He saddled the club with a lot of debt that we're still not clear of and two failed stadium schemes that set us back years.
He virtually did nothing for £37M other than endure a bit of stick on occasion. It's an obscene amount he's walking off with....or rather not walking off with.
Well that's all well and good, but if he is going to be that figure to move us on I think we should be hearing about the plan in full from him. I appreciate it's only just happened, but from initial impressions it sounds to me like this is going to be a BK stage managed production and we'll be kept completely in the dark after a bit of flanneling in the local press.
There is no way a new majority shareholder will allow what exists to remain. Bill as a figurehead, fine, Elstone etc are toast and the club will undergo significant change to reflect the views of the new man. This guy will not just spend millions as the fans would want, but will ensure that any investment is targeted on the things that will improve the business. It will be slow but positive and will give the club direction ........
Say hello to your new God.
He bought shares cheaply and now he's selling them dearly. Nil money into the club.
Is it possible to make the poll votes viewable so we can see which single wum voted 'No'?
I'm sure Bill will milk it like the actor he is, but this guy is in a totally different league to Bill. I'm sure he'll have a business plan, and I'm reasonably sure he'll share some of that publicly in the next few weeks and months.
But I'm equally sure he won't be remotely arsed as to whether his timescales for sharing said detail match your desires for that info.
For once, just try and see the positives in a situation rather than concentrating on any perceived negatives.
so we have new billionaire share holder who has promised to invest and seems to be man with good business witz and some evertnians still dont feel like windmilling with their wangs. everton that.
I liked your post, but to be fair there wouldn't be much of a draught from my windmillso we have new billionaire share holder who has promised to invest and seems to be man with good business witz and some evertnians still dont feel like windmilling with their wangs. everton that.
He bought the shares cheaply because that was how Everton was seen at the time. That was why it was such a big risk. Easy to criticise but none of us would have invested our mortgages in Everton no matter how much we feel for them.
HiSay hello to your new God.