Player Valuation: £70m
Fair enough excuse. Nice fishing to get some juicy comments on Chamberlain by the way.According to Wiki, it was the year before I was born. Hard to remember stuff that happened even before you were in the womb.
Fair enough excuse. Nice fishing to get some juicy comments on Chamberlain by the way.According to Wiki, it was the year before I was born. Hard to remember stuff that happened even before you were in the womb.
I’m just *curious.
Not remembering one of the myriad wrong doings of Liverpool? That's unlike a Liverpool fan.
I know the comment is not a big thing, so I’m not aiming this at you specifically, but I’m interested in how you lot feel about it in general...
Is any bad news for the reds good news to you and to be celebrated, or would you have sympathy for Ox for an injury like this?
I concur.Moderators seriously need to have a tidy-up on this thread.
It's originally designed for slagging them, yeah?
Not for giving them a safe space to air their tired patronising boring shat. They get enough airtime on SKY and column space in pretty much every rag on the newstands. Last place they should be allowed to mouth off should be here.
They'll have their own page in the official match-day programme at this rate...
No prisoners... NO mercy.
Honestly, signing up for membership of another team's page ...... grown men, allegedly... same whoppers who made loads of meffy banners about Everton for the final they got humped in.
Lash 'em on the bonfire, laaa
Migrating from rawk to here pretending to be a blue is worse m8Had a quick look at your posting history. Besides talking about Messi and Trump you post in this thread the most.
Their debt is rising but so is their turnover a lot bigger with tv revenues,match day and commercial season going up every,and debt is so overrated in football today especially with the top 10 clubs in the money list.
Real Barca United Arsenal Chelsea Spurs are all in the top 10 turnover clubs and all have debt in the hundreds of millions each from multiple loans and stadium debt and not one of those clubs has done a Leeds/Portsmouth.
I keep repeating on here once you hit the 400-500 million pound mark in turnover you can spend on big fees/wages and still easily service a debt as Real Arsenal Barca and United have shown and those clubs have been in around the magic 400-500 million turnover bracket for multiple seasons which is where the RS are occupying now and Spurs should be in a few seasons with their new stadium.
No surprise the RS owners who all come from a Wall Street back ground have found ways to have their turnover grow every year,cleverly they have used a big bulk of their biggest commercial deals with companies headquarters based in Boston/New England area with New Balance,Dunkin Donuts and Subway and also have financial companies as their shirt and sleeve sponsor.
It's wishful thinking the RS will go into serious debt and go bankrupt,Leeds a local club with no international fan base had a loan of 120 million when their turnover was around 60-70 million and also had no big tv,match day or commercial revenues to rely on,Portsmouth was a money laundering enterprise owned by a dodgy Russian/Israeli gangster family who were syphoning money from the club coffers.
Moshiri sadly seems to be lacking in the financial acumen,turnover has gone up but the % it has is pitiful compared to the RS,as Moshiri comes from a financial background he really needs to be clever at getting turnover up quickly starting with the new stadium and having a commercial enterprise.
The name Nulty doesn’t mean a thing to me. And just for the record, i wouldn’t necessarily expect you to be sympathetic, I’m just curious.
They had issues last season and they have addressed them IMO.
They needed a Keeper and their midfield was terrible, now it seems they have a good keeper and Fabinho and Kieta are very decent.
Building on last season, I can see them challenging this season sadly.
I guess that you never mention the fact that the RS won the European Cup in 77 and 78 then since you were born after that.According to Wiki, it was the year before I was born. Hard to remember stuff that happened even before you were in the womb.
he deserves an injury because of the school his parents chose? Bit weird, but okI have some sympathy for the lad, but he's a former private school boy so likely a knobhead and this is probably some sort of Karma for his sins in his earlier life. I can't say I have much sympathy for some posh knobhead who went to a school which charged more in fees than most people earn in a year has got an injury. He deserves a damn site worse than that.