Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

I was told just to carry on with citalopram and hopefully the nightmares subside..

im not happy with the what happened , ive been passed from pillar to post and see a different doc every time I go ...

Did you tell them about the manic episodes, that to me should`ve set the alarm bells ringing ?

Is there a GP who felt " listened " amongst them, as that`d be the one I`d want to see.

If so make another appt and ask to see that GP - you can ask to see whichever one you want.
Did you tell them about the manic episodes, that to me should`ve set the alarm bells ringing ?

Is there a GP who felt " listened " amongst them, as that`d be the one I`d want to see.

If so make another appt and ask to see that GP - you can ask to see whichever one you want.

I actually said I wasn't myself for a few weeks on fluextine and my family were worried and pointed out that had several manic episodes..

it didn't seem to register... I was trying to point to maybe a bi polar disorder without me actually saying it..

ive come home and told parent s about how it went and they aren't happy, ive booked an appointment with the better doc that I have seen... like you've advised

I actually said I wasn't myself for a few weeks on fluextine and my family were worried and pointed out that had several manic episodes..

it didn't seem to register... I was trying to point to maybe a bi polar disorder without me actually saying it..

ive come home and told parent s about how it went and they aren't happy, ive booked an appointment with the better doc that I have seen... like you've advised

Doctors are just like everyone else mate - some are good and some are not so good, sometimes it`s just a question of getting the right one.

I was with a bad one for years, who looking back on it was lazy and couldn`t be arsed really.

It was only when I changed that things started to move forward.
Doctors are just like everyone else mate - some are good and some are not so good, sometimes it`s just a question of getting the right one.

I was with a bad one for years, who looking back on it was lazy and couldn`t be arsed really.

It was only when I changed that things started to move forward.
The one today, literally couldn't give two hoots..
Well, Monday I moved into my new place. It's far far from ideal but it is what it is. I went to drop off my little girl back at her mum's.

Due to her utter resentment for me we ended up having an argument. Nothing I done, I just asked her if I could leave some of my stuff in the house as i have limited space here. (She said no as she wants all my stuff gone. No idea where I'm gonna put it all)

Also, she has started going back on small things she said. Daft stuff like me using the Amazon prime account so I can watch films and that. No big deal at all but it all led to her going on about how I'm still trying to live off her and all that rubbish. So not true. I'm out on my own journey now.

I can deal with that, what I can't handle is now she is saying that I'm an embarrassment and I should be ashamed of my situation. She is also saying she is ashamed she was with me.

She said all her mates now know about my issues and how it's embarrassing etc.

She said there's nothing wrong with me, no one has depression for so long. Basically she is going out of her way to try and kick me hard when I'm down. Plus telling me how ashamed she is that she was with me (she wasn't ashamed a few month ago during sex etc!)

She herself has seen me at my worst. She has lived it with me. Now she is saying I've been fine all along.

She even has gone as far to start suggesting that I'm not a good dad, she threatened me with not seeing the baby which is so low of her.

It triggered a pretty large crying session in the car. I couldn't help it, being told that someone is embarrassed they were ever with me for 9 years and now knowing that she is telling her one sided tales to all sorts of people and I'm now a laughing stock hurt me.

It all sounds so daft and it's all very long story but all of this, the split, having to leave with nothing and with no money or job has been very stressful this past month.

Now the day I move forward (albeit not where I want to start) she starts on me. I just don't want to see her and deal with the face pulling and bitchy little put downs every time I pick up/drop.off the little one.

It's made me.question whether I should just walk away from both of them. I know the way she is going that it won't be long till she starts messing me around about seeing my daughter.

Basically, my issues with my appearance, subsequent depression and being too scared to fix anything has led to all this. I know it's my fault and I accept it, but she is going out of her way to make me suffer shame.

I love women. I love being with someone but it's getting to the point where I can't ever see myself being with anyone ever again. I just worry I'll mess it up again or someone will just start to treat me like garbage.

