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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

Quite an unbelievable thread. I’m from Liverpool and my spread of friends and family is probably spilt 50/50 between red and blue. What I can say is that my friends/family that go to watch Liverpool are not murderers, anti vaxxers, super spreaders or anti semites. Jesus lads get a grip.

Of course not all reds fans are murderers.The ones in Heysel that night though.Well that obviously is another story.Not all reds fans are super spreaders etc either.The ones causing chaos down the pier head and outside anfield, in the summer however, again that's another story entirely.Of course we can't all tar people with the same brush.But on the other hand as the saying goes, if the cap fits then wear it.
Which did you prefer the 80's when we used to share coaches down to Wembley together, stand side by side on terraces with no hint of trouble. Or the absolute hatred that we get now.

I know which I prefer.

Well now, let me see...

A strong and understandable dislike of a team and its knuckle-dragging customers who bring shame on the city and, in fact, the whole of football on a regular basis...


A farrago of half-and-half scarf-wearing, patronising arms-around the shoulder fake camaraderie and us happily forgiving all the mud that gets slung at us in the name of 'the friendly derby, la'

Hmm, let me get back to you on that one...

You absolute top-loaded bulbous trumpet
The holocaust began in 1941. I know you have a problem with the truth and detail but stop coming up with complete nonsense.

Again you're wrong.

Camps were built in the 30s. The Nuremberg laws were in place in the 30s. Kristillnacht was in the 30s. Jews were put into camps from the 30s and were murdered in them in the 30s. Ghettos were created in the 30s.

Please dont go preaching about the truth to me, when you ignore Jewish historiography on when the Holocaust began, and you sent the existing of the above (thus engage in Holocaust denial).

Denying what happened, while simultaneously blaming Jewish people is the lowest of the low.
I’m not going back further than the 3 pages I did to try to figure out how a kopite thread found its way to an argument about the start of the holocaust, but still think it fair to say regardless of how it got here, it’s ranged well off topic and needs to stop. Thanks.

A fella decided to bring it up, and blame Jewish people for their oppression.

It's fine saying to stop, but are you going to make him apologise and correct himself when he denies the Holocaust started pre 1941? Or makes unsubstantiated claims about me lying?

If he wont, then I will defend myself, and defend the memory of those who died, as his lies are toxic.

You're wrong, you Kopite simpleton. It began in '33 with the construction of Dachau and the targeting of Jewish businesses. Here's a handy timeline. I suggest you study it, then come back and apologise for your hateful nonsense and false equivalency.

It is more Holocaust denial from him. Shameful behaviour.
Please provide evidence that I called BAME political groups racist. You have a pretty disgusting habit of throwing around wild accusations with absolutely no evidence.

As a BAME individual, who has told you that time and time again I find your accusations deplorable.

You lie constantly, so I dont believe you are BAME. You are an ignorant poster who reproduces racist garbage. That's all you sre to me.

And why should I do any of the sort, when you constantly make up ridiculous lies about me without any evidence?

You called them racist, when I sent you an article showing BAME groups were concerned with the gov response to Coronavirus affecting them more. You called them racist.

Youre vile, and in all likelihood a Nazi. People like you dont deserve an opinion and we shouldn't believe anything you say.
I’m not going back further than the 3 pages I did to try to figure out how a kopite thread found its way to an argument about the start of the holocaust, but still think it fair to say regardless of how it got here, it’s ranged well off topic and needs to stop. Thanks.
Totally understand where you're coming from, but may I suggest getting rid of the obvious Kopite infestation as a solution? Apologies if this is presumptive or against protocol here.
Good to see Herr Shipman protecting his players by using the three subs on Sunday.

Shame it took him until the 70th minute, after their third goal went in, in what was practically a training game for them, the absolute cryarse hypocritical turd with teeth.

I see the waistcoat managing the national team is bleating about 5 subs now - here's a thought Gareth, let's just scrap the meaningless internationals to help protect the players eh?
I specifically posted about Germany in the 30s, you must know that because I mentioned it about a dozen times. The holocaust occurred in the 40s.

The holocaust was only possible because the NAZI party had spent a decade demonising Jewish people. Casting the sins of individuals on to the whole group. Pretending that Jewish people were somehow different. Ignoring similar actions by none Jewish people. Ignoring the good actions of Jewish people.

Basically preaching hatred.
You're completely off your rocker and need to put the internet down for a bit.

I’m not going back further than the 3 pages I did to try to figure out how a kopite thread found its way to an argument about the start of the holocaust, but still think it fair to say regardless of how it got here, it’s ranged well off topic and needs to stop. Thanks.
RAF I remember when we used to be bestos and then you became a mod and now I am afraid of you.

What’s it like changing from one of us to a mod? And how much better or worse is it?
You lie constantly, so I dont believe you are BAME. You are an ignorant poster who reproduces racist garbage. That's all you sre to me.

And why should I do any of the sort, when you constantly make up ridiculous lies about me without any evidence?

You called them racist, when I sent you an article showing BAME groups were concerned with the gov response to Coronavirus affecting them more. You called them racist.

Youre vile, and in all likelihood a Nazi. People like you dont deserve an opinion and we shouldn't believe anything you say.
You are lying and deflecting as usual.

Please produce one scrap of evidence that I called any BAME groups racist. As for the lie about sending me an article, you do not have my contact details so please enlighten the forum as to how you sent me an article.
Again you're wrong.

Camps were built in the 30s. The Nuremberg laws were in place in the 30s. Kristillnacht was in the 30s. Jews were put into camps from the 30s and were murdered in them in the 30s. Ghettos were created in the 30s.

Please dont go preaching about the truth to me, when you ignore Jewish historiography on when the Holocaust began, and you sent the existing of the above (thus engage in Holocaust denial).

Denying what happened, while simultaneously blaming Jewish people is the lowest of the low.
The role of The Wiener Holocaust Library

The organisation that is managing The Holocaust Explained is The Wiener Holocaust Library. The Library is the world’s oldest archive on the Holocaust and the Nazi era. Formed in 1933 and now based in London, the Library’s unique collection of over one million items includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs and eyewitness testimony.

Probably the single most extensive experts on the subject.

In 1941, the Nazis’ persecution of the Jews became a genocide. In just under four years, millions of people were deliberately murdered at the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators. This mass murder became known as the Holocaust.

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