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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

You would think the champions of England would be wanting to set an example - and the authorities to demand it of them - of social distancing in a pandemic and looking to show how responsible that the game can be. That photo up there I posted underlines that they had no intention of fulfilling that.

The club that allowed the Atletico match to go ahead with devastating consequences showed a complete disregard for the well being of their own fans and the wider population. Again.
Ill be interested to see if our RS Director of Public Health and his Professor old fella who had the position in the past have anything to say about it. God knows what that poor lady who lost her husband to it after being at their infamous Athetico game thinks of this madness.
It's close now but if Spurs or even Chelsea are this close to them going into the last few games I'll be very very suprised, we need City to go on a run.

Liverpool haven't even been that good, have had big injuries but are still right up there

I think you have this thing of wishful thinking regarding Liverpool and it doesn't pay off
Titles: like buses; nothing for 30yrs, then 2 come along
Ill be interested to see if our RS Director of Public Health and his Professor old fella who had the position in the past have anything to say about it. God knows what that poor lady who lost her husband to it after being at their infamous Athetico game thinks of this madness.
Anyone desperately wanting to be seen as a supporter of a football club is a person I dont want around a public health top job. It demeans the post wearing football clubs badges and needing to be seen on Zoom interviews with scarfs and shirts. It's completely unprofessional and undermines trust that we're being overseen by serious people.
This is not right. Not by a long chalk. I challenge anyone to defend that arrangement.

If only they had the universe's biggest stand to socially distance them out a bit more.

Could imagine these odd bods in the kop being digitally inserted into the title celebration for future 'remembering' of the asterisk season.

If only they had the universe's biggest stand to socially distance them out a bit more.

Could imagine these odd bods in the kop being digitally inserted into the title celebration for future 'remembering' of the asterisk season.
Good point.

The thinking for them though was: 'let's give ourselves a competitive edge and pick up 3 points'.

They didn't give a flying one for the Atletico game and they didn't yesterday. It was all down to winning ties and winning points. Then they wonder why they get battered for being what they are.
Good point.

The thinking for them though was: 'let's give ourselves a competitive edge and pick up 3 points'.

They didn't give a flying one for the Atletico game and they didn't yesterday. It was all down to winning ties and winning points. Then they wonder why they get battered for being what they are.
Well that's it in a nutshell. They could easily spread out a bit more. I understand that any football club wants to open up as little of the ground as possible to minimise costs in opening too many sections of the ground, and that it's probably more atmospheric if you keep them in one area.

But with 2000 max people in a premier league stadium (and one of the biggest ones at that), that photo shows them all too close together. It's just there to generate a 'home advantage' for them and mere lip service to the social distancing that is required.
Well that's it in a nutshell. They could easily spread out a bit more. I understand that any football club wants to open up as little of the ground as possible to minimise costs in opening too many sections of the ground, and that it's probably more atmospheric if you keep them in one area.

But with 2000 max people in a premier league stadium (and one of the biggest ones at that), that photo shows them all too close together. It's just there to generate a 'home advantage' for them and mere lip service to the social distancing that is required.

I mean even 2000 people though, surely they could be more spread out than that?

This is now the 5th or 6th time I have asked you to stop putting in quotation marks things I haven't said.

This is an explanation of what I said.

Your response is just what you do when you are losing an argument or a debate. A load of personal abuse, insults and wild unfounded accusations of racism and anti-Semitism.

Time and time again I have said that a tiny proportion of Jewish people did bad things in the 30s. I made it abundantly clear that a tiny proportion of all groups of people do bad things or act immorally. Time and time again I have said that people who do bad things should be judged as individuals and that it is completely wrong to use individual misdemeanours to stereotype or smear a group of people..

Despite saying that over and over again you somehow think it is okay to say that I danced on the graves of 6 million Jewish people. Nonsense like that illustrates my point perfectly.

You think it is perfectly okay to attack me because of your mistaken belief that I am a Liverpool fan.
I hope you don't mind me butting in like this, but I hope I can help.

For the record, I don't believe you're anti-semitic. I just think you're being ignorant. It's been a while since I studied this, so I'm a little rusty. But here it goes.

Firstly, you are correct. Jews in Nazi Germany certainly did do bad things. And they where highlighted more. The criminal Jews were persecuted more than the German people who did similar offences.

However that is not why the German people were complicit in the Holocaust. That happened because the Nazi party spread propaganda that wasn't true.

The main 2 that led to the persecution of the Jews were:

1) That the Jews were responsible for Germany surrendering during the first world war, so subsequently to blame for the national humiliation that followed.


2) That Jews controlled all the worlds finances and were directly responsible for the Great Depression, and the reason the German people were suffering.

You may recognise the second one. So successful was it, it's still doing the rounds. Now it goes without saying that the Jewish were not responsible for either of those scenarios.

So when people take you to task over your comments, that's why.

I mean, I can't speak for @catcherintherye but I'm willing to bet that your ignorance is why he's got so riled up.

So please give it a rest now. You're not doing yourself any favours
I hope you don't mind me butting in like this, but I hope I can help.

For the record, I don't believe you're anti-semitic. I just think you're being ignorant. It's been a while since I studied this, so I'm a little rusty. But here it goes.

Firstly, you are correct. Jews in Nazi Germany certainly did do bad things. And they where highlighted more. The criminal Jews were persecuted more than the German people who did similar offences.

However that is not why the German people were complicit in the Holocaust. That happened because the Nazi party spread propaganda that wasn't true.

The main 2 that led to the persecution of the Jews were:

1) That the Jews were responsible for Germany surrendering during the first world war, so subsequently to blame for the national humiliation that followed.


2) That Jews controlled all the worlds finances and were directly responsible for the Great Depression, and the reason the German people were suffering.

You may recognise the second one. So successful was it, it's still doing the rounds. Now it goes without saying that the Jewish were not responsible for either of those scenarios.

So when people take you to task over your comments, that's why.

I mean, I can't speak for @catcherintherye but I'm willing to bet that your ignorance is why he's got so riled up.

So please give it a rest now. You're not doing yourself any favours

Basically spot on that mate.

I have no idea why he chose that as an example. Or why he keeps repeating the same rubbish. He's not actually clarified what he meant either, despite being asked, so you are bang on about what he means being the 2 anti-semitic myths.

Nobody gives a monkeys who he supports, he gets criticism because of the nonsense he posts.
What do people want from Everton. Do you want us to move into the BMD and have a glorious future or in 10 years time do you want us to mark the 45th anniversary of Heysel and come out with horrible stuff like 39-0.

We were having a great season, 7 wins on the run until we went in to the Derby and have collapsed since. We need to start supporting Everton and stop hating Liverpool.
I will always support Everton with all my heart, however I will always detest the scum across the park that unfortunately we have to share the city with.

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