Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Ok so let me start with I do not know why I am posting here, this has been an ongoing problem and I genuinely don't know why tonight has tipped me over the edge. I just feel I need to rant, to putmy feelings into words or they would never come out.

Let me preface, I have tried to commit suicide twice, once about 8 years ago in university because the stress and the overwhelming poverty just dragged me down and once about 4 years ago, but I have considered seeing myself off nearly daily. I just feel alone on a daily basis. And when I look at my life I have no-one I would consider a good friend, I have people that occasionally want to see me, but everyone's life would be the same without me in it.

When I was in Uni my grants got rejected so I ended up with the absolute minimum loan which meant I could afford Halls and £40 a month for food, that did not help. I relied on handouts and Freebies for about 18 months. Then My granddad Died, and I dropped out of university to move in with my nan so she wouldn't be alone. I took up the first job available, which I hated, the boss put me down nearly daily and I was made to feel like an outsider in a business that was mainly run by one family.

In about 2014 I found out the girl I was seeing at the time was pregnant, and then 2 days later lost my job. I later found out that the baby was not mine, which nearly saw me off. I hated it, I hated myself for trusting her. I have never tried to get involved with anyone since. I then fell into drink pretty hard, I drank 6-7 days a week and took my anger out on those closest to me, like my grandmother and my sister. It was then I tried to kill myself. My nan had some serious painkillers on prescription from her multiple health problems, and I saw off a pack in about 5 mins, I had a fit, but nothing else happened, noone really noticed.

I got a new job after 10 months of unemployment, at which point my physical health had taken a nosedive, I had gained about 7 stone and started smoking as a form of stress relief. I had started at one of the biggest pub company in the UK, and it was genuinely awful, the hours and abuse were intolerable, I was constantly lambasted by regulars and staff about my ballooning weight and working in a pub did not help the drinking problem, I would finish shifts and go straight onto the piss. I remember once I had been given my rota and they had given me 7 hours total for a week and at the time I was averaging 45, I remember just breaking down in tears wondering how I was going to live on 7 hours a week. I wold regularly come home from this job and just cry, I couldn't explain why, maybe everything at the time was just too overbearing. It was around this time that I had a fall out with my mother after she accused my sister of stealing from her, in this exchange my mother genuinely told me she wish she had drowned me at birth and that I was her biggest disappointment. We haven't spoken since.

I was sacked from that job for “ not showing the same enthusiasm as the rest of the staff” then entered another 6 months of what my family described as “letting myself go”, I was like an endangered animal at the zoo, they would walk into my room and just stare at me, wondering what I was going to do next, but like lions in the zoo I just lay there, occasionally lifting my head, no motivation to do anything, I just wanted to not be around anymore. 7 months later I got a job in an independent restaurant as a barman, which as the owner said “ was not the role I should be in because I'm not good looking enough”. I hated having to go back into a hospitality role, especially this one, my boss was an alcoholic who would spend most of his shifts in the pub over the road, and leave me to run a restaurant on my own. In the end the restaurant went bust and I was again left jobless. The owner refused to pay us for the months work we had done and then escaped back to Poland.

Another 6 months of job searching, going to interviews and being told I was just not a good fit for the company, 780 jobs applied for,12 replies. I spoke to my employment advisor and he said I was doing fine. So naturally I started drinking heavier, then my Nan had a heart attack, and we found out she required surgery, which she had, and I looked after her in her recovery, till I broke my ankle, which she said was my fault and that I'd done it on purpose and was very close to kicking me out the house. In the end she recovered and apologised, but our relationship as never been the same since, even though I love her and still live with her ( after two more surgeries). Thankfully about 7 months ago I was thrown a bone with some contract work through an old acquaintance, this was the best job I ever had, I traveled the UK and abroad. I met some genuinely nice people. But each and every night I would go back to my hotel room, sit and stare at a wall and just feel sad, like something about me was incapable of feeling joy. The contract ended everyone parted ways, there was a big get together with the group of workers, I didnt get an invite, everyone else went. And for the past couple of weeks all I've done is drink, go home, stare at blank space and ponder which direction my life is heading. I have seen friends get married, have kids, start familys, blossom new relationships, get fantastic new jobs, everything I do just seems stale atm. I genuinely have no idea what to do now, which brings me to tonight, I was sat with my “friends” being pretty quiet, I have always been quite reserved, I went for a smoke and in earshot I heard a girl who had been sat with us describe me as disgusting and fat. I just didnt know what to do, I've been home for hours now just thinking about my life and whats going to happen. And I genuinely cannnot see a positive outlook, what do I do? Do I even have any right to feel sad? There are people a lot worse of then I am. If you've made it this far sorry for the rant.
Mate, it sounds like you're in a vicious circle, a real downer on yourself and your circumstances. From the point of view of someone who doesn't know you, I can see from your writing that you are articulate and intelligent. I am sure you have other strong qualities, for example the empathy you showed towards your gran as you went ti care for her.
Try making lists of your good qualities, things you find interesting and the qualities you look for in others. It will help you get a focus and perhaps you'll see that you have a lot if the qualities you see in those you admire.

