Ya I do walk the dog a bit . But currently try to go quite routes ! It's strange been lonely but also wanting to avoid people !
Your self confidence goes and the more you avoid people, the worse it gets. It’s a vicious cycle mate.
Ya I do walk the dog a bit . But currently try to go quite routes ! It's strange been lonely but also wanting to avoid people !
Hi wrote about my plight a couple months ago, unfortunately my hardships have not abated , if anything my distress has been exacerbated. Just to recap I've been dealing with a slew of health issues including psychogenic seizures (elicited by stress and depression) that I was able to manage for a period of time. Met an incredible human being but felt self conscious so I deceitful over my age of only 4 years too. She severed ties several months ago still has yet to contact me in over two and half months. In that time I continue to wallow in despair and my seizures and just general health issues have been prevalent. Get light headed burst into tears, chronic panic attacks. I tried to heed the advice provided by this thread- attempt to find someone else, press forward with my life but I find myself just unacknowledged. My friends don't even contact me, this is so pathetic but other than my parents i haven't had a call or a text socially in two months. I feel so disconnected from the world. I still work but still the two days a week where it's a struggle to make it through my shifts as i battle to not collapse at work. Also my other issue are becoming more prevalent like i didn't mention my crippling ocd. I have a fear of chemicals especially carbon monoxide poisoning and it generates constant anxiety like on Howard hughes levels of panic. Since I live in the U.S and struggle to work I can't access to affordable healthcare and disability is incredibly difficult to attain, which I dont know if I even want it with the stigma attached I'm struggling to function and I live in a constant impoverished state. I just dont know what to do. Yesterday I had three seizures I'm currently bedridden and feel like I'm just squandering more of my life. If this is too intense I apologize but like I said I feel so alone currently. The melancholy just metacizes
Blue, by the sound of it, it sounds like it's about getting a balance. Your " I like it....because I can shut people out " comment is what struck me. Do we all like a " I just want to chill, not think, relax " moment and the answer is yes. It's when there is no variation, nothing to break that same today, same tomorrow same same same ". You begin to think, is that it. Is THIS what my life's about. Going back to my " I just want to chill ", well, I only feel like that when I've been occupied, busy. It's then I think " time to chill out, watch something outlandish on the box and just " lose " myself. A better analogy for me is I only enjoy a pint if I've feel I've earned it.Read this the other day and it resonated a lot with me .
Posted here a few times and back around December said how I was feeling fairly down and it would pass. Well it hasn't and if anything it's got worse . A relationship was ending and u guess I felt it might be able to get back but not now . I have tried to but a positive spin on things and not feel sorry for myself but it's hard to find the motivation. I live alone and at times I like it because I can shut people out but then other times I am lonely.
I get on with things , work on my own mainly so that gets done but I am finding it very hard to find any joy in life. I'm existing but not living if that makes sense.
Hi COYBL@Spotty can you help the man out ?
I have responded to his post and if he wants to chat, he can DM me, take care
Thanks for the response.@Curtis, it’s sad to hear that things haven’t improved for you since you last shared.
As you say, there are a slew of things going on that you’re trying to deal with.
Forgive me for saying but you need to seek professional help, if possible.
What with the OCD, seizures and depression, only an experienced counsellor or psychiatrist could lead you through these. Do you access to those kind of support systems?
I’m not familiar with how this works in the US but is they’re any similar steps you can take like in the UK. (Doctor referral)
I know it’s all about money and that may be a barrier for you.
Sorry I can’t give you a better reply but please know that I and others are here for a chat anytime you need.
My thoughts are with you and try to look after yourself. Take care mate ?
Surely if your current situation can mostly be attributed to an incident during your vocational duties, then the onus for getting support should be with your current ( previous) employers.Thanks for the response.
I think you're correct and I take no offense to your suggestion of seeking professional medical counsel. I currently dont have access to insurance so it's been difficult to acquire the necessary assistance. Even when I had the access I found my the resources quite inadequate. But maybe that's an area to research once again. I honestly didnt expect anyone to resolve my more serious afflictions but needed a venue to commiserate over my discord. The desolation has been devastating. I appreciate you and others for taking the time to read my posts and offer support.
Thanks for the response.
I think you're correct and I take no offense to your suggestion of seeking professional medical counsel. I currently dont have access to insurance so it's been difficult to acquire the necessary assistance. Even when I had the access I found my the resources quite inadequate. But maybe that's an area to research once again. I honestly didnt expect anyone to resolve my more serious afflictions but needed a venue to commiserate over my discord. The desolation has been devastating. I appreciate you and others for taking the time to read my posts and offer support.
Nah being a yank I never considered that as an option but I'll check it out. I'm open to any potential resource.Have you had a look at the Mental Health Forum in the UK mate ?
I can guarantee there’ll be people on there who share similar problems to yourself ?
Nah being a yank I never considered that as an option but I'll check it out. I'm open to any potential resource.
It's been a long term issue unfortunately stretching back decades. I even had a concussion a couple years back that lead to a reoccurrence of my seizures and in America they didn't have bare any responsibility to aid me. Currently I work for Amazon but part time as my health issues curtail my availability. You need full time to access benefits. The health system in America as I'm sure you're aware is highly flawed. This most recent bout of seizures is probably more attributed to my recent breakup sadlySurely if you’re current situation can mostly be attributed to an incident during your vocational duties, then the onus for getting support should be with your current ( previous) employers.
They should be insured to cover subsequent treatment for their employees, if it started on their watch.
Duty of care and all that. ??![]()
Ah, ok. I was trying to see if you could pin them on the assault that happened to you whilst working in the mental health sector.It's been a long term issue unfortunately stretching back decades. I even had a concussion a couple years back that lead to a reoccurrence of my seizures and in America they didn't have bare any responsibility to aid me. Currently I work for Amazon but part time as my health issues curtail my availability. You need full time to access benefits. The health system in America as I'm sure you're aware is highly flawed. This most recent bout of seizures is probably more attributed to my recent breakup sadly