Getting old

I like it tbh. Turned 37 this year and as I get older I feel more and more comfortable with myself and at ease with life. I have a great missus, two lovely cats and a nice house and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Even if it meant I could give away my bit of belly and slightly wonky knee
This shouldn't be understated. I think, as you grow older, you can't be bothered with the hassle of life that many of us once got involved in.

It's the simple things: enjoying time with the wife and children; building a home and feeling genuinely pleased that you're building something together.

I have a few mates who don't have children and/or still try to live the young life; when there's hassle between the group, you can tell they feel aggrieved etc.

I just let it pass me by: why be offended when someone doesn't turn up? Or having a go if someone isn't invited?
Enjoy your last week and birthday mate!

On the plus side some petty things that used to really wind me up when younger don’t now and can genuinely take pleasure in small things, like a fine bloom on a plant or a lovely sunset, that would have pretty much passed me by.
I’ve literally just been in the garden with the missus saying how nice the garden looks and the clear blue sky, never said those words in my life before ??
46 now but still think I can do what I used to in my 20’s. I went for a run the other day up and over the hill/mountain near where i live, 2 days after I spent the day paddle boarding and kayaking … the activities themselves were fine but for 2 days now I’ve been moving like I’ve sh1t myself ?

When you can’t use the peddles on the car, the day after a run, due how sore your legs are, that’s when you know you’ve over done things lol
Best thing about getting older is you realise what's really important.

  • Trying to impress people is a waste of time and completely pointless. (Unless it's Salma Hayek)
  • Don't do a job you hate, you're only making your boss richer.
  • Learn to say no, even to good friends
  • Get comfortable doing nothing productive without a pang of guilt.
  • It costs virtually nothing to enjoy yourself (I don't mean having a tug either)
I'm 50. I wish I'd realised all the above 20 years ago.
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Best thing about getting older is you realise what's really important.

  • Trying to impress people is a waste of time and completely pointless. (Unless it's Salma Hayek)
  • Don't do a job you hate, you're only making your boss richer.
  • Learn to say no, even to good friends
  • Get comfortable doing nothing productive without a pang of guilt.
  • It costs virtually nothing to enjoy yourself (I don't mean having a tug either)
I'm 50, I wish I realised all the above 20 years ago.

….quite happy having Dolly Parton next to Southside Johnny on your playlist.
I like it tbh. Turned 37 this year and as I get older I feel more and more comfortable with myself and at ease with life. I have a great missus, two lovely cats and a nice house and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Even if it meant I could give away my bit of belly and slightly wonky knee
37? GET OUT.

But yeah, the not giving a crap about anything is great and you really do appreciate the little things more, like family.
Best thing about getting older is you realise what's really important.

  • Trying to impress people is a waste of time and completely pointless. (Unless it's Salma Hayek)
  • Don't do a job you hate, you're only making your boss richer.
  • Learn to say no, even to good friends
  • Get comfortable doing nothing productive without a pang of guilt.
  • It costs virtually nothing to enjoy yourself (I don't mean having a tug either)
I'm 50. I wish I'd realised all the above 20 years ago.
At home my mrs gets right on my tits at times, every time I sit down during the day she walks past and makes little huffing noises… it’s as if I’m not allowed to sit down at all and should be constantly doing something.. caused me end of arguments here… now every time she huffs I make a point of kicking my shoes off and lying on the sofa staring at the tv
46 now but still think I can do what I used to in my 20’s. I went for a run the other day up and over the hill/mountain near where i live, 2 days after I spent the day paddle boarding and kayaking … the activities themselves were fine but for 2 days now I’ve been moving like I’ve sh1t myself ?
Did some Kayaking for the first time in 25 years last week. Accross a couple of miles of open sea to an island off Turkey, up the coast for lunch and then back over a narrow channel and back down the home leg. Probably about 5 miles broken into 3 chunks over about 7 hours. Easy! (so I thought)

Got back to the hotel and after about an hour I was in absolute agony. The Mrs was fast asleep after essentially being a passenger in said Kayak and causing absolute fume whenever she put her arm and gopro in the water causing us to turn. She'd throw in the occasional token paddle now and again. lol

Anyway, I had to give up sleeping and just paced the hotel for a couple of hours shaking my arms like a knobhead. Eventually managed to nod off after a couple of pints and two brufen.

46 now but still think I can do what I used to in my 20’s. I went for a run the other day up and over the hill/mountain near where i live, 2 days after I spent the day paddle boarding and kayaking … the activities themselves were fine but for 2 days now I’ve been moving like I’ve sh1t myself ?

Having run those hills at the back of yours, I can fully understand how stiff you are lol
At home my mrs gets right on my tits at times, every time I sit down during the day she walks past and makes little huffing noises… it’s as if I’m not allowed to sit down at all and should be constantly doing something.. caused me end of arguments here… now every time she huffs I make a point of kicking my shoes off and lying on the sofa staring at the tv
Luckily mine isn't too bothered when I just fancy a bit of telly or PlayStation. (yes, even at 50)

I pull my weight when needed around the place and I never grumble when she does her own thing.

A peaceful coexistence with your partner is essential.
Luckily mine isn't too bothered when I just fancy a bit of telly or PlayStation. (yes, even at 50)

I pull my weight when needed around the place and I never grumble when she does her own thing.

A peaceful coexistence with your partner is essential.
Same here, me and the missus are miles apart, she does the things she likes and I do the same and whilst I cant speak for her, it works out great for us.
Taking your point slightly off on a tangent, you'd see the girls walking around town in weather that was actually freezing with hardly anything on.

How people didn't get hyperthermia is beyond me; I walked home once down Park Road to Aigburth Road in the snow in a shirt and pants - felt like I'd died.

Now, I take a coat whereever I go.
Did the same - usually when I had spent the taxi money on a Chinese! Was never scared. Once it was thick fog, no taxis to be had. We had been in Eric's. Walked home. Thought nothing of it.

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