Off for a CT scan today mate. I’ll get the results after Christmas......hopefully
All the best mate, fingers crossed x
Off for a CT scan today mate. I’ll get the results after Christmas......hopefully
if you love me or loathe me I’m NEA
Feeling in a bind again and need some advice, typically it will be something that will seem very small to everyone else I'm sure but it's causing me a lot of angst.
My team in work have agreed to go for a meal on Friday before we go off for Christmas. I was up for that but earlier today I found out the resturant they want to go too is down the road from a bar that I frequent and am very friendly with the staff. I fancy one of the staff and have been trying conjure the courage to ask her out for a while to be honest, we're very friendly but anxiety has held me back so far. My colleagues now want to go in to this place for drinks on the night after we've eaten.
The dilemma is, I behave differently in work to how I do with when I'm friends outside of it, I play the clown in the office a bit but i'm a bit more shy in social settings. Now I'm feeling very awkward at the prospect of going in there and inter-twining two, i've mentioned this girl to my colleagues before but I never imagined having to deal with them all being in the same place, the potential embarrassment or awkwardness could be excruciating. I don't know what to do now. To just go and see what happens and risk it all blowing up into a mess or to make my excuse to not go and hope no one gives it a 2nd thought.
The match best be good tonight, I need my mind off this crap haha.
Ok. This is tricky.
I love this thread, I've got PTSD etc and I'm sound, got all the cognitive skills. No worries at all.
But, a family member has now got issues.
Big, fat, massive issues.
He's 15.
His girlfriend flagged up self harming.
Been the doctors. Prozac was prescribed.
He's saying he has voices in his head telling him to slash his throat ?
Any, literally, any advice would be ace, as we've no idea.
Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor, such as: mood or behavior changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, or if you feel impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, aggressive, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), more depressed, or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself.
He is being monitored already, I believe.They need to go back to their GP.
Prozac, and other SSRI's, can cause suicidal thoughts, especially in adoloscents
It may well be that the side effect is only temporary, and once the drugs are fully in their system, he'll be fine, but, as a minimum, it'll need monitoring.
He is being monitored already, I believe.
Back in with hospital tomorrow.
Prozac seemed so odd short term IMO.
Thank you.Without knowing the exact circumstances behind the initial prescription it's really hard to make a call on it, but suicidal thoughts when prescribed Prozac are rare, even in adolescents. Try not to analyze it too much. The important thing is that his family have picked up on it and he's being looked after in an appropriate manner. No one drug or treatment fits all, and a GP can only make a risk-based judgement on a situation, so won't always get it "right".
It's always easy in retrospect.
Had my 3rd CT scan in 6 weeks yesterday. This time I had to drink about a litre of iodine water and had iodine injected via a canular as well. Not a pleasant experience tbh. Made worse by the fact I had forgotten to wear a fleece without a metal zip and so had to take it off exposing my 15 inch scar which drew a wince from the radiographer, and it was bloody freezing.
On a similar note I had to have an X-ray a few year back and had worn some jogging bottoms with a metal zip, so had to take them off. As I put them back on I realised my knob had been poking out my boxers the whole time, fortunately it's quite small so I don't think they noticed.
Hope you get some positive news after Christmas mate.
Ok. This is tricky.
I love this thread, I've got PTSD etc and I'm sound, got all the cognitive skills. No worries at all.
But, a family member has now got issues.
Big, fat, massive issues.
He's 15.
His girlfriend flagged up self harming.
Been the doctors. Prozac was prescribed.
He's saying he has voices in his head telling him to slash his throat ?
Any, literally, any advice would be ace, as we've no idea.
I went for a job interview and when I stood up to shake their hands my old boy was hanging out my suit trousers. I have a massive Johnson so im sure they noticed. I never got the job I can only guess that the guy was intimidated and the woman frightenedOn a similar note I had to have an X-ray a few year back and had worn some jogging bottoms with a metal zip, so had to take them off. As I put them back on I realised my knob had been poking out my boxers the whole time, fortunately it's quite small so I don't think they noticed.
Hope you get some positive news after Christmas mate.
I went for a job interview and when I stood up to shake their hands my old boy was hanging out my suit trousers. I have a massive Johnson so im sure they noticed. I never got the job I can only guess that the guy was intimidated and the woman frightened