2023/24 Dominic Calvert-Lewin

It’s not. I acknowledged it could be anything - including money. If you want to go back and have a look then please do.

My point is - once again and then I really need to get on with some DIY - We. Don’t. Know.

No you wont, you'll put that hammer down and refresh this page every 30 seconds for the next 12 hours. So we can go round and round in a circle that goes no where...

Till we get side tracked by anothe thread and the whole cycle continues. Are you new here!!!

So basically what people are saying is that Dom is OUR property, and he must do as WE say and he has NO say in his OWN future

Under a contract so pretty much.

He does have more leverage as it's his last year, but Everton won't SELL him regardless what he WANTS until an offer comes in Everton WANTS.
nah, doesnt wash.

Newcastle are the richest club in world football and have just been in the champions league. They'd also improve his wages and are in a much better position to win trophies then we are.

I hate to say it but Newcastle are a big upgrade to us atm.

Theres no reason not to go apart from wage demands
Did you watch them last season, they looked a long off being a CL club.
It appears they are prepared to sell Gordon, they have to sell Minteh and Elliott (I think).
They may have wealthy owners but that doesn't help much when you are dealing with PSR
If he does end up seeing his contract out and leaving for nothing then that is quite poor tbh. Club has given this lad more than he’s given the club IMO.
You never like a player to leave for nothing, but we should only sell if we can find a suitable replacement for a fair price and I haven't seen a link that fills me with any confidence we will replace him.

As weve already established he doesnt have to live in the city. Very few players live in liverpool for example.

Your whole argument seems to hinge on him having to be kept in a Newcastle gulag
Maybe his partner doesn't fancy moving North.
There could be any number of reasons.
We have often lost out on players who preferred London over Liverpool.
