Here is my rant about James
I am so disappointed on this dude. I felt like he always got an exaggerated bad rep, even if there was some truth to it. The good old he doesn’t run, he is a diva, he is a luxury player, etc. I always felt that while there was some truth to it, it was good old stereotypes because the dude performed on the field
but this last year has been a horror movie for this dude. He takes the last few weeks of the season off thinking about Colombia and Copa America and I thought that when he got sent home packing, he would wake up. He would go train and prove people wrong
instead he spent the summer working his social media. He met with celebrities and was traveling in the u.s posting pics everywhere.
Dude just doesn’t get it. You are not interesting. You are not cool. You are not a good talker. Nobody cares about your opinions in anything. You are famous because you can be good at football when your arse is up to it. Once that stops, your fan base will disappear. You will get old and the girls will find some other good looking celebrity to drool about. Get your [Poor language removed] together or just retire so we can all move on with our lives both as an Everton and Colombia fan
end rant