Fully appreciate we have a different take on this, as I have said before that's probably a good thing. My key points.
- Was is a disaster? From a PR pov it was catastrophic, but neither of them will care, they are two US based investment vehicles who would sell respective grounds for property development if the could "Turn a buck". Reality its neither give a toss, about the integrity of the league, they pryamid or the game.
- Is it the end if "Big Idea" - no, while humiliated by voting against their own proposal, the outcome of a strategic review & the change that it will provoke is certainly partial response that the two (and probably six) wanted - this review is agreed and going ahead. It will start with, taking some of the good ideas from Project Big idea (there were a few)
- Is there a block, not formally - but given the lack of any public objection from any of the others in the self ordained six, I suspect behind closed doors there have been nods and winks, there is undoubted appetite for change & increased power & more importantly either through veto of owner or tighter FFP, effectively making another MCFC impossible.
I'm afraid a lo of this is just groundless conjecture.
1) Was it a disaster. Yes. What they wanted to get through failed and was voted down by every team. They have then unified opposition to their plan that may not have been there before. They are aso viewed by PL chairmen as selfish individualists not helpful paternalists as a result. They are massively weakened.
2) To a degree almost. The review was explicitly called against their interests. As was stated "in the interests of the 20" I.E not in their interests. They have to win at least 8 teams over and have hacked them all off. So the review is going ahead, but on explicitly different terms to what were outlined in big picture. This isn't opinion, it's just objectively putting the facts.
3) As I have stated above, the evidence clearly notes there are clear disagreements within the block. They are not going to come out and attack something they haven't put their name too. Literally only 2 teams have initially had it briefed as them, and 1 has no backtracked. If this was serious, 6 teams brief the press they are on board. It's easy to do and hasn't been done.
The tighter owner stuff is not going to be passed. It has been brought to the vote and rejected. Even within the top 6, Chelsea and City will not want tighter FFP. Even if they did, the rules aren't compatible with European Law (as we have seen this summer).
You really are mistaking a position of strength for a position of weakness. I don't think I've ever seen a situation, where an idea is absolutely routed at all levels, and then finally is voted down 100% proclaimed a success. If they wanted a review, they'd have asked for a review and probably got one and conducted it from a position of strength.
I must also add, you really can't them not coming out to support notions as evidence they do. The opposite is true. If they want to support it, they will indicate as much. I suspect 4 of the 6 are hedging their bits and seeing what the best option is for them. People don't like backing losers, and if it flls flat on it's, or someone ends up being booted out, why not allow it to be Liverpool alone taking the risks?
As a final aside, I keep reiterating this, but we were told we'd have details. We haven't got any. If you're serious on proposals you keep to promised time scales.