I think that's a bit condescending. So you entirely dismiss Lukaku's (possible) beliefs as being inconceivable (and thus 'a wind up') because they do not conform to your paradigms.
Smacks of double standards to me...
Over reaction is the currency of forums unfortunately.It’s almost as if some people are overreacting to his frank and light-hearted comments of yesterday.
Takes one to know one
Agree............that statement about having our own Fab Four thoAll I care about is the part where he said "as long as.im here financial decisions are irrelevant".
He can say what ever else he likes, even chat rubbish to Jim White if he wants to.
I think he's getting a hard time on here. Truth is he's light years ahead of Kenwright.
People seem to have short memories.
All I care about is the part where he said "as long as.im here financial decisions are irrelevant".
He can say what ever else he likes, even chat rubbish to Jim White if he wants to.
fair enough mate. But, as you say, it is merely your "I am of the opinion" interpretation that circumscribes your stance. To pejoratively describe others alternative opinion as "ignorance" is just a little highfalutin, don't you think?You can think what you like but you might want to consider the meaning of the words 'almost certainly' whilst acussing me of 'entirely dismissing' his possible beliefs. Given Lukaku is a practising Catholic ( most people would consider that to be his beliefs), where his family ties are in Africa and previous statements by Mr Moshiri, I am of the opinion that it was unlikely to have been said in seriousness.