If you like, share the lists on here do we have something to learn and work with.

Don't give up. Very often people discover that they're at their best when they have nothing else to lose.

Reading through some of the helpful, compationate and understanding posts in here have reduced me to tears.

I'm utterly miserable. Have been for almost my whole 40 years. My depression and anxiety have ruined my life. I'm a product of failure and a shell of what I could/should be.

Everyone has issues in life. Just wish I wasn't so awful and cowardly at living with mine.
Modern Westernised life is set up to make you feel that way.Data shows that clinical depression rates grown in Third World Countries as they are exposed to technology and consumerism.The biggest problem with depression is it makes you feel isolated and that those around you are all living "normal lives" and yet psychologists are discovering that one of the highest growth areas is in smiling depression.https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-guest-room/201411/smiling-depression
Mate, it sounds like you're in a vicious circle, a real downer on yourself and your circumstances. From the point of view of someone who doesn't know you, I can see from your writing that you are articulate and intelligent. I am sure you have other strong qualities, for example the empathy you showed towards your gran as you went ti care for her.
Try making lists of your good qualities, things you find interesting and the qualities you look for in others. It will help you get a focus and perhaps you'll see that you have a lot if the qualities you see in those you admire.

If you like, share the lists on here do we have something to learn and work with.

Don't give up. Very often people discover that they're at their best when they have nothing else to lose.

Excellent points.
Stupid predictive text! Below.

Have you spoken to your doctor about the depression? The anxiety is most likely a symptom of the former, so treatment of the chemical imbalance that forms depression could most likely sort your other problems.

Why do you think you are a product of failure? We are what we are, and should not spend too much time worrying about what we could be, while we could be better served finding satisfaction in who we are. We are very often much, much better beings than we give ourselves credit for.
Ok so let me start with I do not know why I am posting here, this has been an ongoing problem and I genuinely don't know why tonight has tipped me over the edge. I just feel I need to rant, to putmy feelings into words or they would never come out.

Let me preface, I have tried to commit suicide twice, once about 8 years ago in university because the stress and the overwhelming poverty just dragged me down and once about 4 years ago, but I have considered seeing myself off nearly daily. I just feel alone on a daily basis. And when I look at my life I have no-one I would consider a good friend, I have people that occasionally want to see me, but everyone's life would be the same without me in it.

When I was in Uni my grants got rejected so I ended up with the absolute minimum loan which meant I could afford Halls and £40 a month for food, that did not help. I relied on handouts and Freebies for about 18 months. Then My granddad Died, and I dropped out of university to move in with my nan so she wouldn't be alone. I took up the first job available, which I hated, the boss put me down nearly daily and I was made to feel like an outsider in a business that was mainly run by one family.

In about 2014 I found out the girl I was seeing at the time was pregnant, and then 2 days later lost my job. I later found out that the baby was not mine, which nearly saw me off. I hated it, I hated myself for trusting her. I have never tried to get involved with anyone since. I then fell into drink pretty hard, I drank 6-7 days a week and took my anger out on those closest to me, like my grandmother and my sister. It was then I tried to kill myself. My nan had some serious painkillers on prescription from her multiple health problems, and I saw off a pack in about 5 mins, I had a fit, but nothing else happened, noone really noticed.

I got a new job after 10 months of unemployment, at which point my physical health had taken a nosedive, I had gained about 7 stone and started smoking as a form of stress relief. I had started at one of the biggest pub company in the UK, and it was genuinely awful, the hours and abuse were intolerable, I was constantly lambasted by regulars and staff about my ballooning weight and working in a pub did not help the drinking problem, I would finish shifts and go straight onto the piss. I remember once I had been given my rota and they had given me 7 hours total for a week and at the time I was averaging 45, I remember just breaking down in tears wondering how I was going to live on 7 hours a week. I wold regularly come home from this job and just cry, I couldn't explain why, maybe everything at the time was just too overbearing. It was around this time that I had a fall out with my mother after she accused my sister of stealing from her, in this exchange my mother genuinely told me she wish she had drowned me at birth and that I was her biggest disappointment. We haven't spoken since.

