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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

That sounds remarkably like what Trump supporters are currently saying and what was said in Germany in the 30s. Moderate Republicans are currently being labelled as traitors to the cause and in the 30s anyone who complained about what was happening was labelled a Jew sympathizer.

Anyone who doesn't go along with the vile abuse and constant attacks is labelled a Red. This thread should be about humour and about poking fun at our neighbours. Instead, we get terms like 'mutants', 'murder inc', 'racists' and the like.

That is far from funny. Fail to sink in to the gutter and you get labelled a red.
You're right. And that Bungle is a monster.

I'd leave if I were you.

I'll stick around to see if I can inject some love into this hateful beast of a forum.

When you see me post the words 'six times', you'll know it's safe to come back.

I thought this was an interesting article on a Liverpool forum - there's an undercurrent of frustration with Klopp and his talking up of need for others to protect players from burnout, while doing nothing within his own power to protect his own.

Even they know what a hypocrite he is.

This is especially true as they were briefing he was the 2nd best left back in the league. They just never stop talking utter rubbish.
Why do you always try to twist things.

I posted 'a tiny proportion of Jews did bad things in the 30s in Germany'. The NAZI party then used that as a way to make horrific sweeping generalisations about Jewish people.

So why not quote my post. Instead, you changed that to "Jews did lots of bad things in the 1930s" quite clearly that has no relation to what I posted.

Again please reply to where you come from because you are using locality as an excuse to make sweeping generalisations.

I'm really sorry, but your suggestion that (and I quote) "Jews did bad things in the 1930's" is absolutey disgusting.

I notice you also equate calling out racism as being equivalent to being a Nazi. The opposite is true. Calling out racism is what prevents organisations like the Nazi's and people like you.

You're a racist and an anti-semite. It's disgusting you have made an equivlence of football supporters in 2020, and what Jewish people suffered in the 1930's, and also you have sought to defend it on some spurious accusation of them "doing bad things".

As for where I live, it has no relevance. It's no secret, I have discussed it multiple times so you're welcome to look back through the thread(s) and you will see. However the subject of the debate here needs to be you, and your craven racism and anti-semitism.

What you have put, is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read, and can I say on behalf of anyone with any degree of decency we are ashamed of them. Attacking Jewish people and minimising their experienced in the 1930's is not going to magically give Liverpool more supporters in the city, you complete, un utter d1ckhead).
I'm really sorry, but your suggestion that (and I quote) "Jews did bad things in the 1930's" is absolutey disgusting.

I notice you also equate calling out racism as being equivalent to being a Nazi. The opposite is true. Calling out racism is what prevents organisations like the Nazi's and people like you.

You're a racist and an anti-semite. It's disgusting you have made an equivlence of football supporters in 2020, and what Jewish people suffered in the 1930's, and also you have sought to defend it on some spurious accusation of them "doing bad things".

As for where I live, it has no relevance. It's no secret, I have discussed it multiple times so you're welcome to look back through the thread(s) and you will see. However the subject of the debate here needs to be you, and your craven racism and anti-semitism.

What you have put, is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read, and can I say on behalf of anyone with any degree of decency we are ashamed of them. Attacking Jewish people and minimising their experienced in the 1930's is not going to magically give Liverpool more supporters in the city, you complete, un utter d1ckhead).
Why do you always seek to twist things.

I made it absolutely clear that a tiny proportion of Jewish people did bad things in the 30s. That is factually correct. A tiny proportion of people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities and locations do bad things.

The issue is when people try to seize on the tiny percentage of people from a group who do bad things and try to use that as a way to smear a whole group. That is where the comparison comes in between what happened in the 30s in Germany and what people like you seek to do here.

Instead of condemning the individuals who do bad things you try and smear a whole group of people.

That is just the way you act though you look to divide people and to do that you are quite willing to brand people as racist or anti-Semitic at the drop of a hat, with absolutely no evidence. You lose a debate or an argument and you resort to calling someone with an alternative view a racist or an anti-Semite.

