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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

It's taken the thread off track. He seemed to be arguing with others a couple of days ago. I tend to leave him to it. But I thought the comments he was making about Jewish people seemed a bit off. That clearly riled him, for whatever reason.

Is it really that upsetting that they dint have many fans in Liverpool? Is it even really that big of a surprise. All a very odd response but there you go.
To be fair, they do have fans just not Season Ticket holders. A lot of their local supporters are priced out of going, and the owners don't want them as they would rather have out of towners and tourists spending money on merchandise.
To be fair, they do have fans just not Season Ticket holders. A lot of their local supporters are priced out of going, and the owners don't want them as they would rather have out of towners and tourists spending money on merchandise.

Yes all true really. But if you work to the premise tha a fan is someone who goes to to the match regularly, it is very telling.
Back to the actual reality of fixture congestion :


Supporter=Goes to some/all games.
Nothing wrong with either but when chatting to someone I use this to sort out any misunderstanding.
I thought it was the other way round as fan is short for fanatic while a supporter is not.

I'm in the middle, get to the match when I can, due to work etc

Watch it on the tele when I have to

Mourinho on Klopp, “nobody cried for us when we had 4 games in a week“
Jose knows they wallow in self pity, victim FC.

This is what I've been waiting for, mourinho will tie him in knots. Klopp doesn't seem to be able to handle people who disagree with him and since he's been here he's had a free run from the other manager's. I said a few weeks ago if spurs stay in the race Jose won't be a back patter. He sees he's losing it and he's laying the ground work for the match between the 2 in a few weeks.
Supporter=Goes to some/all games.
Nothing wrong with either but when chatting to someone I use this to sort out any misunderstanding.

I suppose that's one distinction. I tend to count the first group and ignore the latter really. There are exceptions to every rule, but it tends to work.

When I grew, people liked lots of teams. Mainly Manchester United as it happens. Most of the lads I know who took an interest in them have jibbed it now and are more interested in fantasy football, or fifa or other sports to be honest. They wont even look out for their results. I dont consider such people as valid.

Like I mean I like Wigan Warriors, Ronnie OSullivan/John Higgins, Lancashire CC etc but it's a world away from being a fan/supporter of my football team.

Match going fans are what counts. Always have been, always will be.
I thought it was the other way round as fan is short for fanatic while a supporter is not.

I'm in the middle, get to the match when I can, due to work etc

Watch it on the tele when I have to

I don’t know the “official” way of deciding what’s what but my view is a supporter is someone who supports the club by paying to watch the team.
A fan(atic) is a fan from afar.
I don’t know the “official” way of deciding what’s what but my view is a supporter is someone who supports the club by paying to watch the team.
A fan(atic) is a fan from afar.
I've always lived within an hour of L'pool (100% wool), had a season ticket years ago, then work stopped that, go to a handful of games a year now, on the list for a season ticket again now. I'm a supporter. I know many many RS who live near me who have never been to the pit, many excuses as to why, all are nulled when I say I have been there plenty of times. They however, are always fully bedecked in RS tat, clap at the tele in the pub, the most Everton gear I ever wear is a wooly hat. They are 'fans' in the same way as Mrs S is a fan of Coronation street.

I have quoted verbatim what I said "a tiny proportion" so why do you keep twisting that and then trying to legitimize it by putting quotation remarks around your twisted version.

If you want to use quotation marks then quote what I actually said, it isn't difficult.

Why would I apologise, when what I said is correct. A tiny proportion of Jewish people did bad things. That is normal a tiny proportion of all races, genders, etc do bad things.

What should have happened is that those individuals should have been treated as individuals. Instead, the statistically average actions of individuals was used to attack Jewish people in general, with horrific repercussions.

Exactly what you do with the RS.

The moderates in Germany who said hang on judge people as individuals and don't create stereotypes and hatred were branded Jew sympathisers.

Moderates on here are branded RS.

With that I will bow out, with the hope that the thread can return to one about humour and banter.
I reckon you’re the victim here lad.... this is never your fault.
Just call any kopite "customers" - it's what Torypool FCs owners want, even the for the local non-match going ones, who don't spend as much as the out of towners - they are all just walking wallets to him, even if they only spend a quid on some tat with Herr Shipman's gurning grid on.

Like others have said, it's quite a sad indictment of their business model, that they have so few local season ticket holders - criminal really, that they have priced out their local customer base.

Then again, they have never cared about the local area or people, after the way they have decimated and hounded the residents of anfield by "improving" our old stadium, or about the wider city in general, so why should they give a shiny shioite about only having a few thousand local season ticket holders?
With the worry of the virus being about or people just not wanting to go to the game on their own if they are successful etc, the amount of 6,000 could mean that only 6,000 local season ticket holders applied to go into the ballot?
But there is a 57 trillion year waiting list for a RS season ticket.

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