Getting old

The builder is decorating?

Finishing this?
Greatest building in the world that IMO. Mind-blowing doesn't begin to cover it.
Each to their own, of course. I've experienced many brilliant things in my life, and perhaps since I've had children it's curtailed the ability to travel and explore.

Yet personally, I take more pleasure from witnessing them thriving and enjoying life than myself. Seeing my children win at sport is more fulfilling than my own.

I want them to have the opportunities in life that I didn't always have.
Plus if you didn't have kids you couldn't have any grandchildren, which in some ways are even better. We haven't seen our grandson in over a week (I'm currently infected with a virus) and I miss him every minute.
Number 2 on the way next spring, can't wait.
I think this goes for any age. Enjoy it.
Eat well, drink well, sleep well, most of the time.
Then go out and have fun. Live. Climb a mountain, jump in a lake, flirt with the office hottie, hell, flirt with everyone.
As I get older, mid 40s I realise Im still young. Then I have to remember to enjoy it.
Middle age is 65 I think

Posted this in another section a few days ago, but relevant here:

Well, I was with the band until a few weeks ago.
I was in hospital for 6 days from 7th September with sepsis. Blood pressure tanked, and temperature was 43.5. Initially in the 'Resus' section of A&E.
One major health scare at my age was one too many for me, so I told the band I was leaving as I didn't want to put my body under the pressure of 3-hour gigs any longer (which in truth are 6-7 hours in total when one factors in the whole process from initially packing gear into the car to finally getting home and unpacking in the small hours).
Can't complain, as I started gigging in the night clubs of Liverpool in 1969 aged 18 and still at school (CAGS), and am finally ending it now. I've had a good innings, and played many of the venues The Beatles played, including the Cavern. Great memories, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world!
Now I can concentrate on my other favourite pastime - Luftwaffe research.
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Posted this in another section a few days ago, but relevant here:

Well, I was with the band until a few weeks ago.
I was in hospital for 6 days from 7th September with sepsis. Blood pressure tanked, and temperature was 45.5. Initially in the 'Resus' section of A&E.
One major health scare at my age was one too many for me, so I told the band I was leaving as I didn't want to put my body under the pressure of 3-hour gigs any longer (which in truth are 6-7 hours in total when one factors in the whole process from initially packing gear into the car to finally getting home and unpacking in the small hours).
Can't complain, as I started gigging in the night clubs of Liverpool in 1969 aged 18 and still at school (CAGS), and am finally ending it now. I've had a good innings, and played many of the venues The Beatles played, including the Cavern. Great memories, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world!
Now I can concentrate on my other favourite pastime - Luftwaffe research.

Hope everything is fine for you. You’ve had a cracking innings on the music scene……
Posted this in another section a few days ago, but relevant here:

Well, I was with the band until a few weeks ago.
I was in hospital for 6 days from 7th September with sepsis. Blood pressure tanked, and temperature was 45.5. Initially in the 'Resus' section of A&E.
One major health scare at my age was one too many for me, so I told the band I was leaving as I didn't want to put my body under the pressure of 3-hour gigs any longer (which in truth are 6-7 hours in total when one factors in the whole process from initially packing gear into the car to finally getting home and unpacking in the small hours).
Can't complain, as I started gigging in the night clubs of Liverpool in 1969 aged 18 and still at school (CAGS), and am finally ending it now. I've had a good innings, and played many of the venues The Beatles played, including the Cavern. Great memories, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world!
Now I can concentrate on my other favourite pastime - Luftwaffe research.
can you not do smaller gigs, just you and an acoustic? I was in bands years ago and picked it up again recently and wish I could sing so I could do acoustic sessions. Playing in front of people was great as you know, the hassle I agree you can do without. Wont you miss the chicks ???

can you not do smaller gigs, just you and an acoustic? I was in bands years ago and picked it up again recently and wish I could sing so I could do acoustic sessions. Playing in front of people was great as you know, the hassle I agree you can do without. Wont you miss the chicks ???
Nah, I decided I would cut my ties with live gigging completely. I'm going to sell 3 of my 4 Gibson Les Pauls, the Mesa Boogie F-50, and microphones and stands (mic & guitar stands). As I have said, I've had a good run, probably better than most semi-pros given the longevity and places I've played. Just play at home from now on, on my Taylor 314 acoustic and Eko 12-string.
Having kids is ace.
Having grandkids is next level.
Yes and no.

The stress they bring isnt as easy when you get older.

I mean the stress for their wellbeing, as a parent you never switch off, but as your kids grow, they become independent, more aware of danger, safe almost.

Just as you start to relax and BOOM, here we go again.

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