Ric Wee fan club member 2014
Why do any of these companies do stuff like that though?
Who benefits from this? Rodgers and co get to feel good for doing something nice, the victims possibly get happiness from a nice gesture and the club gets good PR
John Cena has met more "make-a-wish" kids than any other celebrity in the world. He's miles ahead of anyone else. WWE milk that for all it's worth. But is that a bad thing? Cena clearly believes in it so he's happy doing something nice, the kids are obviously delighted to meet their hero and the WWE gets to look good from the positive PR
This sort of stuff happens all the time. To nail just Liverpool for doing it seems a bit narrow minded in my view
There's no such thing as a selfless act
If this has caused some smidgen of happiness to people connected with the event then I can think it's better to focus on that rather than get the knives out for Liverpool
Fair's fair here, come on
Make a wish actually does something for ill kids, So whilst the WWE may get some plaudits for it they are still making a difference to peoples lives
What are Liverpool doing expect getting themselves publicity?