Agree with this, just thinking that money worries is normally my major trigger, I earn very good money but I'm living on credit cards, living costs and child maintenance are the main problems. People who are usually well are the "Its only money, life is too short" types but I need to keep a roof over my head.
Other triggers, believe it or not might be. Everton losing, waiting for a possible speeding ticket, something not right at work, new GF birthday coming up, what do I spend or do ??
Went shopping with my 15 yo daughter this weekend and bought her some bits for school, I can see me in her, she has anxiety and is glass half empty situation, I feel responsible and also sad as she seems to have accepted it when I want to shake her and say no, you can fight this, I wish I could give her my 49 yo advice to her 15 year old self, but I cant explain it to her.