I was sacked from that job for “ not showing the same enthusiasm as the rest of the staff” then entered another 6 months of what my family described as “letting myself go”, I was like an endangered animal at the zoo, they would walk into my room and just stare at me, wondering what I was going to do next, but like lions in the zoo I just lay there, occasionally lifting my head, no motivation to do anything, I just wanted to not be around anymore. 7 months later I got a job in an independent restaurant as a barman, which as the owner said “ was not the role I should be in because I'm not good looking enough”. I hated having to go back into a hospitality role, especially this one, my boss was an alcoholic who would spend most of his shifts in the pub over the road, and leave me to run a restaurant on my own. In the end the restaurant went bust and I was again left jobless. The owner refused to pay us for the months work we had done and then escaped back to Poland.

Another 6 months of job searching, going to interviews and being told I was just not a good fit for the company, 780 jobs applied for,12 replies. I spoke to my employment advisor and he said I was doing fine. So naturally I started drinking heavier, then my Nan had a heart attack, and we found out she required surgery, which she had, and I looked after her in her recovery, till I broke my ankle, which she said was my fault and that I'd done it on purpose and was very close to kicking me out the house. In the end she recovered and apologised, but our relationship as never been the same since, even though I love her and still live with her ( after two more surgeries). Thankfully about 7 months ago I was thrown a bone with some contract work through an old acquaintance, this was the best job I ever had, I traveled the UK and abroad. I met some genuinely nice people. But each and every night I would go back to my hotel room, sit and stare at a wall and just feel sad, like something about me was incapable of feeling joy. The contract ended everyone parted ways, there was a big get together with the group of workers, I didnt get an invite, everyone else went. And for the past couple of weeks all I've done is drink, go home, stare at blank space and ponder which direction my life is heading. I have seen friends get married, have kids, start familys, blossom new relationships, get fantastic new jobs, everything I do just seems stale atm. I genuinely have no idea what to do now, which brings me to tonight, I was sat with my “friends” being pretty quiet, I have always been quite reserved, I went for a smoke and in earshot I heard a girl who had been sat with us describe me as disgusting and fat. I just didnt know what to do, I've been home for hours now just thinking about my life and whats going to happen. And I genuinely cannnot see a positive outlook, what do I do? Do I even have any right to feel sad? There are people a lot worse of then I am. If you've made it this far sorry for the rant.

Hi mate,

I can only imagine how hard it was for you to post that.

Have you ever sought any form of medical help for your problems, either medication or therapy ?

I`m not an expert, but from reading your post, I`d say that you need some form of starting point to get yourself better and that should start with getting help from someone outside of your family / friends. Then take it from there.

Medication will help "rebalance " your thoughts and therapy will teach you coping mechanisms.

You say that " there are people a lot worse off ", but they`re not you are they ?

Nearly everyone, who has problems says this at some point, as it`s part of the negative thought process.

Keep posting mate, as there`s loads on here, that will help in anyway they can ;)

Ok so let me start with I do not know why I am posting here, this has been an ongoing problem and I genuinely don't know why tonight has tipped me over the edge. I just feel I need to rant, to putmy feelings into words or they would never come out.

Let me preface, I have tried to commit suicide twice, once about 8 years ago in university because the stress and the overwhelming poverty just dragged me down and once about 4 years ago, but I have considered seeing myself off nearly daily. I just feel alone on a daily basis. And when I look at my life I have no-one I would consider a good friend, I have people that occasionally want to see me, but everyone's life would be the same without me in it.

When I was in Uni my grants got rejected so I ended up with the absolute minimum loan which meant I could afford Halls and £40 a month for food, that did not help. I relied on handouts and Freebies for about 18 months. Then My granddad Died, and I dropped out of university to move in with my nan so she wouldn't be alone. I took up the first job available, which I hated, the boss put me down nearly daily and I was made to feel like an outsider in a business that was mainly run by one family.

