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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

The role of The Wiener Holocaust Library

The organisation that is managing The Holocaust Explained is The Wiener Holocaust Library. The Library is the world’s oldest archive on the Holocaust and the Nazi era. Formed in 1933 and now based in London, the Library’s unique collection of over one million items includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs and eyewitness testimony.

Probably the single most extensive experts on the subject.

In 1941, the Nazis’ persecution of the Jews became a genocide. In just under four years, millions of people were deliberately murdered at the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators. This mass murder became known as the Holocaust.
Stop! You heaving shobgite
Good to see Herr Shipman protecting his players by using the three subs on Sunday.

Shame it took him until the 70th minute, after their third goal went in, in what was practically a training game for them, the absolute cryarse hypocritical turd with teeth.

I see the waistcoat managing the national team is bleating about 5 subs now - here's a thought Gareth, let's just scrap the meaningless internationals to help protect the players eh?
Posts like this are fine, but I am being called out for being anti-Semitic without a scrap of evidence.
even by the rationale of the most weirdest kopite , relating the holocaust to a thread on liverpool is just plainly bizarre. imagine waking up one day and thinking dem blues are running us down the banks over heysel- mm the holocaust???

Yes. And his former account @Baileyjon was banned following a Big Red-related tantrum.
I always wonder are they paid by liverpools media team or something? I struggle to understand how a sane individual would pose as an evertonian to try and defend them on here, especially with the whole 'back in the day we used to celebrate eachothers parades, real scousers know' schtick.

Although all this holocaust chat might be a new low for them.
I always wonder are they paid by liverpools media team or something? I struggle to understand how a sane individual would pose as an evertonian to try and defend them on here, especially with the whole 'back in the day we used to celebrate eachothers parades, real scousers know' schtick.

Although all this holocaust chat might be a new low for them.

I would love to know genuinely if there’s an Evertonian on one of their forums pretending to be a red. With a username like KopKevYNWA6times or something. I can’t imagine there ever has been in the world.
I always wonder are they paid by liverpools media team or something? I struggle to understand how a sane individual would pose as an evertonian to try and defend them on here, especially with the whole 'back in the day we used to celebrate eachothers parades, real scousers know' schtick.

Although all this holocaust chat might be a new low for them.
No, the new low is ignoring terms like 'Herr Shipman' and instead branding a fellow blue who is trying to promote decency and understanding as a racist and anti-Semitic.

You lie constantly, so I dont believe you are BAME. You are an ignorant poster who reproduces racist garbage. That's all you sre to me.

And why should I do any of the sort, when you constantly make up ridiculous lies about me without any evidence?

You called them racist, when I sent you an article showing BAME groups were concerned with the gov response to Coronavirus affecting them more. You called them racist.

Youre vile, and in all likelihood a Nazi. People like you dont deserve an opinion and we shouldn't believe anything you say.
Again please provide one scrap of evidence that I called any BAME group racist. Again please explain how you sent me an article when you do not have my contact details.

You are a bare faced liar.
Posts like this are fine, but I am being called out for being anti-Semitic without a scrap of evidence.

What's wrong with my post mate?

Why you had to even try to bring the Holocaust and what happened to the Jews into a football thread is beyond me anyway, so you have reaped what you have sown here.

You keep on trying to defend our murdering cousins from over the park - why?!

Yes, I know not all kopites are murderers, but they are all part of the problem of the customers of murder Inc.

We've had to suffer the years of repercussions for the actions of the so-called few kopites, closely followed by the "Hysel airbrush" and the acceptance/reasoning/justification/"it's only a handful of idiots" ballox from many, many "decent" kopites following their litany of disgraceful behaviours and criminal - even as recently as them desecrating the citys historic buildings during a health pandemic after winning the *, and them blaming anyone but LFC fans.

You need to stop with the defence if the redshite, and holier than thou crap on this forum, and leave the racism and anti semitism where it belongs - in history.

There are no decent Liverpool fans - they might be fine,sound, upstanding human beings, and I have many whom I call my friends and family, and who I love dearly.

Sadly, I find that once you engage any murderpool fan in a football related conversation, or call to task their fans actions after another disgrace, they become idiotic, doltish cultists, who spout absolute horse [Poor language removed] - much like yourself.

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