Plus if a player knows he is out of favour, injuries tend to be stretched out in recovery times - makes the media questions easier to deal with i suppose, and whats the rush when they arent gonna be playing anyway...
Either way for 5m and 60-70k pw or something, think it'd be worth the risk, same for Strootman at higher fee and wages ofc
Loads will say they aren't worth the risk, but i remember when the exact same things where said about Reid and Gray when they arrived, and they provided the catalyst to the best side i have ever seen in this league, wihtout those two i doubt we'd have achieved even half of what we did
Sometimes a gamble on a player of top level whose had bad luck with injuries can make all the difference as we all should know.
Remember Payets' injury record being used on here as well as a reason we shouldn't go after him, bet ya West Ham are very glad they decided to