I could go on and on, I've felt awful this past month but had to force myself to move forward, move back to North Wales to be near my daughter with no friends and no family here. I'm doing it for her, I literally cried as I forced myself to sort stuff out. I just wanted to curl up and sleep.

Now I'm back feeling like crap, feeling ashamed and now have the weight of all these people shes been telling tales about me too.

I know it sounds petty compared to other people's issues, I'm just so low on self confidence and have zero self worth, all of this is keeping me down. In my place!

Sorry to rant. I know I'm pathetic.
Mr D
I've gone through exactly the same experience for the past 14 months. Im getting a divorce mate.
Whatever she can throw at you she will. She will lie to hurt you and make out she was perfect etc etc...
I'm still hanging in there mate but the wedge she has put between me and my daughter is unbelievable. Me and my daughter just argue now. The absolute lies are horrible.
With my stuff mate I've piled it under my bed and in a cupboard but I've also said fcuk keeping everything. So I've got rid of lots. I've got clothes, shoes books and afew every day essentials and picked up bits for my little kitchen a long the way.
My ex wife basically wants to push me over the edge mate but even though I'm struggling I'm still here. But if I kill myself today or tomorrow she would celebrate. She is pushing me and pushing me.
Trust absolutely nothing she says mate including promises and any arrangements you make.
I regret so many arguments with my daughter and the damage I've caused to our relationship by not biting my lip and letting my wife wind me up is massive . Don't let your ex do the same.
Good luck with everything mate. It will be hard but please don't let that woman break you and enjoy your time with your kid.

Got told today the company is at risk of a serious downsizing due to a lack of successful bids on projects. Worked here about 8 years and my first proper job so the prospect of leaving is sending my anxiety through the roof.

Updated my CV and stuck it on CV library etc. but has anyone got any tips of how to approach a possible completely new job? I suffer from a lack of confidence in what I do as well which doesn’t help when looking to apply for jobs.
Suffering my worst spiral for ages.

This week has been fine, good even, there's been no issues or carry over from last week so I felt no need to post anything. That all changed an hour or so ago.

Was processing an order, it confused me a tiny bit, wasnt sure who to tag on an email to send it too. Called my superior to ask her (the order had her name on) and she told me it's not her who was dealing with it. Called the correct person but the line was engaged. I looked at my screen and saw only certain people mentioned on the order form so rather than wait I thought I'd just send it over and if something was amiss they'd inform and I'd amend it swiftly, it was no big thing.

A few minutes later a colleague emails me basically telling it me it was wrong and it was being passed back. The email itself, to me at least, came across as a tad condescending ("you need to read things more carefully"). A few minutes later the said superior sends an email to me as well, this one quite long, and it was more or less the same. "We expect errors like this during training but not at this point".

It all P'd me off to no end. Like actually steaming mad, even worse than last week. I was so fuming I didnt even reply to their emails, I just sat in utter silence for the final half hour or so before we all finished. When home time came I quickly scuttled out and barely said bye.

I feel so, so negative. A mixture of anger/sadness. All the signals in my head only point to this all only ending one way and to be honest if I hadnt paid my course fees already for the counselling at a place very close by I would seriously give consideration about whether I should look elsewhere. Tonight is going to be very hard, tomorrow probably even worse when they bring the whole thing up (surely they will because I blanked their messages). The anger will come flooding back and it will take every bit of self control I have to not let rip and speak my mind but if I do that I'll be cutting off my nose to spite my face.

I want to cry.
Got told today the company is at risk of a serious downsizing due to a lack of successful bids on projects. Worked here about 8 years and my first proper job so the prospect of leaving is sending my anxiety through the roof.

Updated my CV and stuck it on CV library etc. but has anyone got any tips of how to approach a possible completely new job? I suffer from a lack of confidence in what I do as well which doesn’t help when looking to apply for jobs.

