Hello mate. University can be hard when you're under that sort of pressure. Luckily you are an Evertonian and your sense of humour will always get you through things. With regards to insomnia, I wish to provide some information about what I've recently learned. Drs in the UK are unwilling to get people using sleeping tablets long-term, they often say that people get addicted, or perhaps it's just the culture of this country. What I would recommend is you speak to your Dr about an anti-histamine (perhaps). These are used for other symptoms (such as hay fever) but in this country and others they are used to aid people with sleeping problems in the short term also. I used them while in hospital recently (they have no problem prescribing this long-term for these 'other' symptoms, unlike sleeping tablets) and they absolutely helped with sleep. My whole body felt better. I encourage you to, especially if you could be prescribed this for these other symptoms) to speak to your dr about your insomnia or lack of sleep pattern and please bring up anti-histamines. I appreciate you may not find this helpful immediately right now, but if you bring up to your dr, that you have this problem, and know sleeping tablets are not encouraged, it might help bringing up an anti-histamine to aid sleep, because sleeping tablets are only used as a short-term solution. hope this helps. keep the faith, and good luck with balancing all your studies. I had a period of taking them while hospitalised and they really helped. since being out, I have spoken to my dr about them, and they were prescribed without hesitation by the GP for the very reason of insomnia.