In about 2014 I found out the girl I was seeing at the time was pregnant, and then 2 days later lost my job. I later found out that the baby was not mine, which nearly saw me off. I hated it, I hated myself for trusting her. I have never tried to get involved with anyone since. I then fell into drink pretty hard, I drank 6-7 days a week and took my anger out on those closest to me, like my grandmother and my sister. It was then I tried to kill myself. My nan had some serious painkillers on prescription from her multiple health problems, and I saw off a pack in about 5 mins, I had a fit, but nothing else happened, noone really noticed.

I got a new job after 10 months of unemployment, at which point my physical health had taken a nosedive, I had gained about 7 stone and started smoking as a form of stress relief. I had started at one of the biggest pub company in the UK, and it was genuinely awful, the hours and abuse were intolerable, I was constantly lambasted by regulars and staff about my ballooning weight and working in a pub did not help the drinking problem, I would finish shifts and go straight onto the piss. I remember once I had been given my rota and they had given me 7 hours total for a week and at the time I was averaging 45, I remember just breaking down in tears wondering how I was going to live on 7 hours a week. I wold regularly come home from this job and just cry, I couldn't explain why, maybe everything at the time was just too overbearing. It was around this time that I had a fall out with my mother after she accused my sister of stealing from her, in this exchange my mother genuinely told me she wish she had drowned me at birth and that I was her biggest disappointment. We haven't spoken since.

I was sacked from that job for “ not showing the same enthusiasm as the rest of the staff” then entered another 6 months of what my family described as “letting myself go”, I was like an endangered animal at the zoo, they would walk into my room and just stare at me, wondering what I was going to do next, but like lions in the zoo I just lay there, occasionally lifting my head, no motivation to do anything, I just wanted to not be around anymore. 7 months later I got a job in an independent restaurant as a barman, which as the owner said “ was not the role I should be in because I'm not good looking enough”. I hated having to go back into a hospitality role, especially this one, my boss was an alcoholic who would spend most of his shifts in the pub over the road, and leave me to run a restaurant on my own. In the end the restaurant went bust and I was again left jobless. The owner refused to pay us for the months work we had done and then escaped back to Poland.

Another 6 months of job searching, going to interviews and being told I was just not a good fit for the company, 780 jobs applied for,12 replies. I spoke to my employment advisor and he said I was doing fine. So naturally I started drinking heavier, then my Nan had a heart attack, and we found out she required surgery, which she had, and I looked after her in her recovery, till I broke my ankle, which she said was my fault and that I'd done it on purpose and was very close to kicking me out the house. In the end she recovered and apologised, but our relationship as never been the same since, even though I love her and still live with her ( after two more surgeries). Thankfully about 7 months ago I was thrown a bone with some contract work through an old acquaintance, this was the best job I ever had, I traveled the UK and abroad. I met some genuinely nice people. But each and every night I would go back to my hotel room, sit and stare at a wall and just feel sad, like something about me was incapable of feeling joy. The contract ended everyone parted ways, there was a big get together with the group of workers, I didnt get an invite, everyone else went. And for the past couple of weeks all I've done is drink, go home, stare at blank space and ponder which direction my life is heading. I have seen friends get married, have kids, start familys, blossom new relationships, get fantastic new jobs, everything I do just seems stale atm. I genuinely have no idea what to do now, which brings me to tonight, I was sat with my “friends” being pretty quiet, I have always been quite reserved, I went for a smoke and in earshot I heard a girl who had been sat with us describe me as disgusting and fat. I just didnt know what to do, I've been home for hours now just thinking about my life and whats going to happen. And I genuinely cannnot see a positive outlook, what do I do? Do I even have any right to feel sad? There are people a lot worse of then I am. If you've made it this far sorry for the rant.

I suspect it feels a little better to get all that down in writing and off your chest doesn't it? It's not a magic cure but that moment where you just blurt it all out, even to a load of people on a forum where nobody knows you still helps, or at least I have found it does for me.

As @COYBL25 says though it sounds like you need to get down to see your GP as soon as possible and tell them exactly how you're feeling before you reach that point of hopelessness again and try to harm yourself. I've been there twice as well mate, albeit it a few years ago now but both attempts are still clear as day in my mind. The only thing I found that helps with me is sticking with medication and trying to force my haywire brain into some sort of healthy routine. I'm enormously overweight (albeit it's coming down now) but the thing that makes my mood improve is exercise, it's difficult to get started with but if you can get into some sort of routine it gets easier, even if it's just a 10-15 minute walk round the block at the end of the day to start with. My anxiety and general shyness means that I won't be a regular gym goer or fitness fanatic that goes to all sorts of clubs, so it's just about finding what suits you both physically/mentally and of course financially. Walking or cycling are great because it doesn't cost a penny and you can get out and do them on your own and at your own pace so there's no added pressure or stress.