Shall we return to why you are branding me a racist. My only crime was to ask you for evidence that BAME individuals were more prone to a poor outcome from COVID because of something in their genetic make up as opposed to it being down to inequalities in health care, a higher chance of working face to face with the public or socio-economic circumstances.

Despite telling, you that I am a BAME individual who works for the NHS and has looked into the matter because of my circumstances. You still accuse me of being a racist. Now because I have asked you to stop branding a group because of the actions of a tiny minority I am supposedly anti-Semitic.

You are a hypocrite. The first example of this is that you were only concerned about BAME individuals risk of COVID because you saw it as an opportunity to call for last season to be declared null and void to stop the RS winning the League. Strangely when we won our first 7 games and Hamez was tearing it up you conveniently forgot about the fate of BAME individuals.

The second is seizing on a hoax about the comparative number of season ticket holders the two Merseyside clubs have in the Liverpool City region. Then using it as a wedge to try and rile local fans. It is not surprising you love to take any opportunity to divide people. Doing so from the other side of the Country shows how pathetic that is. As a scouser who attends games I find it disgusting that people like yourself and DAVEK who don't attend home games love to whip hatred between fans safe in the knowledge that it will never affect you directly.

Here is a suggestion there are laws against hate speech in this Country. So if you really think that I have posted something racist or anti-semitic then please report me to the authorities because I am sure this forum will co-operate and forward my IP adresss.

If not please stop throwing around baseless accusations like confetti at a wedding just because someone will not go along with your warped agenda.
I thought this was an interesting article on a Liverpool forum - there's an undercurrent of frustration with Klopp and his talking up of need for others to protect players from burnout, while doing nothing within his own power to protect his own.

Even they know what a hypocrite he is.
Maybe the manager just doesn't rate him...but at least he makes it to the bench, which is more than our reserve FB does

But saying ''I support Liverpool'' is a bit like people over here in Spain saying ''I support Real Madrid''. Most of them have never set foot in the ground and a lot of them don't know the first thing about football.
As far as match going, knowledgeable fans who are passionate about football in general, it's probably about 50-50. The rest are just hangers on, and brand consumers. like buying Nike and thinking you're a style guru.

He didn't think about that mate hence why you won't get a response.

I would hate it if I followed a team and when we won something everyone jumped on the bandwagon. It's only non match going fans like this herbert who thinks its actually something to celebrate.
Why do you always seek to twist things.

I made it absolutely clear that a tiny proportion of Jewish people did bad things in the 30s. That is factually correct. A tiny proportion of people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities and locations do bad things.

The issue is when people try to seize on the tiny percentage of people from a group who do bad things and try to use that as a way to smear a whole group. That is where the comparison comes in between what happened in the 30s in Germany and what people like you seek to do here.

Instead of condemning the individuals who do bad things you try and smear a whole group of people.

That is just the way you act though you look to divide people and to do that you are quite willing to brand people as racist or anti-Semitic at the drop of a hat, with absolutely no evidence. You lose a debate or an argument and you resort to calling someone with an alternative view a racist or an anti-Semite.

Shall we return to why you are branding me a racist. My only crime was to ask you for evidence that BAME individuals were more prone to a poor outcome from COVID because of something in their genetic make up as opposed to it being down to inequalities in health care, a higher chance of working face to face with the public or socio-economic circumstances.

Despite telling, you that I am a BAME individual who works for the NHS and has looked into the matter because of my circumstances. You still accuse me of being a racist. Now because I have asked you to stop branding a group because of the actions of a tiny minority I am supposedly anti-Semitic.

You are a hypocrite. The first example of this is that you were only concerned about BAME individuals risk of COVID because you saw it as an opportunity to call for last season to be declared null and void to stop the RS winning the League. Strangely when we won our first 7 games and Hamez was tearing it up you conveniently forgot about the fate of BAME individuals.

The second is seizing on a hoax about the comparative number of season ticket holders the two Merseyside clubs have in the Liverpool City region. Then using it as a wedge to try and rile local fans. It is not surprising you love to take any opportunity to divide people. Doing so from the other side of the Country shows how pathetic that is. As a scouser who attends games I find it disgusting that people like yourself and DAVEK who don't attend home games love to whip hatred between fans safe in the knowledge that it will never affect you directly.

