Barry was the only one in the first half that was doing forward passes. They didn't all work but at least he was trying them.Or maybe it's because we didn't have a pensioner swanning around in our engine room hitting sideways passes all the time.
You're talking out of your ass mate.
Howard is crap and needs replacing but you're mental if you think he was even partially at fault for any of those goals.
Clueless mate.
I think you got a good point against a weakened Watford side. If Abdi had been playing, it would have been a walk over for us. As it is, considering our injuries and suspensions I'm not too concerned about a draw away at a bottom half side.
I think you got a good point against a weakened Watford side. If Abdi had been playing, it would have been a walk over for us. As it is, considering our injuries and suspensions I'm not too concerned about a draw away at a bottom half side.
We are not improving on last season guys.
That's it.![]()
Seriously - and I really am not trolling here - don't be disappointed with a draw. We aren't the Watford of years ago. We are at least your equals, and will be surpassing you over the next few seasons. A 2-2 draw at home is creditable for a team like Everton.
Seriously - and I really am not trolling here - don't be disappointed with a draw. We aren't the Watford of years ago. We are at least your equals, and will be surpassing you over the next few seasons. A 2-2 draw at home is creditable for a team like Everton.
We're finishing no where near there with this drossThat's so cute mate.
Let's be realistic for a minute though. You're going to go straight back down and we're going to finish somewhere between 6th and 12th, depending on whether we get any more players in.