Rugby Toffee
Player Valuation: £60m
Nervous, worried and excited at the same time..
Delighted with this news , its everything we as fans have wanted for a very long time.
This guy is very successful in and around the world of finance with a working knowledge of the Premier league.
One thing that we all should be grateful of is this is no "leaverage buyout" I must admit I was dreading a takeover of this type.
There are a few with concerns that he has only purchased 49.9% shares , I'm sure there is a plausible reason for this. Maybe its Bills terms to make sure the new man fulfills his commiment to the club before giving him total control.There has to be a transition period and I'm sure this is why Bill is staying on a while longer.
Ive read Moshiri's wealth to be anything from 1.3 billion to close on 2 billion this coupled with his accumen puts us in very safe hands.
This really is a momentous day for us and the club , really looking forward to see this guy put this club back on the Top Table...its been a long time coming.
MartinezIt's all a bit crazy this, what do we moan about now?
By around 500m, thats enough for 38547555959 Colemans or 15 Bentekes.
We have more money than the RS then????
What a sexy voice, you lucky woman @mrs the esk