thinking of going in to the hospice for a few days. just want it over with
Have you talked to your family mate ?
thinking of going in to the hospice for a few days. just want it over with
thinking of going in to the hospice for a few days. just want it over with
We're all with you mate. If you feel scared talk to us XI want to be normal I don't want to die but everyone waiting expecting me to die I don't like being scared
No mate, don't say that!I want to be normal I don't want to die but everyone waiting expecting me to die I don't like being scared
Spend more time in here if need be mate. Stay strong. Speak with your family about your feelings if it helps.I want to be normal I don't want to die but everyone waiting expecting me to die I don't like being scared
To be honest, I'm glad to see you pissed off with a headache mate!got such a headache got to try to fight this
That's tough. I think you're doing an amazing job with your own emotions but we can't control those of the people around us. I can't really think of anything general enough to say to this. The people around you are multiple individuals dealing with the issue as best they can. It can be irritating I'm sure, but it will probably always be a mystery just exactly how they are faring.I want to be normal I don't want to die but everyone waiting expecting me to die I don't like being scared
Good to have you back mate , I'll need someone to share myThink i'm back for a bit. This is so weird, I seemed to be hallucinating for a while, not in control of anything. I'm struggling to try to explain it but when have I ever made any sense? Don't know if it's going to happen again but i'll try to fight it best I can. Hope everyone is ok and still getting the use out of this thread.
think that's what tipped me over the edge wales qualifyingGood to have you back mate , I'll need someone to share myor my
with tomorrow night !
Everton will be back soon to disappoint you mate.I want to be normal I don't want to die but everyone waiting expecting me to die I don't like being scared
I've typed about nine different responses to this before deleting them, but none did you justice.I want to be normal I don't want to die but everyone waiting expecting me to die I don't like being scared
you can be sooooo cruelEverton will be back soon to disappoint you mate.