I'm tin foiling my head so that I think that none of our best players will be sold this summer.
passes the kitchen foil on*
passes the kitchen foil on*
Thanks Matt.....I think......if we all try hard enough....we can think of a million reasons why Everton are the financial success that every club should follow....come on children....you've just got to wish hard enough....everyone believes in miracles.
"Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true"
<secures tin foil tightly>
We have not heard anything from the club about their future plans for Goodison for a while now. It seems the Board has ran out of ideas and money, and they need to bring someone on board with some fresh thinking from outside the club. Or shall we sit round the phone waiting for that elusive Arab, Indian or Russian billionaire?
Jesus wept.
6 months minimum for a architectural consultancy to draw up possible solutions, sometimes longer for "tricky" solutions to be drawn up when you've limited space such as at GP. One NEW consultancy appointed early this year...
But you get those sort of idiotic comments
Some of the habitual rather than real world criticism on there makes my skin crawl.
Whatever you do don't read the bullshit summer round 2 thread.
and say just watch and see when the transfer window reopens.
It's gonna be a nil net spend like the last few years, isn't it.
It's gonna be a nil net spend like the last few years, isn't it.
Dude, you missed the tin foil reference from your post there.
Need more bacofoil, until then there can be no optimisim