If you haven't done it already then take that first step and book an appointment with the GP mate, nothing will change overnight but gradually with medication/CBT or whatever the GP recommends bit by bit you'll start to feel a little better and start to see a brighter future and think a little more clearly. I know how difficult it is to open up to someone in person, but I guarantee once you start talking the words will just fall out of you and the GP will see you're struggling and put a plan in place to help. I know it's cliche but I genuinely think the people who feel the need to pass comment on someone elses appearance have their own issues that aren't being addressed, but I know from personal experience that saying that doesn't really detract from the hurt it causes when you hear it. I hope you get some help and that things start to improve, happy to listen if you ever want a chat and definitely keep us updated as to how you're getting on.

Good luck mate.
@anon1878 I can only echo what @Bungle says in his post above about exercise mate, it`s the one thing that helps me keep my head together.

This is going to sound real leftfield, but have you thought about getting a dog ( if your situation allows it ).

They don`t judge you, love you unconditionally and always need walking.

Even if you don`t want to, it`s impossible not to talk to people when you`re out with a dog too.

Getting better is about taking baby steps mate.

You can do it ;)
Then one single bit of great advice across every forum, depression or otherwise is exercise. It’s incredible how much it helps, walking, running swimming. Any of them —- get out in the (current!) decent weather and ruin the lack of dopamines day.

I am a fat cripple but whenever the sun is out I put my iPhone in my pocket. And simply headphones in and go for a 20m walk. Works for me, maybe not for everyone. And when I can I walk my daughters dog, do this often enough and I’ll guarantee you’ll see the benefits, plus you’ll meet other dog walkers too.
Ok so let me start with I do not know why I am posting here, this has been an ongoing problem and I genuinely don't know why tonight has tipped me over the edge. I just feel I need to rant, to putmy feelings into words or they would never come out.

Let me preface, I have tried to commit suicide twice, once about 8 years ago in university because the stress and the overwhelming poverty just dragged me down and once about 4 years ago, but I have considered seeing myself off nearly daily. I just feel alone on a daily basis. And when I look at my life I have no-one I would consider a good friend, I have people that occasionally want to see me, but everyone's life would be the same without me in it.

When I was in Uni my grants got rejected so I ended up with the absolute minimum loan which meant I could afford Halls and £40 a month for food, that did not help. I relied on handouts and Freebies for about 18 months. Then My granddad Died, and I dropped out of university to move in with my nan so she wouldn't be alone. I took up the first job available, which I hated, the boss put me down nearly daily and I was made to feel like an outsider in a business that was mainly run by one family.

In about 2014 I found out the girl I was seeing at the time was pregnant, and then 2 days later lost my job. I later found out that the baby was not mine, which nearly saw me off. I hated it, I hated myself for trusting her. I have never tried to get involved with anyone since. I then fell into drink pretty hard, I drank 6-7 days a week and took my anger out on those closest to me, like my grandmother and my sister. It was then I tried to kill myself. My nan had some serious painkillers on prescription from her multiple health problems, and I saw off a pack in about 5 mins, I had a fit, but nothing else happened, noone really noticed.

I got a new job after 10 months of unemployment, at which point my physical health had taken a nosedive, I had gained about 7 stone and started smoking as a form of stress relief. I had started at one of the biggest pub company in the UK, and it was genuinely awful, the hours and abuse were intolerable, I was constantly lambasted by regulars and staff about my ballooning weight and working in a pub did not help the drinking problem, I would finish shifts and go straight onto the piss. I remember once I had been given my rota and they had given me 7 hours total for a week and at the time I was averaging 45, I remember just breaking down in tears wondering how I was going to live on 7 hours a week. I wold regularly come home from this job and just cry, I couldn't explain why, maybe everything at the time was just too overbearing. It was around this time that I had a fall out with my mother after she accused my sister of stealing from her, in this exchange my mother genuinely told me she wish she had drowned me at birth and that I was her biggest disappointment. We haven't spoken since.

