Everton Summer 2024 Transfer Thread

Exactly mate. Seems we've liked him a long time. I think a clever 10, can find space on either side, we see it sometimes when an opposing 10 and winger may double team on say Coleman or Young for the overload, or just finds the pocket of space, think its all part of being a 10.

Not sure how reliable the link in, but im excited we've been linked with a midfielder that isn't a disrupter - we badly need creativity, goals and assists.
Yeah even for the counter if this lad has more pace can get closer to the cf, is one of the main postions we need this window.i dont mind us going for past targets shows that we have a clear idea of what we want. Just dont want a situation again when we just pay far to much to get them. Hopefully can get this done and see what the club have planed for out wide
money is ruining football for me . The biggest clubs with the deepest pockets buy their way to success, and it’s no longer the game we grew up loving. What happened to developing homegrown talent and focusing on grassroots? Now, it's all about who can spend the most on transfer fees and salaries.

Imagine if we could implement a transfer and salary cap. In theory, it could work and bring several benefits to the sport. For one, it would help level the playing field, making leagues more competitive and giving smaller clubs a chance to shine. Clubs would be incentivized to invest in their youth academies, fostering homegrown talent instead of splurging on expensive transfers.

Financially, caps would encourage clubs to spend within their means, reducing the risk of financial crises and bankruptcies. Clubs would need to manage their finances more prudently, avoiding extravagant spending on player acquisitions and wages. A cap could also prevent top talent from concentrating in a few wealthy clubs, promoting a more even distribution of quality players.

However, implementing such caps would be challenging. Football is a global sport with various leagues and governing bodies, and coordinating a universal cap would be complex and require broad consensus. Salary caps could face legal challenges, especially in countries with strict labor laws, as players’ unions might argue that caps restrict earning potential and violate labor rights.

Additionally, clubs generate different levels of revenue. A flat cap might not account for these disparities, potentially disadvantaging clubs in smaller markets. Clubs might also find ways to circumvent caps through creative accounting or loopholes, such as offering higher bonuses or signing-on fees instead of salaries.

Another issue is that top players might prefer leagues without strict caps if they can earn more elsewhere. European clubs, in particular, might struggle to compete with leagues in countries without caps, like those in Asia or the Middle East, where financial constraints are less stringent.

In theory, a transfer and salary cap could address many financial and competitive imbalances in football. However, practical implementation would be challenging and require significant cooperation among football’s global governing bodies, clubs, and players. It’s a complex issue that involves balancing fairness and competitiveness with the realities of a global, commercially driven sport.

Is there a way to push for these changes, or are we doomed to see football become even more commercialized?
It's not a sport anymore,it's an industry. I've no doubt a version of the ill-fated European Super League will come about within the next few years. Remains to be seen if we can get onboard or if like we did at the dawn of the Premier League,miss the boat.
Great if so but we'd have to be very confident in the interest hearing going our way to try to sneak just inside the number we need when that number remains subject to change.

I hope we are budgeting for the worst possible outcome rather than hoping for the best.

I really don't like the words "Everton believe".

Surely we should know... there should just be a figure to aim for. We're too incompetent to just be hoping it's enough.

The league table never turns out how it is expected to.

We have a top 4 defence, and I don’t think we need to be petrified by the likes of Newcastle and Villa imo. They really aren’t a million miles away; both were in our situation not so long ago.

We don’t concede a lot of goals because we defend deep, don’t commit men forward and launch long balls rather than playing through the lines.
All the same reasons why we don’t score many goals.

We are miles off those 2 sides presently.
Great if so but we'd have to be very confident in the interest hearing going our way to try to sneak just inside the number we need when that number remains subject to change.

I hope we are budgeting for the worst possible outcome rather than hoping for the best.

Club are playing an absolute blinder if so. Those melts at United have been leaking stories about not being held to ransom for over a week now. That’s sound fellas, jog on, we’ll keep Jarrad for another year then he can go to a proper team like Real Madrid for £100m next summer.
Could we not do something mad like sell Onana to Roma for 100 million and fix our psr and it will go to the same owner. This is based on Dan buying us like.

Sadly not. The league scrutinise the value of a player in this scenario - as when Newcastle sold St Maximin to Saudi, it had to be at market value.
It's not a sport anymore,it's an industry. I've no doubt a version of the ill-fated European Super League will come about within the next few years. Remains to be seen if we can get onboard or if like we did at the dawn of the Premier League,miss the boat.
Its not really a coincidence PSR charges are dropping left right and centre after the bad reaction to a Super League.

It's not a sport anymore,it's an industry. I've no doubt a version of the ill-fated European Super League will come about within the next few years. Remains to be seen if we can get onboard or if like we did at the dawn of the Premier League,miss the boat.

Basically starts next season with the revamped Champions league.
I’m sorry but there is no way that I’m cacking myself about West Ham, Newcastle and Villa. Every single one of them were in a very similar position to Everton over the last few years. Each one of them has been involved in a relegation fight within the last few years; some of them were in the Championship not so long ago.

We have one of the best defences in the league, and if we stop missing so many open goals next season, then I think we are definitely in the same bracket as West Ham, who pushed for Europe last season, but only finished four points above a supposedly ultra woeful Everton side.

I’m not the one providing guarantees here, by the way. I just don’t think it’s that far fetched. It wouldn’t be some major shock in footballing circles. Progressing from 11th to 7th in one season is by no means unheard of.
This is a different argument, I agree things can change quickly,
With good
Owners, recruitment, sponsorship deals the new ground etc.
But you also need a very good manager, dyche can’t take us to the next level imo,
Because of his limited style and approach
I really don't like the words "Everton believe".

Surely we should know... there should just be a figure to aim for. We're too incompetent to just be hoping it's enough.
Yeah there's two aspects really:
1) If the club are aiming to get just inside the number do we trust them to get the calculations spot on? and
2) Pending the interest hearing we don't even know what the number is

It would be so much more prudent to try to work one more clever PSR deal before the deadline. For example if Newcastle like DCL and we like Minteh there could a deal done that massively helps each club's PSR. Or if we like the young Roma midfielder, would they have an interest in Godfrey?

It would be better to be inside the number than more than we maybe need and have a head start on next year than to try to scrape it and risk getting it wrong.
Yeah there's two aspects really:
1) If the club are aiming to get just inside the number do we trust them to get the calculations spot on? and
2) Pending the interest hearing we don't even know what the number is

It would be so much more prudent to try to work one more clever PSR deal before the deadline. For example if Newcastle like DCL and we like Minteh there could a deal done that massively helps each club's PSR. Or if we like the young Roma midfielder, would they have an interest in Godfrey?

It would be better to be inside the number than more than we maybe need and have a head start on next year than to try to scrape it and risk getting it wrong.

Someone just needs to say "Everton you need to raise £20m" and then we go and do it. Our accountants are all apprentices I reckon.
Great if so but we'd have to be very confident in the interest hearing going our way to try to sneak just inside the number we need when that number remains subject to change.

I hope we are budgeting for the worst possible outcome rather than hoping for the best.

Good point.

We thought we were ok until the PL questioned a Stadium loan last time out.
