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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

You're wasting you're time mate, he's absolutely loon balls.

Apparently, I'm not allowed to call his manager Herr Shipman, as is just too nasty and offensive, even tho I think the Teutonic tit is the ringer for the good doctor.

I'll refrain from using the Shipman slur - it's much worse than what he's said about the Jewish people in Germany isn't it?

It's a bit silly, but its nowhere near saying Jewish people did "bad things" which resulted in Nazi persecution. Or that no persecution existed before 1941. Or that someone who questions his bizarre logic on ST stats for a football team is moral equivalence of the Nazis persecution.

Hes in no position to question anyone after what hes said, and continues to say.
No you are on record as saying you sent me an article and in response I called BAME groups racist. That is impossible because you do not have my contact details.

You are a liar and worse than that you are throwing around unfounded accusations of racism.

You are racist. You have flippantly compared the experiences to a persecuted minority to that of football supporters.

I have answered your other questions, on multiple occasions.

Now are you going to answer the questions I've asked you, or are you going to keep being a coward and not answer.

The whole forum can see you for what you are.
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You are racist. You have flippantly compared the experiences to a persecuted minority to that of football supporters.

I have answered your other questions, on multiple occasions.

Now are you going to answer the questions I've asked you, or are you going to keep being a coward and not answer.

The whole forum can see you for what you are.
Look it is very simple you do not have my contact details, so you couldn't possibly of sent me an article. So saying that in reply I called BAME groups racist is a complete and utter lie.

Now the whole forum can see what you are, a liar who throws the slur 'racist' around without a scrap of evidence.

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Look it is very simple you do not have my contact details, so you couldn't possibly of sent me an article. So saying that in reply I called BAME groups racist is a complete and utter lie.

Ok for clarity I put the report in a forum for you to see, in response to you. Rather than supporting the findings, you attacked it.

Low behaviour, but typical for you.

I take it you're not going to answer any of the questions I've asked? Is it below you to justify what you say? Or would you rather just make continual anti-semitic slurs?
I always wonder are they paid by liverpools media team or something? I struggle to understand how a sane individual would pose as an evertonian to try and defend them on here, especially with the whole 'back in the day we used to celebrate eachothers parades, real scousers know' schtick.

Although all this holocaust chat might be a new low for them.

I've said it before, they just come on here so they can go back to RAWK and say "Just did those bitters big style" when the reality was they were sussed literally from the off and had their arse's handed to them.
Ok for clarity I put the report in a forum for you to see, in response to you. Rather than supporting the findings, you attacked it.

Low behaviour, but typical for you.

I take it you're not going to answer any of the questions I've asked? Is it below you to justify what you say? Or would you rather just make continual anti-semitic slurs?
If it is on a forum then you will have no problem highlighting where I called BAME groups racist ?
If it is on a forum then you will have no problem highlighting where I called BAME groups racist ?

I have given plenty of answers to you. When you answer my questions, I will have a trawl through and find the receipts of you having a pop at BAME groups and scientists.

Just for clarity, I would say you attacked them which was motivated by racism. Just so we are on the same page (alongside your comments about Jewish people also being racist).

Once you answer the ridiculous slurs you've made, I'll provide the receipts.
I've said it before, they just come on here so they can go back to RAWK and say "Just did those bitters big style" when the reality was they were sussed literally from the off and had their arse's handed to them.

That's the sad part of this lot. The conjure up some weird and wonderful thing to have some banter with. For this idiot it was Holocaust denial. Everyone has condemned him. But they never get the hint.

Hes now too cowardly to even answer any questions and is now just flailing around getting angry become someone has told him anti-semitism is unacceptable.

Have I got the last few pages right - we have a Kopite pretending to be a blue, who's comparing Liverpool supporters being pulled up about the Heysel disaster to being victims of the holocaust? :oops:

Yes. That is an accurate assessment of the situation.

Also on a lighter note, I like how the seasonal decoration has been designed to give your 'orange face' a nice white wig.

That's the sad part of this lot. The conjure up some weird and wonderful thing to have some banter with. For this idiot it was Holocaust denial. Everyone has condemned him. But they never get the hint.

Hes now too cowardly to even answer any questions and is now just flailing around getting angry become someone has told him anti-semitism is unacceptable.

Some went to the Scouts as kids, unfortunately this was his Scout group when he was growing up and that's why he can't help himself...

I have given plenty of answers to you. When you answer my questions, I will have a trawl through and find the receipts of you having a pop at BAME groups and scientists.

Just for clarity, I would say you attacked them which was motivated by racism. Just so we are on the same page (alongside your comments about Jewish people also being racist).

Once you answer the ridiculous slurs you've made, I'll provide the receipts.
That isn't what you said though. You said I CALLED BAME GROUPS RACIST.

You have also stated that I have looked to compare Liverpool fans to Jews during the holocaust. The really strange thing is that you have also called me a holocaust denier. Even you must be able to see how idiotic that is.

You have called me a Nazi, a racist, anti-Semitic and accused me of lying about my ethnicity with absolutely no evidence. You stated that you sent me an article until I pointed you didn't have my details. You have proven yourself to be a liar and a blagger who looks to twist other people's words and then brand them a racist.

My only crime is to ask people to tone down the hatred and especially some of the terms used to attack fans of another football club.

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