He should use Forshaw as his inspriation, a great career choice to move to Brntford and then a couple of £2mil+ transfers and he is playing Premier League football.
For these kids now they either need to stay at lower league clubs a bit longer until they make the first team, Stones, Ali, lookmand for example or if they haven't made a breakthrough at a Premier Legaue club then be prepared to take an early step down. Hang around too long and you end up in your early to mid 20s with barely any football under your belt.
I wonder if the next step for Prmeier clubs is to look at multi year loans for young players? The current short term loan situation is too unstale in my opinion, if a player struggles ealry on then no real incentive for the host club to persevere with them. If you know you have someone for 2 full seasons then they are a much bigger part of your squad than if you have them for 6 months.