Here is a suggestion there are laws against hate speech in this Country. So if you really think that I have posted something racist or anti-semitic then please report me to the authorities because I am sure this forum will co-operate and forward my IP adresss.

If not please stop throwing around baseless accusations like confetti at a wedding just because someone will not go along with your warped agenda.

Amazed you're still allowed to post on here. Your posts are sickening. Blaming the jews for the holocaust is lower than a snakes belly.
I thought this was an interesting article on a Liverpool forum - there's an undercurrent of frustration with Klopp and his talking up of need for others to protect players from burnout, while doing nothing within his own power to protect his own.

Even they know what a hypocrite he is.

Just following the well worn path of Fabinho, Keita, Robertson, and now Minamino.

Join the club, put in a few ropey performances, then disappear for a month or two with a suspicious injury or just not being selected, then return straight into the first team as one of the best players in the world in your position looking twice as big and running twice as hard as you did before.
Amazed you're still allowed to post on here. Your posts are sickening. Blaming the jews for the holocaust is lower than a snakes belly.
Except I haven't blamed the Jews for the holocaust in any way whatsoever. To do so would be absurd.

What I have said is that in Germany in the 30s extremists used any slight indiscretion by a Jewish person as an excuse to stereotype all Jewish people. That is what hateful and extreme individuals do. That is what right-wing groups do in this Country with asylum seekers and people who commit a crime or misdemeanour. They use it to smear a whole group of people.

That is what this thread is turning in to. Any misdemeanour by an RS individual is seized upon to create a stereotype. If you dare to question whether we should be branding an entire fan base as racists, paedophiles, murders etc then you get accused of being a RS.

Just following the well worn path of Fabinho, Keita, Robertson, and now Minamino.

Join the club, put in a few ropey performances, then disappear for a month or two with a suspicious injury or just not being selected, then return straight into the first team as one of the best players in the world in your position looking twice as big and running twice as hard as you did before.
Either that or the more mundane argument that he's wasted £20M on the pair by making a detour away from their usual route of buying PL players.
Except I haven't blamed the Jews for the holocaust in any way whatsoever. To do so would be absurd.

What I have said is that in Germany in the 30s extremists used any slight indiscretion by a Jewish person as an excuse to stereotype all Jewish people. That is what hateful and extreme individuals do. That is what right-wing groups do in this Country with asylum seekers and people who commit a crime or misdemeanour. They use it to smear a whole group of people.

That is what this thread is turning in to. Any misdemeanour by an RS individual is seized upon to create a stereotype. If you dare to question whether we should be branding an entire fan base as racists, paedophiles, murders etc then you get accused of being a RS.

You're wrong though. And it's fine to be wrong, but your innaccuracy shows up your racism.

The Nazi's did not pick up on indisrcetions by Jewish people to then organise a genocide. That line of thinking essentially justifies the Nazi propaganda but just quibbles the scale of the response.

What the Nazi's did, was punish Jewish people, who had done nothing wrong, and invent crimes to justify their heinous acts. Hitler was talking about extermination of the Jewish race long before the 1930's even happened.

Arguing with you is ridiculous. You are a walking advertisement why No Platform is required, because unfortunately some people don't really deserve a platform to spread their weird, offensive and innaccurate conspiracies.

Jewish people did nothing wrong in the 1930's, their crimes were invented to justify a genocidal and racist regimes desire to exterminate them.

If you had anything about you (which we know you don't) you would retract your words, and apologise for the extreme offence you have caused (again).
Why do you always seek to twist things.

I made it absolutely clear that a tiny proportion of Jewish people did bad things in the 30s. That is factually correct. A tiny proportion of people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities and locations do bad things.

The issue is when people try to seize on the tiny percentage of people from a group who do bad things and try to use that as a way to smear a whole group. That is where the comparison comes in between what happened in the 30s in Germany and what people like you seek to do here.

Instead of condemning the individuals who do bad things you try and smear a whole group of people.

