You ok mate !!The lowest I’ve ever been. Posting this from my car where I can’t even sleep. I have no idea what I’ve done in life to deserve any of this
Contact daughter tried to take her life last year. And again on sunday. Went to hospital. Got admitted. Got her sorted for the overdose. Am at my wits end. The mental health team came interviewed her she tells them i cant cope with my head i will probably do this again... Am in a bad place. All the cries for help but they just send her home. With a little fact sheet. ... It really is a shitty world to suffer mentally this world. I was hoping they take her in help her proper but no ! What do you have to do to get proper help ???? You know what boyz. I really envy. All you guys who,s only big nightmare is if we go down !! Atb. Macker
What an awful situation for you all. Our local NHS trust has a self referral system, is there something like this where you live? Really hope that you are able to get the help your daughter so desperately needs.My daughter tried to take her life last year. And again on sunday. Went to hospital. Got admitted. Got her sorted for the overdose. Am at my wits end. The mental health team came interviewed her she tells them i cant cope with my head i will probably do this again... Am in a bad place. All the cries for help but they just send her home. With a little fact sheet. ... It really is a shitty world to suffer mentally this world. I was hoping they take her in help her proper but no ! What do you have to do to get proper help ???? You know what boyz. I really envy. All you guys who,s only big nightmare is if we go down !! Atb. Macker
So very sad to read this. Is there someone you can talk to? If there is no one close The Samaritans are always there to listen. It is a cliche but a problem shared…The lowest I’ve ever been. Posting this from my car where I can’t even sleep. I have no idea what I’ve done in life to deserve any of this
The lowest I’ve ever been. Posting this from my car where I can’t even sleep. I have no idea what I’ve done in life to deserve any of this
Macker, I'm so sorry you and your daughter are really struggling. It must be very hard for you. I am a mental health professional and would like to inform you of the criteria that has to be met before anyone is admitted into hospital. Contrary to what some people may think, the criteria is very very simple. You either have to present as being in real danger of harming yourself, or others. If the assessment team feel that this is the case, they will arrange for you to be admitted by either sectioning you - under the guidelines set out in the Mental Health Act 1983 - usually a Section 2 ( 28 day period of assessment ) or a section 3 ( ongoing assessment and treatment for a longer period ) . Or, you may be admitted informally, where you agree yourself to being admitted. These two " options " are dependant on your mental health needs.My daughter tried to take her life last year. And again on sunday. Went to hospital. Got admitted. Got her sorted for the overdose. Am at my wits end. The mental health team came interviewed her she tells them i cant cope with my head i will probably do this again... Am in a bad place. All the cries for help but they just send her home. With a little fact sheet. ... It really is a shitty world to suffer mentally this world. I was hoping they take her in help her proper but no ! What do you have to do to get proper help ???? You know what boyz. I really envy. All you guys who,s only big nightmare is if we go down !! Atb. Macker
So sorry to hear about this Macker you have already received good advice from our friends on here which I cannot add to, just to say we're here for you.My daughter tried to take her life last year. And again on sunday. Went to hospital. Got admitted. Got her sorted for the overdose. Am at my wits end. The mental health team came interviewed her she tells them i cant cope with my head i will probably do this again... Am in a bad place. All the cries for help but they just send her home. With a little fact sheet. ... It really is a shitty world to suffer mentally this world. I was hoping they take her in help her proper but no ! What do you have to do to get proper help ???? You know what boyz. I really envy. All you guys who,s only big nightmare is if we go down !! Atb. Macker
Hope you're okay mate.The lowest I’ve ever been. Posting this from my car where I can’t even sleep. I have no idea what I’ve done in life to deserve any of this
We are all ears mate.The lowest I’ve ever been. Posting this from my car where I can’t even sleep. I have no idea what I’ve done in life to deserve any of this
Great post Spotty very informative, it's good of you to share your expertise.Macker, I'm so sorry you and your daughter are really struggling. It must be very hard for you. I am a mental health professional and would like to inform you of the criteria that has to be met before anyone is admitted into hospital. Contrary to what some people may think, the criteria is very very simple. You either have to present as being in real danger of harming yourself, or others. If the assessment team feel that this is the case, they will arrange for you to be admitted by either sectioning you - under the guidelines set out in the Mental Health Act 1983 - usually a Section 2 ( 28 day period of assessment ) or a section 3 ( ongoing assessment and treatment for a longer period ) . Or, you may be admitted informally, where you agree yourself to being admitted. These two " options " are dependant on your mental health needs.
I can only assume by the fact that your daughter was not admitted to hospital, that she doesn't meet the criteria. I myself have admitted a number of people into hospital using my powers as a psychiatric nurse ( Section 5/2 or 5/4 ). Believe it or not, the decision to admit someone into hospital s a very big responsibility. When you section someone, you are in fact, taking away their freedom and taking them away from loved ones. For example, a mother of three young children by being sectioned has MASSIVE consequences,for obvious reasons. The main concern for any mental health professional, the PRIORITY, is " how do I keep this person safe ". Admit them to hospital, provide the intense support and treat them in a safe supportive environment or making a decision to to not admit them, and hope they have the support networks from family and friends to help them stay safe.
I hope this has helped bud, and explained the thinking behind some of the decisions made by mental health professionals. In the interim, you have to provide as much love and support as you can to your daughter and re enforce to her that she has a life to lead, she is loved and that with help and support, she can recover. Take care my friend, I hope things change for the better for you and your daughter.
Thnx. Buddy... For your help. Very kind of you too take the time appreciate it .. nsnoMacker, I'm so sorry you and your daughter are really struggling. It must be very hard for you. I am a mental health professional and would like to inform you of the criteria that has to be met before anyone is admitted into hospital. Contrary to what some people may think, the criteria is very very simple. You either have to present as being in real danger of harming yourself, or others. If the assessment team feel that this is the case, they will arrange for you to be admitted by either sectioning you - under the guidelines set out in the Mental Health Act 1983 - usually a Section 2 ( 28 day period of assessment ) or a section 3 ( ongoing assessment and treatment for a longer period ) . Or, you may be admitted informally, where you agree yourself to being admitted. These two " options " are dependant on your mental health needs.
I can only assume by the fact that your daughter was not admitted to hospital, that she doesn't meet the criteria. I myself have admitted a number of people into hospital using my powers as a psychiatric nurse ( Section 5/2 or 5/4 ). Believe it or not, the decision to admit someone into hospital s a very big responsibility. When you section someone, you are in fact, taking away their freedom and taking them away from loved ones. For example, a mother of three young children by being sectioned has MASSIVE consequences,for obvious reasons. The main concern for any mental health professional, the PRIORITY, is " how do I keep this person safe ". Admit them to hospital, provide the intense support and treat them in a safe supportive environment or making a decision to to not admit them, and hope they have the support networks from family and friends to help them stay safe.
I hope this has helped bud, and explained the thinking behind some of the decisions made by mental health professionals. In the interim, you have to provide as much love and support as you can to your daughter and re enforce to her that she has a life to lead, she is loved and that with help and support, she can recover. Take care my friend, I hope things change for the better for you and your daughter.
Thanks fellaWhat an awful situation for you all. Our local NHS trust has a self referral system, is there something like this where you live? Really hope that you are able to get the help your daughter so desperately needs.
Welcome to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, improving the health and wellbeing of the people we care for, our staff and
Thank you nsnoSo sorry to hear about this Macker you have already received good advice from our friends on here which I cannot add to, just to say we're here for you.
I sincerely hope your daughter gets the help she needs, and things in time get easier for you.
There is always someone near at hand on here if you need to talk.