felt ok so thought go for it, hit the house work and garden lol. Overdid it a bit but what the hell, wiped out for an hour or two but was worth it. Had arranged to meet two g/children that I hadn't seen for a while due to problems with their dad (long story which some of you may remember) that went great. Good day now home chill and watch the footie. No you're not said the wife you're going out. I always consider my self a loner don't have any friends as such, just people I know, no one that I see regular or go out with etc anyway while I was out a "friend" had phoned and said we're coming to pick Michael up and take him out. this is a guy who gets tickets and we go to away games together and to be honest spend a lot of time with at matches. from our supporters club we along with our sons were the only ones in Bucharest. lo and behold another awayday lad came to pick me up and took me to a pub owned by another blue who we as a family have had good ties with. when I got there there quite a few of the crowd I hang around with at matches. Now these lads aren't local maybe 20-30 miles away and I only met and see them through Everton. We had a great night talked obviously about the club even open with me talking about my problem and other life things in general. Like friends do lol. Had the same weekend from the supporters club, even tho I don't know half of their names it was the same, even all you on here. This is why EVERTON means so much to me and not just the football.

To finish, a quote from an old friend about away days on a Monday at work.
" brilliant day out spoilt by 90 mins of football."
Brilliant mate.
Also, to be fair, it wasn't my ex who betrayed m, but life itself, for ripping him away- that's why it's been so tough, as you articulated so well @BiggyRat , pretty hard to deal when you feel as if your own life has betrayed you ( not sure if that makes any sense?).

Anyhow, here's to the non-manipulators and decent ones out there- on both sides!
When is this happening? Another thing to add to my worries lmao wondering how i'ts gone, going. Seriously keep us informed because we do care.

clicked the wrong post lol. but you know I mean the date.

I want to talk about Everton if I may, not Everton the football but EVERTON. Bear with me I might even make some sense.
Had a good day today, the sun was shining in Wrexham, mood was good, body felt ok so thought go for it, hit the house work and garden lol. Overdid it a bit but what the hell, wiped out for an hour or two but was worth it. Had arranged to meet two g/children that I hadn't seen for a while due to problems with their dad (long story which some of you may remember) that went great. Good day now home chill and watch the footie. No you're not said the wife you're going out. I always consider my self a loner don't have any friends as such, just people I know, no one that I see regular or go out with etc anyway while I was out a "friend" had phoned and said we're coming to pick Michael up and take him out. this is a guy who gets tickets and we go to away games together and to be honest spend a lot of time with at matches. from our supporters club we along with our sons were the only ones in Bucharest. lo and behold another awayday lad came to pick me up and took me to a pub owned by another blue who we as a family have had good ties with. when I got there there quite a few of the crowd I hang around with at matches. Now these lads aren't local maybe 20-30 miles away and I only met and see them through Everton. We had a great night talked obviously about the club even open with me talking about my problem and other life things in general. Like friends do lol. Had the same at weekend from the supporters club, even tho I don't know half of their names it was the same, even all you on here. This is why EVERTON means so much to me and not just the football.

To finish, a quote from an old friend about away days on a Monday at work.
" brilliant day out spoilt by 90 mins of football."
Have to admit mate, i dont post on here as much as i should, ive been reading your posts and, im having a few issues myself but im finding your strength so inspiring. So sorry to hear about your situation but at the same time, like i said, your strength is to be admired.
I want to talk about Everton if I may, not Everton the football but EVERTON. Bear with me I might even make some sense.
Had a good day today, the sun was shining in Wrexham, mood was good, body felt ok so thought go for it, hit the house work and garden lol. Overdid it a bit but what the hell, wiped out for an hour or two but was worth it. Had arranged to meet two g/children that I hadn't seen for a while due to problems with their dad (long story which some of you may remember) that went great. Good day now home chill and watch the footie. No you're not said the wife you're going out. I always consider my self a loner don't have any friends as such, just people I know, no one that I see regular or go out with etc anyway while I was out a "friend" had phoned and said we're coming to pick Michael up and take him out. this is a guy who gets tickets and we go to away games together and to be honest spend a lot of time with at matches. from our supporters club we along with our sons were the only ones in Bucharest. lo and behold another awayday lad came to pick me up and took me to a pub owned by another blue who we as a family have had good ties with. when I got there there quite a few of the crowd I hang around with at matches. Now these lads aren't local maybe 20-30 miles away and I only met and see them through Everton. We had a great night talked obviously about the club even open with me talking about my problem and other life things in general. Like friends do lol. Had the same at weekend from the supporters club, even tho I don't know half of their names it was the same, even all you on here. This is why EVERTON means so much to me and not just the football.

