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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC"

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I agree, but I think that even though the FA will punish him, they're not going to give him some wild 15 game ban like people are hoping.

I think if he's found guilty he ought to be given the same as if he was a fan who was found guilty of racism, he won't though. I apply the same to John Terry and any other player who was found guilty of racism. It shouldn't be one rule for those who watch, and another for those who play.
I think if he's found guilty he ought to be given the same as if he was a fan who was found guilty of racism, he won't though. I apply the same to John Terry and any other player who was found guilty of racism. It shouldn't be one rule for those who watch, and another for those who play.

There's a difference though between him calling Evra something absolutely undefendable, or being naive and calling him something that he shouldn't have but wasn't aware of the context, as he claims.
Antonio, is it nothing to do with the crusty bastions of interpretation of being called "Negrito"? More the fact of Evra being offended.

How about I call you a scruffy scouse blert, we all call each other this around here, but the minute someone takes offence to it we have a situation.

so you can preach from your ivory tower about how much the FA hate the ear biting, ball line handling, finger flipping racist is being victimised til your hearts content.

Just because they're the same nationality it doesn't mean they have to defend each other. I'm English but I wouldn't jump out and lie to defend any English player if they'd done something blatantly wrong.

You're absolutely right, for example I'm English and I certainly have no intention of defending your ridiculous arguements.
You're absolutely right, for example I'm English and I certainly have no intention of defending your ridiculous arguements.

Obviously not, because even if they'd have found clear evidence that he only called him a ninkempoop you'd still be calling for a 300 game ban.
And yet if they find him innocent it'll suddenly be an FA cover up even though the panel deciding the verdict knows much more about what was said than any of us do.
And yet if they find him innocent it'll suddenly be an FA cover up even though the panel deciding the verdict knows much more about what was said than any of us do.

Just replace the word "innocent" with "guilty," have a little think about it, chew on a negrito and then come back and apologise for wasting everyone's time.

Just replace the word "innocent" with "guilty," have a little think about it, chew on a negrito and then come back and apologise for wasting everyone's time.

I think they'll find him guilty though, I just think they'll do it in such a way that neither Liverpool or United can complain.
We defend him because, although he's not the most likeable character, people exaggerate how bad he is beyond belief. For a start, the World Cup thing wasn't cheating. He broke the rules and took the punishment. If he would have insisted his innocence he would have been cheating. I'm sure you remember Neville doing the same thing in a Derby a few years back... you would have lauded him if the penalty would have been saved. Suarez makes the most out of some tackles, but he's not the biggest culprit. Larsson, Nani, and even Rooney do a similar thing but you wouldn't raise an eyelid because you're not obsessed with them. He gets kicked to bits as well, and people still moan about him hitting the ground when he takes a clear kick. As for the 'Negrito' thing, I'm not making out I know anything about the context of the term, but if it was clearly racist they surely would've sorted this all out by now wouldn't they? Expect a statement about 'cultural interpretation' and a 2/3 match ban.

For all those salivating over a 6 match ban too, just remember, 4 of those games: Wigan, Blackburn, Oldham, Man City (League Cup). I think I just might be able to cope with that. :lol:

You keep on deluding yourself in your sugar coated world, don't you see every single other club laughing at you? There's is next to nobody defending him with good reason. He is one detestable little [Poor language removed]. It's a shame as he's a fantastic footballer and there's no need for all the sideshow that comes with him but he chooses it, which makes it even worse. I can link you a whole list of stuff he's done wrong from biting, to feigning injury, to going through the back of players and pretending he was fouled but I think you'd still be ignorant of it. All because he wears the kit of your team. How can you sell yourself out so easy? You all crow on about this whole Liverpool thing being fair and just and yet you are too willing to jump off the cliff like deluded lemmings over people like Suarez and Michael Shields. It's some bitter, deluded trade union.

He was caught up in an argument and running battle with Evra, he could have chose a whole host of swear words and insults in his native tongue - I'll list them if you want - but he chose negrito. In that scenario and context it's highly offensive and he very well knew that.

Your new hero is a dirty foul racist. Congratulations. Take this from me, worship him at your peril.

Now do me a favour and [Poor language removed] off.
You keep on deluding yourself in your sugar coated world, don't you see every single other club laughing at you? There's is next to nobody defending him with good reason. He is one detestable little [Poor language removed]. It's a shame as he's a fantastic footballer and there's no need for all the sideshow that comes with him but he chooses it, which makes it even worse. I can link you a whole list of stuff he's done wrong from biting, to feigning injury, to going through the back of players and pretending he was fouled but I think you'd still be ignorant of it. All because he wears the kit of your team. How can you sell yourself out so easy? You all crow on about this whole Liverpool thing being fair and just and yet you are too willing to jump off the cliff like deluded lemmings over people like Suarez and Michael Shields. It's some bitter, deluded trade union.

He was caught up in an argument and running battle with Evra, he could have chose a whole host of swear words and insults in his native tongue - I'll list them if you want - but he chose negrito. In that scenario and context it's highly offensive and he very well knew that.

Your new hero is a dirty foul racist. Congratulations. Take this from me, worship him at your peril.

Now do me a favour and [Poor language removed] off.

Wow, I think it's astonishing that you actually know what was going through his head during the incident! That's remarkable! Yet you have the audacity to say I'm deluded when I've acknowledged that nobody really knows the context whilst you have managed to convince yourself you know what he was thinking.

Let's be honest, it's all partisan anyway. You can call Suarez everything under the sun for biting, but 'Big Dunc' managed to strangle someone on a football pitch and serve a prison sentence for his behaviour but blind eyes have been turned to that. He isn't likeable, but the reason you don't like him isn't because of what he does, if he played for Fulham or Blackburn you wouldn't be so righteous, the reason you can't stand him is because he plays for Liverpool, he's a great player, and you can't tolerate that.
Have you lived in Latin America like you stated at the beginning? So how would you know about how that phrase can be used in context? Exactly, you don't but you're grasping at straws including referencing a sweet made in Mexico to show his innocence. That's one out of a whole host of reasons why you're deluded.

We're not talking about Duncan Ferguson, or Alex Ferguson, nor Nani or Ronaldo or any of the people you're trying to deflect this whole episode onto. We're talking about Luis Suarez. He's a very good footballer but his gamesmanship and diving detract from that. On top of that, he's a racist.

You need to choose your idols more carefully mate. And lose that huge red tinted blind spot you collectively embarrass yourself with, time after time.

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