Etihad,Arabnet,Etisalat,Abu Dhabi Tourism,Aabar is more like 90% of your commercial revenues and around 60-70% of your entire turnover,your matchday revenue is skewed on the fact those 1000's of empty seats we see at your ground on tv are bought by your owners and classed as sold to boost your matchday revenue to improve your FFP standing.
Your Nike deal is only 13 million pound a year when bigger clubs have deals 5 to 10 times bigger per year showing outside of your owners you're not really a big draw outside Abu dhabi for commercial deals as your club for standing is mid tier.
To say your entire turnover is only 13% from abu dhabi is simply laughable,you and PSG are state funded with owner linked companies that have added about 300 million to both your turnovers,both of your clubs are still for worldwide fanbases no where near the big clubs but somehow both your turnovers are bigger than established clubs except bayern United barca and real madrid.
I am expecting your abu dhabi tourism board commercial deal to be on par with PSG's qatar tourism board which is 100 million Euroes a year (it was originally 200 million euros but UEFA halved it).