I have quoted verbatim what I said "a tiny proportion" so why do you keep twisting that and then trying to legitimize it by putting quotation remarks around your twisted version.
If you want to use quotation marks then quote what I actually said, it isn't difficult.
Why would I apologise, when what I said is correct. A tiny proportion of Jewish people did bad things. That is normal a tiny proportion of all races, genders, etc do bad things.
What should have happened is that those individuals should have been treated as individuals. Instead, the statistically average actions of individuals was used to attack Jewish people in general, with horrific repercussions.
Exactly what you do with the RS.
The moderates in Germany who said hang on judge people as individuals and don't create stereotypes and hatred were branded Jew sympathisers.
Moderates on here are branded RS.
With that I will bow out, with the hope that the thread can return to one about humour and banter.