Hi all, I really need some help
obviously ive been quite vocal In here recently about having a breakdown and being diagnosed manic depressive with bipolar tendencies and being in a much better place on medication now etc
well I had also spoke in here a while back over cutting ties with my family over lies my bipolar mother (who has stopped her meds at that time) had spread about me and my wife
well almost 2 years on my mum has just text me out the blue this morning saying "don't you think its time we called a truce, there is no winners and losers and life is too short"
I can only assume she has seen pics of my 7 month old lad via my brother and that has caused her to finally get in touch
I don't know what to do, or what to say in reply, and I feel like im going to have a panic attack over it
I have always said id be more than willing to be the bigger person if she ever made the first move, but was not willing to make the first move myself as she is the kind of person who would just assume I wanted something from her
I know it will have taken the world for her to send that message, and I am willing to at least converse at this point, but I don't know what to say
any advice is much appreciated guys
(shows the immense value of this thread that other than my wife and best friend this is the first place I have turned to)