To finish, a quote from an old friend about away days on a Monday at work.
" brilliant day out spoilt by 90 mins of football."
And that is why I love Everton- "born not made" isn't just a catchphrase, it sums up the genuinely vast majority of decent people - family, friends, strangers- who support our club.

As for the date, no need to worry, I'm channelling Doris Day, que sera sera and all that. If it's meant to go well, it will, if not, ah well, worth a go, least I tried, and the next time will be easier ...

Glad you had a good night out and thank you for posting about it, it really made me smile :)
And that is why I love Everton- "born not made" isn't just a catchphrase, it sums up the genuinely vast majority of decent people - family, friends, strangers- who support our club.

As for the date, no need to worry, I'm channelling Doris Day, que sera sera and all that. If it's meant to go well, it will, if not, ah well, worth a go, least I tried, and the next time will be easier ...

Glad you had a good night out and thank you for posting about it, it really made me smile :)
Ahem, I think I may have missed your previous post and am catching the tail end... lol
And that is why I love Everton- "born not made" isn't just a catchphrase, it sums up the genuinely vast majority of decent people - family, friends, strangers- who support our club.

As for the date, no need to worry, I'm channelling Doris Day, que sera sera and all that. If it's meant to go well, it will, if not, ah well, worth a go, least I tried, and the next time will be easier ...

Glad you had a good night out and thank you for posting about it, it really made me smile :)
That's the spirit I like. Even tho the problems may still be there we can endeavour to fight them.

Martinez should have got the team to read this forum this season.
That's the spirit I like. Even tho the problems may still be there we can endeavour to fight them.

Martinez should have got the team to read this forum this season.

I promise not to say the date was phenomenal:p ( I also promise to not turn this thread into some godawful version of Bridget Jones' diary :oops:)

The posts in here are great though, and the support is so welcome. For anyone lurking, I encourage posting, to take a step towards getting stuff out there. It helps.

Also, to be fair, it wasn't my ex who betrayed m, but life itself, for ripping him away- that's why it's been so tough, as you articulated so well @BiggyRat , pretty hard to deal when you feel as if your own life has betrayed you ( not sure if that makes any sense?).

Anyhow, here's to the non-manipulators and decent ones out there- on both sides!
Ahh, I apologise for making a poor assumption.
Writing my thoughts down here again. Sorry for the rambling.

I'm starting to get far beyond the point of dispair in work now. It is actually kind of funny no in hidsight, i keep raising issues from within my team and keep getting nowhere with it. Actually started raising the issues 18 months ago and the most constructive feedback i got was to deal with it myself, and to raise the issues within my team myself, despite the obvious knock on effects it would have with one person turning on the rest. Work being left for me to do, more advanced and bigger work being handpicked before i even get chance to pick it up, half the time it's difficult to communicate with my team mates. I have even had recently tried to join in conversations and just got blanked. Someone described it to me as passive bullying, talking to me on their terms not mine.

Anyway, yeah, it is actually getting more and more difficult to actually work here but the chance sof me leaving are actually quite low. I have to either take a sidewards step rather than up, or just deal with it. Except there isn't much to gain from going sidewards elsewhere, i do actually have some ambition. It just gets to me so much that i am the only one losing out by all of this, i am bar far the hardest worker in the team, or the department for that matter. I tow the line, say yes and don't cause trouble otherwise but the minute i point pout these issues i get nowhere. It would be so easy to actually make an issue about it yet it is ignored, i even showed them proof today where they can actually pull them up on it and yet they choose to 'have a meeting' about it next week, which was duely ignored.

Just don't know what to do, it is actually getting harder to come into work knowing what this is like to work here. And i have gone to my 2 immediate superiors about this, not just one and got the same response back, i'm even debating raising this higher but it will be seen as going behind their backs because obviously they are doing what they can in their eyes, but then that level will just pass it back down again to deal with and i'm back to sqaure one.

I feel like i am going mad, should i be calling my teammates out on this or not? Is it my responsibility to raise the issues and potentially burn bridges which would leave me with no-one to talk to when they talk to everyone else in the office?

Just lost at the minute.
Writing my thoughts down here again. Sorry for the rambling.

