I bet you that shitbag Moshiri buys us a new stadium on the docks and spends about 100 million in the January window just out of spite now,
you watch.
I would highly doubt that
I bet you that shitbag Moshiri buys us a new stadium on the docks and spends about 100 million in the January window just out of spite now,
you watch.
I partly agree with this. On one hand, I think much of the time he SHOULD be silent on things. Most fans can pretend they want the truth, but cant handle the actual reality of being updated on the ongoings of the club. Heads would be falling off left and right. .
What happened that was out of the ordinary? Ateam in the champions league (and in London) gazumps a team not in the champions league and not in London. Its happened to Liverpool on many occaisions. Stop panicking its a project and was never going to happen overnight.I think we all know that the transfer window went west on us. There's no polishing this up to try and make it shine. Whether it was explicit or implicit, we were all left with the impression from the snippets the new guard left us that this would be a momentous summer in terms of player trading. And that's where this thread comes in.
The vision of where we are being taken by these people on and off the field remains very vague. There's been no attempt to spell out what the process is here; what the preferred running order is between squad investment and getting things right in terms of a new stadium and commercial improvements generally; what are the short to medium term objectives being set?
I've argued since Moshiri's arrival that we need a lot more detail from him regarding what is to come and what approximate timetable he is working to. If this had been done previously then the shock of the late summer inactivity in the market and the loss of confidence and credibility for him that goes with it could have been avoided. I dont see any lines of communication whatsoever being built up to bridge what the club are thinking and our understanding of it. The vacuum instead is filled by a narrative built up by the msm and well meaning bloggers which are repeated and become established as fact when they really are just wild speculation. Why should we have to put up with that communications hangover from the Kenwright era?
So, do we now need a big sit down between club and fans representatives or even Moshiri with a respected reporter for an in depth interview about what he's thinking?
I suspect this is a joke, but you never know.
Of course they owe us something. They owe us a product worth paying for. And in the case of a professional sports team, part of that product is hope that things will get better. This window put a huge damper on that hope. It behooves the ownership to not let that hope fade and, with its loss, to not let people stop paying attention.
Martinez most likely wasn't going to relegate us this year. But sacking him, paying compensation, and pulling in Koeman was an exercise in showing that mediocrity was no longer acceptable. This window swings it back the other way.
To say that the paying customers and the fanbase, which is part of your marketing arm, are owed nothing is simply a poor business model, and one that I would be shocked and horrified if Moshiri were to adopt. It would basically signal that the man is in it for the short term profits since he is paying no mind to re-seeding the fields.
The Echo wilfully misses the point by a country mile. It's all about the whole tone of the regime so far. No direct communication, no clear plan, and no headway made on a stadium or squad investment beyond the old failed method of recycling incoming cash.Kirkbride was at it earlier too. Making out that yesterday couldn't be used to "distract from an otherwise successful window".
There will be more of this. Conceding deadline day was a disaster but only doing so by stating the rest of the window was positive as if it were a statement go fact. Then having established the dubious fact attempting to undermine those criticising deadline day as those trying to damage the club and this silence them.
I think we all know that the transfer window went west on us. There's no polishing this up to try and make it shine. Whether it was explicit or implicit, we were all left with the impression from the snippets the new guard left us that this would be a momentous summer in terms of player trading. And that's where this thread comes in.
The vision of where we are being taken by these people on and off the field remains very vague. There's been no attempt to spell out what the process is here; what the preferred running order is between squad investment and getting things right in terms of a new stadium and commercial improvements generally; what are the short to medium term objectives being set?
I've argued since Moshiri's arrival that we need a lot more detail from him regarding what is to come and what approximate timetable he is working to. If this had been done previously then the shock of the late summer inactivity in the market and the loss of confidence and credibility for him that goes with it could have been avoided. I dont see any lines of communication whatsoever being built up to bridge what the club are thinking and our understanding of it. The vacuum instead is filled by a narrative built up by the msm and well meaning bloggers which are repeated and become established as fact when they really are just wild speculation. Why should we have to put up with that communications hangover from the Kenwright era?
