I got almost everything right about the war chest claims far in advance of most but I was wrong about the ultimate choice of stadium location I'm delighted to say.
Honest question from me what do u believe now as u seem to have swung back and forth?
From memory, you aggressively attacked anyone who questioned the war chest last summer then seemed to suffer a crisis of faith in Feb when you proclaimed 'it's all smoke and mirrors'.
Ive admitted, I drank the kool aid last summer, im an eternal optimist as far as Everton is concerned, always have been, sorry for that, I refuse to believe that things will always be like this, surely at some point, somethings gotta change, somethings gotta "go" for us, so yep, I swallowed everything I was fed last summer.
Ive also admitted that im a little frustrated with how things are going this window, I dont go back and forth, I change my viewpoint, currently im not swallowing everything, currently im eyeing the whole "project" with a suspicious glance, but I still retain hope that things will change.
Just gets a little bit tiresome when its the same posters time and time again feeding on the misery, telling everybody I TOLD YOU SO, when theres still 12 freaking weeks of the window left. But I will concur and I can only imagine it gets tiresome when people like me say that theres 12 weeks left.
So I will try and refrain from calling out bed wetting and would be lovely if a few people would stop walking around with the "END IS NIGH" placards.
Peace in our time.