Getting old

As much as I love my two lads I wouldn't have kids if I had my life again, I tell them if they have any sense don't have any kids and live a full life for themselves instead
Each to their own, of course. I've experienced many brilliant things in my life, and perhaps since I've had children it's curtailed the ability to travel and explore.

Yet personally, I take more pleasure from witnessing them thriving and enjoying life than myself. Seeing my children win at sport is more fulfilling than my own.

I want them to have the opportunities in life that I didn't always have.
It's the financial stuff that stresses me out a bit. Not bothered about myself but want to make sure the Mrs is sorted if i go early. She should be fine but want to make sure.
I am lucky that I have had a great life. Rough start in what would be termed a dysfunctional family these days and was quite hard up until I was late 20s. Then started earing good money and really enjoyed it. Big holidays, moved up the property ladder and had nice cars. Put both the kids through Uni at my expense. Now I'm trying to be more sensible (ish).

Having been skint for a long time I have no intention of being poor again which is why I have no intention of retiring any time soon.

No real regrets, could have taken a few more chances here and there but it comes back to the money. I was happy to have a very nice guaranteed income rather than go 'in all' and take a punt on getting rich.
Each to their own, of course. I've experienced many brilliant things in my life, and perhaps since I've had children it's curtailed the ability to travel and explore.

Yet personally, I take more pleasure from witnessing them thriving and enjoying life than myself. Seeing my children win at sport is more fulfilling than my own.

I want them to have the opportunities in life that I didn't always have.
I've realised I'm more of a carer in a way - my cousin had his son recently, love visiting the boy!

The last part - my dad, as often absent as he was, said the same for me (or justified some poor decisions with that lol ), and honestly same! I also don't want to be like him in many ways, or at least how he was years ago when I was growing up. He's now mellowed out and all, and I've not stopped loving him as he is my dad after all, but... man... we've had some rough times.
Each to their own, of course. I've experienced many brilliant things in my life, and perhaps since I've had children it's curtailed the ability to travel and explore.

Yet personally, I take more pleasure from witnessing them thriving and enjoying life than myself. Seeing my children win at sport is more fulfilling than my own.

I want them to have the opportunities in life that I didn't always have.
Mine are grown up and left home now and both doing well. It's true about the saying
"A man's a man till he gets a wife, a daughters a daughter for the rest of your life" .

Threads full of 30 and 40 odd year old kids whinging about getting old. Stop it, get out there and joy life. Then come back to this thread in about 30-40 years and whinge…Another one of my mates died this week, only 69……

Agree. I did that, paying for it a bit now. But would I change anything? No. Like you one of my best mates died at 57. Full NHS final salary pension....never saw a penny of it.
Threads full of 30 and 40 odd year old kids whinging about getting old. Stop it, get out there and joy life. Then come back to this thread in about 30-40 years and whinge…Another one of my mates died this week, only 69……
I think this goes for any age. Enjoy it.
Eat well, drink well, sleep well, most of the time.
Then go out and have fun. Live. Climb a mountain, jump in a lake, flirt with the office hottie, hell, flirt with everyone.
As I get older, mid 40s I realise Im still young. Then I have to remember to enjoy it.
Each to their own, of course. I've experienced many brilliant things in my life, and perhaps since I've had children it's curtailed the ability to travel and explore.

Yet personally, I take more pleasure from witnessing them thriving and enjoying life than myself. Seeing my children win at sport is more fulfilling than my own.

I want them to have the opportunities in life that I didn't always have.
I've worked with so many girls and lads over the years who have said they felt pressured into having a kids when they didn't want to, that's why I said to mine I probably wouldn't have any in another life in case it's how they feel but feel they have to have kids because "Nanny can't wait to mind the grandkids"
Being 30 only seemed like it was a few years ago for me, but it’s been 15+ in reality.

The years are going by so quickly that it actually feels scary. I hope by the time you get into your mid 40’s and beyond, and looking back on this post ( if GOT is still around ), you would of lived your life to fullest, seen places, experienced the world outside your comfort zone efc…. Which was my point on the above post.

I consider myself still young. I’m healthy, my kids are healthy, my family too, have great close friends, but I don’t know….. I wish I’d of done more when I had opportunities instead of sacrificing for others.
second best slip ever...
Threads full of 30 and 40 odd year old kids whinging about getting old. Stop it, get out there and joy life. Then come back to this thread in about 30-40 years and whinge…Another one of my mates died this week, only 69……
I think this goes for any age. Enjoy it.
Eat well, drink well, sleep well, most of the time.
Then go out and have fun. Live. Climb a mountain, jump in a lake, flirt with the office hottie, hell, flirt with everyone.
As I get older, mid 40s I realise Im still young. Then I have to remember to enjoy it.
Years ago it used to puzzle me when the oldies used to say...'you're a long time dead'
Well yeah, daft oldies.
Now I know.

It's the financial stuff that stresses me out a bit. Not bothered about myself but want to make sure the Mrs is sorted if i go early. She should be fine but want to make sure.
I am lucky that I have had a great life. Rough start in what would be termed a dysfunctional family these days and was quite hard up until I was late 20s. Then started earing good money and really enjoyed it. Big holidays, moved up the property ladder and had nice cars. Put both the kids through Uni at my expense. Now I'm trying to be more sensible (ish).

Having been skint for a long time I have no intention of being poor again which is why I have no intention of retiring any time soon.

No real regrets, could have taken a few more chances here and there but it comes back to the money. I was happy to have a very nice guaranteed income rather than go 'in all' and take a punt on getting rich.

Totally agree mate. I have been lucky enough to travel a bit, and meet lot's of diverse people.

Loads of obviously wealthy folk, have been as unhappy and miserable as sin.

Encountered loads of people, living from one pay check to the next, and the nicest, contented people you could wish to meet.

Growing up in Liverpool in the late 60's and 70's was tough, but these experiences now make me appreciate the life I have now.

I will be retiring soon, not able to afford that dockside flat near Bramley Moore, but I will not starve either.
Each to their own, of course. I've experienced many brilliant things in my life, and perhaps since I've had children it's curtailed the ability to travel and explore.

Yet personally, I take more pleasure from witnessing them thriving and enjoying life than myself. Seeing my children win at sport is more fulfilling than my own.

I want them to have the opportunities in life that I didn't always have.
This, 100%!
Ok ok ok not sure where to post this…. But I play football in a lunchtime corporate league every week, and you will never ever believe who turned up to watch the game, and gave the opposition a motivational team talk!!! Im in Sydney too fyi. I was there early and me and two other guys ran over to join the other teams huddle!!

Sir Alex Ferguson.

I swear to god. Pics later!


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