Alright Lids ... I started a strength and conditioning class 6 months ago which turned into a powerlifting class.. So I've basically been lifting heavy and eating which is not what ideally wanted to do. So I'm 94kg now I'm away from lifting and want to lose the weight I've put on.. The lifting got me stronger but zero fitness! Just joined a normal gym.. And looking for a new routine to help me slim down and lose timber..getting alot of conflicting advise.. still weight train and little cardio but lower my calorie intake ? Idealy due to time and commitments I was thinking a couple of runs a week and a HIT class might do the job ? Any advice?
Could you use your cardio as your means of getting places? Cycle or run to/from your weight sessions. Walk places instead of driving. Little bits here and there will help. Look at your diet too, and maybe try taking a food diary so you know what you're eating. You don't need to be big to be strong.