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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

Of course not all reds fans are murderers.The ones in Heysel that night though.Well that obviously is another story.Not all reds fans are super spreaders etc either.The ones causing chaos down the pier head and outside anfield, in the summer however, again that's another story entirely.Of course we can't all tar people with the same brush.But on the other hand as the saying goes, if the cap fits then wear it.
I kind of would like to elaborate on this a bit more. When you make excuses for the behaviour, of your teams thug fans, then you do deserve to be tarred with the one brush. I was listening to a radio show, and the caller says not all people on benefits are work shy scroungers. Yeah but some are replies the host!

In primary school before, this guy was misbehaving, and the teacher gave the whole class extra homework. His reasoning behind it, was that we are all the one class, and we shall be punished as the one class. So yeah not all reds fans, are thugs who cause people to get killed, and not all reds fans are virus superspreading idiots, but some of them are!
You're wasting you're time mate, he's absolutely loon balls.

Apparently, I'm not allowed to call his manager Herr Shipman, as is just too nasty and offensive, even tho I think the Teutonic tit is the ringer for the good doctor.

I'll refrain from using the Shipman slur - it's much worse than what he's said about the Jewish people in Germany isn't it?
to be honest mate, I've heard the real Shipman isn't too chuffed to be likened to false chops.

Probably not sound posting pictures of people who probably have mental health issues & could do without being a constant meme.

Rees- Mogg, Thatcher, Suarez and co; crack on, but really not sound posting pics of the general public to ridicule, especially when it appears quite a few have mental health / Physical health issues.
I'd argue that its more likely that Rees-Mogg has the mental health issue. He's a high flying sociopathic tory, with little knowledge of or desire to learn of the things that matter of the majority of other humans on the planet. I'd say that was a mental issue.

Suarez was a temper ridden cannibal and cheat. Thatcher? No words needed - and sociopath doesn't seem strong enough. So again they have mental health issues, two are regularly voted for by Express and Mail sheep and another was adored and venerated by the universally hated and socially unaware football thug supporters of a sociopathic football club.

So come on the list is shrinking ... who is it OK to take the mick out of in your humourless, staid, morally perfect world?
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You're wasting you're time mate, he's absolutely loon balls.

Apparently, I'm not allowed to call his manager Herr Shipman, as is just too nasty and offensive, even tho I think the Teutonic tit is the ringer for the good doctor.
The issue isn't posting an insult regarding the RS or their manager it is about having a bit of respect for the victims of a serial killer.

The same thing regarding pictures of a paedophile. There will be victims of sexual abuse who will have clicked on this thread only to be confronted with an image of a prolific paedophile, who damaged the lives of hundreds of innocent people.

It is the thought process that thinks that it is okay to do that because it promotes a bit of hatred towards the RS. For some people that seems to trump any questions regarding morality or decency.
The issue isn't posting an insult regarding the RS or their manager it is about having a bit of respect for the victims of a serial killer.

The same thing regarding pictures of a paedophile. There will be victims of sexual abuse who will have clicked on this thread only to be confronted with an image of a prolific paedophile, who damaged the lives of hundreds of innocent people.

It is the thought process that thinks that it is okay to do that because it promotes a bit of hatred towards the RS. For some people that seems to trump any questions regarding morality or decency.

What would you say would be the impact for people who were affected by Nazi's, and saw that their reatives were referred to as "bad people" or their experiences are moral equivalent/comparable to a group of football supporters in the 21st century? Or those who lost loved ones in the Holocaust prior to 1941 having to read that someone is telling them it can't of happened, as it ony began in 1941?

As you are so keen to and offensive conduct you will surely have no problems in condemning those sickening views above won't you? Without seeking to deflect or explain them away, or make justification of them?

Or is it that you are particular in what offends, and that Jewish people's experience's just aren't held to the same value by you?

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