So, do we now need a big sit down between club and fans representatives or even Moshiri with a respected reporter for an in depth interview about what he's thinking?
I think we all know that the transfer window went west on us. There's no polishing this up to try and make it shine. Whether it was explicit or implicit, we were all left with the impression from the snippets the new guard left us that this would be a momentous summer in terms of player trading. And that's where this thread comes in.
The vision of where we are being taken by these people on and off the field remains very vague. There's been no attempt to spell out what the process is here; what the preferred running order is between squad investment and getting things right in terms of a new stadium and commercial improvements generally; what are the short to medium term objectives being set?
I've argued since Moshiri's arrival that we need a lot more detail from him regarding what is to come and what approximate timetable he is working to. If this had been done previously then the shock of the late summer inactivity in the market and the loss of confidence and credibility for him that goes with it could have been avoided. I dont see any lines of communication whatsoever being built up to bridge what the club are thinking and our understanding of it. The vacuum instead is filled by a narrative built up by the msm and well meaning bloggers which are repeated and become established as fact when they really are just wild speculation. Why should we have to put up with that communications hangover from the Kenwright era?
So, do we now need a big sit down between club and fans representatives or even Moshiri with a respected reporter for an in depth interview about what he's thinking?
Three games in and we know the team is improved and we have a manager as good as we can expect? Let's give it a season.I think he should get in the Street End leading a chorus of 'were gonna win the league.'
We have just improved the team over summer, new manager as good as you could hope for and new premises on the way. Until we have rebuilt the profile we are not going to be preferred by players to more glam locations and teams. It needs time.
That's just it, we don't know what the project even is. We don't know what timeframe they have in mind for anything. We don't have any point of location to set our bearings with.What happened that was out of the ordinary? Ateam in the champions league (and in London) gazumps a team not in the champions league and not in London. Its happened to Liverpool on many occaisions. Stop panicking its a project and was never going to happen overnight.
Just let it all go uncommented upon because the rich feller must know what he's doing?What a load of self-important twaddle.
He doesn't have to do anything. It's his toy.
I think you read and believe all this bloggers crap yourself.
I assume you used to curl up on your couch and smile and feel all warm inside when Kenwright used to have his sickly sweet one to ones with the media? Well I for one hope to god that circus doesn't start with Moshiri.
Have you been to the ground this season? The place is buzzing. There is hope and anticipation. It hasn't been like that for years.
Let the man play with his toys for a season and you play with yours. He has been here five minutes and from where I'm standing things have got better and things feel better. Just because it isn't happening at a million miles an hour doesn't mean it's not happening.
The fact we can defend better is enough for me as an improvement. Could Everton have attracted a higher profile proven manager? I doubt it.Three games in and we know the team is improved and we have a manager as good as we can expect? Let's give it a season.
Spot on mate. And that word "respect" is at the heart of everything.Dave,
Agree with all you say.
This is not about us demanding to know what is said at board meetings, nor do we care what is written in private contracts and agreements.This is a private company, and so of course, we have no right of passage through any of its private internal workings. We are, however, the club's/company's most valued customers (yes, you could argue TV networks would be considered more important to them than we are - but then, who are the network subscribers?). So, as a valuable part of this whole process, we should expect some respect from the club/LLC we support. Respect means, we are acknowledged, we exist, we are a part of the whole, and therefore we have at least earned the right to some kind of reassurances and statements of intent from the owner. No BS, no default replies, no lying. Just the facts. They could answer simple questions like: Did the transfer window go as they had planned, or were they as deeply disappointed as the fan base? Did they actually go for the rumoured targets? What realistic goals do they have for this season? Are we still on course for a stadium? What is the time frame for the stadium? Who is calling the shots? etc...
Without such dialogue from the club, we are left with a barrage of speculation that, in this fast moving world of social media, can end up hurting the very club that we love.