That is just the way you act though you look to divide people and to do that you are quite willing to brand people as racist or anti-Semitic at the drop of a hat, with absolutely no evidence. You lose a debate or an argument and you resort to calling someone with an alternative view a racist or an anti-Semite.

Shall we return to why you are branding me a racist. My only crime was to ask you for evidence that BAME individuals were more prone to a poor outcome from COVID because of something in their genetic make up as opposed to it being down to inequalities in health care, a higher chance of working face to face with the public or socio-economic circumstances.

Despite telling, you that I am a BAME individual who works for the NHS and has looked into the matter because of my circumstances. You still accuse me of being a racist. Now because I have asked you to stop branding a group because of the actions of a tiny minority I am supposedly anti-Semitic.

You are a hypocrite. The first example of this is that you were only concerned about BAME individuals risk of COVID because you saw it as an opportunity to call for last season to be declared null and void to stop the RS winning the League. Strangely when we won our first 7 games and Hamez was tearing it up you conveniently forgot about the fate of BAME individuals.

The second is seizing on a hoax about the comparative number of season ticket holders the two Merseyside clubs have in the Liverpool City region. Then using it as a wedge to try and rile local fans. It is not surprising you love to take any opportunity to divide people. Doing so from the other side of the Country shows how pathetic that is. As a scouser who attends games I find it disgusting that people like yourself and DAVEK who don't attend home games love to whip hatred between fans safe in the knowledge that it will never affect you directly.

Here is a suggestion there are laws against hate speech in this Country. So if you really think that I have posted something racist or anti-semitic then please report me to the authorities because I am sure this forum will co-operate and forward my IP adresss.

If not please stop throwing around baseless accusations like confetti at a wedding just because someone will not go along with your warped agenda.

You are one of the msot scummy people I've ever encountered. I have not twisted anything, I have repeated your vile and offensie slurs.

Jewish people's behaviour in the 30's did not cause what happened to them. That is racist victim blaming, and an attempt to justify the Holocaust. It's sick. It's also racist, hence why I called you a racist.

You claim lots of things, but as you regularly lie, nobody can believe you. You are a poster on a message board who posts continual lies and hatred.

Would you be able to back up a single example of where I have "smeared" anybody? If not, can you withdraw this remark.

I'm really not going back over the Covid stuff again, other than to say, I pointed out that the evidence shows BAME people suffer Covid more. You denied the science, and when BAME political groups asked for more support, decided to call them racist. It's pretty low behaviour, probably 1 rung up from you trying to blame the Holocaust on the behaviour of "Jewish people" doing "bad things".

I wanted the league stopped in the interests of safety. To me human life matters more. When it was safe to play we should have played. Can you explain the hypocrisy here, or again, can you withdraw the remark?

Again, can you explain to me where I have "seized" upon "a hoax" to try to drive or where I have "riled local fans". Again I'll repeat what I've said above, can you provide some evidence for this, or withdraw it.

I attend home games. I was a season ticket holder for many years (not any longer) so why am I not allowed to have an opinion? Why am I not allowed to have an opinion on things, but you, a guy who blames Jewish people for the Holocaust is allowed to preach about divisiveness?

On what planet are you living on, to think it's appropriate to make a comparison between LFC fans (or any football fan) in the 21st century and the plight of Jewish people in the 1930s? In your head that means I am being divisive to question the logic of this monstrous viewpoint, but to any with any smidgeon of integrity (which I know excludes you) would see who is in the wrong here.

You're a cowardly racist, who has needlessly attacked BAME groups, and now seeks to minimise the Holocaust and speak ill of the victims of it. It's plainly obvious you are a Liverpool supporter, as no Evertonian would stoop to this level of behaviour. I couldn't care less who you support though, scummy behaviour is scummy behaviour, and thats you all over.

Now, rather than waffling on with more inane, offensive rubbish, have a go at answering the questions, and where you can substantiate your ridiculous slurs against me, I expect them to be withdrawn. Then you go and go and crawl back to your cowardly cultish mates and make edgy jokes about the Holocaust or Jewish people to snigger at again.

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