I was sacked from that job for “ not showing the same enthusiasm as the rest of the staff” then entered another 6 months of what my family described as “letting myself go”, I was like an endangered animal at the zoo, they would walk into my room and just stare at me, wondering what I was going to do next, but like lions in the zoo I just lay there, occasionally lifting my head, no motivation to do anything, I just wanted to not be around anymore. 7 months later I got a job in an independent restaurant as a barman, which as the owner said “ was not the role I should be in because I'm not good looking enough”. I hated having to go back into a hospitality role, especially this one, my boss was an alcoholic who would spend most of his shifts in the pub over the road, and leave me to run a restaurant on my own. In the end the restaurant went bust and I was again left jobless. The owner refused to pay us for the months work we had done and then escaped back to Poland.

Another 6 months of job searching, going to interviews and being told I was just not a good fit for the company, 780 jobs applied for,12 replies. I spoke to my employment advisor and he said I was doing fine. So naturally I started drinking heavier, then my Nan had a heart attack, and we found out she required surgery, which she had, and I looked after her in her recovery, till I broke my ankle, which she said was my fault and that I'd done it on purpose and was very close to kicking me out the house. In the end she recovered and apologised, but our relationship as never been the same since, even though I love her and still live with her ( after two more surgeries). Thankfully about 7 months ago I was thrown a bone with some contract work through an old acquaintance, this was the best job I ever had, I traveled the UK and abroad. I met some genuinely nice people. But each and every night I would go back to my hotel room, sit and stare at a wall and just feel sad, like something about me was incapable of feeling joy. The contract ended everyone parted ways, there was a big get together with the group of workers, I didnt get an invite, everyone else went. And for the past couple of weeks all I've done is drink, go home, stare at blank space and ponder which direction my life is heading. I have seen friends get married, have kids, start familys, blossom new relationships, get fantastic new jobs, everything I do just seems stale atm. I genuinely have no idea what to do now, which brings me to tonight, I was sat with my “friends” being pretty quiet, I have always been quite reserved, I went for a smoke and in earshot I heard a girl who had been sat with us describe me as disgusting and fat. I just didnt know what to do, I've been home for hours now just thinking about my life and whats going to happen. And I genuinely cannnot see a positive outlook, what do I do? Do I even have any right to feel sad? There are people a lot worse of then I am. If you've made it this far sorry for the rant.

Well done for posting mate. Of course you have the right to feel sad. As others have said, book in with your GP and try to do a little bit of exercise. Just small steps at first, you'll feel a little more positive after talking to the GP.

Please keep us updated. We're all here to help.

Then one single bit of great advice across every forum, depression or otherwise is exercise. It’s incredible how much it helps, walking, running swimming. Any of them —- get out in the (current!) decent weather and ruin the lack of dopamines day.

I am a fat cripple but whenever the sun is out I put my iPhone in my pocket. And simply headphones in and go for a 20m walk. Works for me, maybe not for everyone. And when I can I walk my daughters dog, do this often enough and I’ll guarantee you’ll see the benefits, plus you’ll meet other dog walkers too.
Which is effectively dogging so it’s win win

cc @Bungle
cheers for reading through my rant, and all the advice. I've taken some on board and I'm going to my GP Thursday, plus someone recognised who I was through reading this post and putting 2 and 2 together and they've reached out as well.

Who'd of thought posting on an Everton forum would put me on the first steps.

Cheers, means more than you could know
cheers for reading through my rant, and all the advice. I've taken some on board and I'm going to my GP Thursday, plus someone recognised who I was through reading this post and putting 2 and 2 together and they've reached out as well.

Who'd of thought posting on an Everton forum would put me on the first steps.

Cheers, means more than you could know

First thing to do, is massively knock the ale on the head. It just magnifies depression / anxiety. It took me a long time to realise this and I feel so much better for it now.

Don`t hold anything back from your GP, as the more info they have, the more they can help.

Keep posting mate and let us know how you get on x
Which is effectively dogging so it’s win win

cc @Bungle

After my advocating exercise I decided to get up early this morning and walk the 10 miles to work, upon arriving at work I went to the bog for a piss and to get changed. I finished my p!ss and didn't immediately flush it, I then proceeded to unravel my shirt and the sleeve went straight in the toilet and covered it in p!ss.

So essentially exercise means you end up cleaning p!ss off your clothes and trying to dry them under the hand drier before reverting back to the sweat soaked t-shirt as the lesser of two evils.
cheers for reading through my rant, and all the advice. I've taken some on board and I'm going to my GP Thursday, plus someone recognised who I was through reading this post and putting 2 and 2 together and they've reached out as well.

Who'd of thought posting on an Everton forum would put me on the first steps.

Cheers, means more than you could know
Good luck la.


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