Writing my thoughts down here again. Sorry for the rambling.
I'm starting to get far beyond the point of dispair in work now. It is actually kind of funny no in hidsight, i keep raising issues from within my team and keep getting nowhere with it. Actually started raising the issues 18 months ago and the most constructive feedback i got was to deal with it myself, and to raise the issues within my team myself, despite the obvious knock on effects it would have with one person turning on the rest. Work being left for me to do, more advanced and bigger work being handpicked before i even get chance to pick it up, half the time it's difficult to communicate with my team mates. I have even had recently tried to join in conversations and just got blanked. Someone described it to me as passive bullying, talking to me on their terms not mine.
Anyway, yeah, it is actually getting more and more difficult to actually work here but the chance sof me leaving are actually quite low. I have to either take a sidewards step rather than up, or just deal with it. Except there isn't much to gain from going sidewards elsewhere, i do actually have some ambition. It just gets to me so much that i am the only one losing out by all of this, i am bar far the hardest worker in the team, or the department for that matter. I tow the line, say yes and don't cause trouble otherwise but the minute i point pout these issues i get nowhere. It would be so easy to actually make an issue about it yet it is ignored, i even showed them proof today where they can actually pull them up on it and yet they choose to 'have a meeting' about it next week, which was duely ignored.
Just don't know what to do, it is actually getting harder to come into work knowing what this is like to work here. And i have gone to my 2 immediate superiors about this, not just one and got the same response back, i'm even debating raising this higher but it will be seen as going behind their backs because obviously they are doing what they can in their eyes, but then that level will just pass it back down again to deal with and i'm back to sqaure one.
I feel like i am going mad, should i be calling my teammates out on this or not? Is it my responsibility to raise the issues and potentially burn bridges which would leave me with no-one to talk to when they talk to everyone else in the office?
Just lost at the minute.