It’s easy me saying this but, first things first, try not to worry, there are plenty of opportunities around right now and I’m sure with 8 years solid work at one company behind you, you’ll be snapped up in no time. Stay positive, keep looking at the job boards daily and keep applying. Get your profile on LinkedIn updated and draft a list of companies you’d like to join, perhaps even send them a direct letter with your CV.

Chances are, if the company have announced (even informally via senior management) that redundancies are possible then they are almost certain and it’s simply a matter of time. Most businesses make this announcement to give staff the opportunity to leave of their own accord rather than being made redundant, which is generally much easier for both parties. If the company were confident of avoiding redundancies, they wouldn’t tell you that they were possible as they wouldn’t want staff to panic and leave when the business is already vulnerable.

In terms of how to approach any new job, it depends on the kind of business and environment you’re joining but in most cases new jobs can be really exciting. A whole new team to work with, potentially better earning / learning / promotion prospects. Take it one step at a time, let’s get you some interviews lined up 1st. Have confidence in your own ability at your job - you must be more than competent if the company have sought to keep you on board for the best part of a decade. Other businesses will desperately need your skills and experience and you could find yourself in a much stronger, happier position in the not too distant future.
Suffering my worst spiral for ages.

This week has been fine, good even, there's been no issues or carry over from last week so I felt no need to post anything. That all changed an hour or so ago.

Was processing an order, it confused me a tiny bit, wasnt sure who to tag on an email to send it too. Called my superior to ask her (the order had her name on) and she told me it's not her who was dealing with it. Called the correct person but the line was engaged. I looked at my screen and saw only certain people mentioned on the order form so rather than wait I thought I'd just send it over and if something was amiss they'd inform and I'd amend it swiftly, it was no big thing.

A few minutes later a colleague emails me basically telling it me it was wrong and it was being passed back. The email itself, to me at least, came across as a tad condescending ("you need to read things more carefully"). A few minutes later the said superior sends an email to me as well, this one quite long, and it was more or less the same. "We expect errors like this during training but not at this point".

It all P'd me off to no end. Like actually steaming mad, even worse than last week. I was so fuming I didnt even reply to their emails, I just sat in utter silence for the final half hour or so before we all finished. When home time came I quickly scuttled out and barely said bye.

I feel so, so negative. A mixture of anger/sadness. All the signals in my head only point to this all only ending one way and to be honest if I hadnt paid my course fees already for the counselling at a place very close by I would seriously give consideration about whether I should look elsewhere. Tonight is going to be very hard, tomorrow probably even worse when they bring the whole thing up (surely they will because I blanked their messages). The anger will come flooding back and it will take every bit of self control I have to not let rip and speak my mind but if I do that I'll be cutting off my nose to spite my face.

I want to cry.

I can totally sympathise with this, when something goes wrong at work (even if it’s not your mistake) it’s easy to feel like you’re being attacked personally.

Learning to deal with that sort of criticism at work, with a degree of sincerity and maturity is a really important skill in your career. It’s important to recognise that a mistake has been made and often the easiest way of dealing with it is to hold your hands up to management, apologise and promise to learn from it - even if deep down you don’t truly believe that you were responsible.

Arguing your case very rarely gets you very far because the reality is, it really doesn’t matter, mate! The business don’t want to dwell on minor errors, which is all this is. They just want to nip it in the bud. It’s more important to wrap these things up as quickly as possible and move on before the team starts to detect the negative atmosphere and it impacts on team morale / performance.

If you’re keen to draw a line under this, perhaps respond to your colleagues messages / emails tomorrow, apologise for the error and try to re-focus. Don’t sweat it, mate, we all make mistakes.
I feel like my 14 year old daughter has kicked me in the balls today as my divorce from her mother continues.
She said " the tv in your flat is rubbish " Its just freeview . "The shower is rubbish." It's a normal everyday shower.
She also said the sofa and her bed are uncomfortable and that she was staying with her grandparents this weekend instead.
I just feel like giving up with her now.
She then also accused me of upsetting her mother through email by saying her mother was abandoning her and going on the beer which is just a lie.
Life is just crap.

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