I'm starting to get far beyond the point of dispair in work now. It is actually kind of funny no in hidsight, i keep raising issues from within my team and keep getting nowhere with it. Actually started raising the issues 18 months ago and the most constructive feedback i got was to deal with it myself, and to raise the issues within my team myself, despite the obvious knock on effects it would have with one person turning on the rest. Work being left for me to do, more advanced and bigger work being handpicked before i even get chance to pick it up, half the time it's difficult to communicate with my team mates. I have even had recently tried to join in conversations and just got blanked. Someone described it to me as passive bullying, talking to me on their terms not mine.

Anyway, yeah, it is actually getting more and more difficult to actually work here but the chance sof me leaving are actually quite low. I have to either take a sidewards step rather than up, or just deal with it. Except there isn't much to gain from going sidewards elsewhere, i do actually have some ambition. It just gets to me so much that i am the only one losing out by all of this, i am bar far the hardest worker in the team, or the department for that matter. I tow the line, say yes and don't cause trouble otherwise but the minute i point pout these issues i get nowhere. It would be so easy to actually make an issue about it yet it is ignored, i even showed them proof today where they can actually pull them up on it and yet they choose to 'have a meeting' about it next week, which was duely ignored.

Just don't know what to do, it is actually getting harder to come into work knowing what this is like to work here. And i have gone to my 2 immediate superiors about this, not just one and got the same response back, i'm even debating raising this higher but it will be seen as going behind their backs because obviously they are doing what they can in their eyes, but then that level will just pass it back down again to deal with and i'm back to sqaure one.

I feel like i am going mad, should i be calling my teammates out on this or not? Is it my responsibility to raise the issues and potentially burn bridges which would leave me with no-one to talk to when they talk to everyone else in the office?

Just lost at the minute.
Feel for you mate, I don't think there is anything I can say that can help but I can just be here for you if you need to let it out again. A problem shared sometimes eases your pain a little. ( I hope )
Writing my thoughts down here again. Sorry for the rambling.

I'm starting to get far beyond the point of dispair in work now. It is actually kind of funny no in hidsight, i keep raising issues from within my team and keep getting nowhere with it. Actually started raising the issues 18 months ago and the most constructive feedback i got was to deal with it myself, and to raise the issues within my team myself, despite the obvious knock on effects it would have with one person turning on the rest. Work being left for me to do, more advanced and bigger work being handpicked before i even get chance to pick it up, half the time it's difficult to communicate with my team mates. I have even had recently tried to join in conversations and just got blanked. Someone described it to me as passive bullying, talking to me on their terms not mine.

Anyway, yeah, it is actually getting more and more difficult to actually work here but the chance sof me leaving are actually quite low. I have to either take a sidewards step rather than up, or just deal with it. Except there isn't much to gain from going sidewards elsewhere, i do actually have some ambition. It just gets to me so much that i am the only one losing out by all of this, i am bar far the hardest worker in the team, or the department for that matter. I tow the line, say yes and don't cause trouble otherwise but the minute i point pout these issues i get nowhere. It would be so easy to actually make an issue about it yet it is ignored, i even showed them proof today where they can actually pull them up on it and yet they choose to 'have a meeting' about it next week, which was duely ignored.

Just don't know what to do, it is actually getting harder to come into work knowing what this is like to work here. And i have gone to my 2 immediate superiors about this, not just one and got the same response back, i'm even debating raising this higher but it will be seen as going behind their backs because obviously they are doing what they can in their eyes, but then that level will just pass it back down again to deal with and i'm back to sqaure one.

I feel like i am going mad, should i be calling my teammates out on this or not? Is it my responsibility to raise the issues and potentially burn bridges which would leave me with no-one to talk to when they talk to everyone else in the office?

Just lost at the minute.

Hi mate , first things first how's you're little girl doing ?

I worked in a similar environment a while ago and unless the management break up the clique you talk about up, from my experiences it's only ever going to get worse for you mate. Take the sideways move and rebuild / start again.

As much as they may " win ", you've got enough going on without dealing with a load of overgrown kids in your workplace
Hi mate , first things first how's you're little girl doing ?

I worked in a similar environment a while ago and unless the management break up the clique you talk about up, from my experiences it's only ever going to get worse for you mate. Take the sideways move and rebuild / start again.

As much as they may " win ", you've got enough going on without dealing with a load of overgrown kids in your workplace
Cheers mate. I am strongly considering it. Where I work is pretty much the worst department in the whole place, zero job progression and like I say thst is a drop in the ocean of what happens in the place

My girl is great cheers. Was meant to post a reply and never got round to it haha. She recovered within 2 hours and was running round the hospital, was home that night as well. The outlook isn't 100% positive but they aren't considering open heart surgery so she may just one day be fine and not need anything else.

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